Los Angeles Times

A trump card for the Democrats


Re “No more ‘blue slip’ vetoes,” editorial, Oct. 1

The Times Editorial Board believes Democrats should be the ones to take the high road and do away with the “blue slip” vetoes by senators of the president’s judicial nomination­s.

The Democrats will never defeat the Republican­s until they start fighting like Republican­s. The theft of the Supreme Court seat President Obama sought to fill with Merrick Garland changed the balance of the court for the foreseeabl­e future.

It was an act so heinous that Democrats should never, ever give an inch to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. Mark Chipman

San Diego

This editorial is appalling and irresponsi­ble.

At a time when we are governed by a president who has no respect for the free press or the rule of law, the Los Angeles Times and every other news outlet has a moral responsibi­lity to resist the Trump administra­tion and its lackeys in Congress.

In addition, Senate Democrats are under no obligation to operate under business as usual when Trump seeks to pack the federal courts with judges who will serve as a rubber stamp for his hateful agenda.

The “blue slip” process, allowing senators from the home state of a judicial nominee effectivel­y to veto the president’s choice, is an important check on the power of Trump and McConnell. It should be cherished and preserved, not trashed. Joshua Steele

Studio City

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