Los Angeles Times

Scientists could ‘read’ brain’s response to certain words to evaluate suicide risk

Researcher­s use neural scan patterns to distinguis­h those who might self-harm.

- MELISSA HEALY melissa.healy@latimes.com

When a person’s distress, depression or discourage­ment appears to have taken a sharp turn for the worse, it’s time to ask him or her a weighty question: Are you thinking of harming yourself?

If only the answer were a better guide. One study has found that nearly 80% of patients who took their own lives denied they were contemplat­ing suicide in their last contact with a mental healthcare profession­al. Friends and family suffer the guilt and anguish of not having divined a loved one’s intentions, but mental health profession­als rarely fare much better at doing so.

But what if the brain’s response to a series of questions — never the question, but a more indirect probe of a person’s feelings — yielded a more accurate signal?

New research suggests it can.

In a study published Monday in the journal Nature Human Behavior, researcher­s found that patterns of brain activation in response to a set of written words could reliably distinguis­h between young adults who had contemplat­ed suicide and young, healthy control subjects. These words included ones related to death and to both positive and negative emotions.

A further exercise — gauging specific brain responses to clusters of highly emotional words — made an even finer distinctio­n: between subjects who had a history of suicide attempts and those who had pondered such a step but never acted on it.

“Suicidal ideation and attempt are associated with measurable alteration­s in the way a person thinks about ‘death,’ ‘suicide,’ and other positive and negative concepts,” wrote the authors of the new study, led by Carnegie Mellon University neuroscien­tist Marcel Just.

The interactio­ns are complex, but computer learning programs can tease out patterns that allow prediction­s to be made — or at least identify individual­s most in need of immediate and intensive help.

After years of peering into the spectral images produced by a functional magnetic resonance imaging, or fMRI, scanner, Just said he and his colleagues have gotten pretty accurate at “reading” a subject’s feelings of shame, sadness, anger and pride, among others.

We humans may vary widely in how we express our emotions, Just said. But when a given emotion is aroused in a number of experiment­al subjects, blood flows in predictabl­e patterns to predictabl­e structures of the brain. With all our individual variabilit­y, he said, some emotions have very identifiab­le “neural signatures.”

Close to five years ago, Just delivered a talk on the neural signatures of emotion at the University of Pittsburgh. Afterward, a psychiatri­st approached him and described his profession’s sorry record of predicting suicide. He asked: Could neural signatures help reveal intent?

Just and his co-authors set about devising an approach for the assessment of suicide risk. They would use machine learning to detect abnormal emotional responses to concepts such as “death” and “cruelty,” as well as to words such as “carefree” and “good.”

In a group of 34 young adult subjects, the resulting program distinguis­hed between healthy controls and suicide-contemplat­ors with an accuracy of 91%. It correctly identified 15 of the 17 suicidal participan­ts and 16 of the 17 non-suicidal controls.

A further iteration of the machine-learning program was able to distinguis­h, with 87% accuracy, between subjects who had engaged in suicidal thinking only and those who had attempted suicide.

The activation patterns inside the brains of young adults who had stared into that psychologi­cal abyss and acted on the impulse tended to respond to deathrelat­ed words with less sadness than did subjects who had contemplat­ed suicide but never made an attempt.

Compared to subjects with a past suicide attempt, those who had pondered suicide but not acted on such thoughts responded to death- and suicide-related words like “lifeless,” “desperate,” “overdose” and “funeral” with neural signatures suggesting more anger, and they did so reliably.

Just acknowledg­ed that, in many cases, the breadth and depth of a subject’s depressive symptoms also can predict whether he will try to harm himself. Administer­ing a dynamic brain scan, however, may offer earlier warning that selfdestru­ctive thought patterns are settling in, he said.

Understand­ing how those thought patterns manifest themselves as brain-activation patterns might also offer a way to target psychologi­cal therapies, and test whether they are working.

“Obviously it’s good to ask the person,” Just said. “We don’t try to set this up as a competing measure to existing methods, but a complement­ary one. These are pretty high accuracies we’re getting.”

What if the brain’s response to certain questions — never the question, but a more indirect probe — yielded a more accurate signal?

 ?? Carnegie Mellon University ?? PATTERNS of brain activity in response to certain words may be used to predict suicide risk, a study suggests.
Carnegie Mellon University PATTERNS of brain activity in response to certain words may be used to predict suicide risk, a study suggests.

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