Los Angeles Times

Unpresiden­tial in Puerto Rico

Re “Trump gives praise in Puerto Rico,” Oct. 4


I just couldn’t believe my eyes and ears watching President Trump in Puerto Rico on Tuesday.

How dare he blame those American citizens for costing the government too much money? Wasn’t it the hurricane that did that? And throwing out paper towels to the crowd — how demeaning! He actually congratula­ted Puerto Ricans for having only 16 deaths!

When will his base wake up? Joan Flack

Palm Springs

Let me share with Trump some advice that I received from my wife: Don’t tell jokes or try to be funny. People are more likely to be offended than to be amused.

Telling Puerto Ricans that they’ve “thrown our budget a little out of whack” or that they should be happy that there have only been 16 deaths (a figure that was not updated for days and will surely rise), or comparing their suffering to what was inflicted on the Hurricane Katrina victims, is unlikely to draw laughter, amusement or support. Jonathan Greenspan

Westlake Village

Your reporting seems to promote a one-sided agenda.

In Sunday’s paper, there was a front-page article that bashed Trump right up until the last paragraphs. Finally, at the end of the lengthy piece, it was stated that Puerto Rico Gov. Ricardo Rossello noted that the president and his administra­tion have done everything they can and what he has asked them to do.

You refuse to give the president coverage when he does something good. Why does your paper allow this type of reporting? Rosalie Hines

San Clemente

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