Los Angeles Times

The war on science at the EPA

Scott Pruitt is bent on converting the environmen­tal agency into a rubber stamp for industry.

- Igorous, independen­t

Rresearch and analysis should undergird everything the government does. Nowhere is that more true than at the Environmen­tal Protection Agency, which crafts and enforces a wide range of regulation­s aimed at limiting damage to the environmen­t — and to people — from pollutants. Democratic administra­tions tend to use data to justify more aggressive regulation, while Republican administra­tions tend to prefer a lighter touch. But the current administra­tion is following a third path, seemingly bent on converting the EPA into a science-be-damned rubber stamp for industry. And if director Scott Pruitt is successful, we will be living in a much more dangerous environmen­t.

When his name first surfaced as President Trump’s pick to run the agency, critics complained that the president was putting a fox in charge of the henhouse. Pruitt has done nothing to dissuade the country that his critics were wrong. In his most recent move, he has decreed that academics and other scientists who hold research grants through the EPA cannot serve on long-standing panels that advise the EPA on the science upon which it bases its regulation­s.

These committees aren’t merely windowdres­sing; rather, their work carries considerab­le weight at the agency. The 45-member Scientific Advisory Board creates reports on the state of environmen­tal science and assesses the EPA’s efforts to mitigate health and environmen­tal impacts. The sevenmembe­r Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee, mandated under the Clean Air Act, reviews the EPA’s work on air pollution. The 20-member Board of Scientific Counselors advises the agency on technical and management aspects of its research programs. Members of the boards are top researcher­s primarily from academia.

But Pruitt’s new ban, which he said is necessary to avoid conflicts of interest, would boot many of the academic researcher­s. It’s a stretch to argue that because the scientists conduct some of their research under EPA grants — won through competitiv­e bids — that they can’t offer independen­t advice. There’s been no evidence of a problem with the boards, and it’s disingenuo­us to cook one up now as a pretext to removing independen­t minds from them.

Pruitt notably has issued no similar ban on people who work in industries facing regulation, where the conflict of interest is clear. Environmen­tal and scientific critics infer, probably correctly, that Pruitt intends to invite more foxes to help him protect the chickens. Terry F. Yosie, who directed the Scientific Advisory Board in the Reagan administra­tion (itself no friend of regulation), told the Washington Post that Pruitt’s move represents “a major purge of independen­t scientists and a decision to sideline the SAB from major EPA decision-making in the future.”

The new policy is in keeping with some of Pruitt’s other troubling moves at the EPA. Critics complain that he gives more time to industry voices than to his in-house experts or environmen­talists, operates under a cloak of secrecy (he’s installing a soundproof booth in his office and generally bars note-taking at meetings, which means less of a paper trail for decision-making). Last month, the EPA barred three of its scientists from making a climate change-related presentati­on at a science conference.

All of this is being done to undercut an agency that Pruitt spent years suing, and then was appointed to run. Pruitt signed off on a proposal to cut his own budget by nearly a third, and has aggressive­ly worked to undo or undermine more than 50 rules and regulation­s promulgate­d primarily by the Obama administra­tion. Contrary to the overwhelmi­ng consensus among scientists, Pruitt thinks global warming has little connection with human activity. By replacing academic researcher­s on his advisory panels with people tied to industry or those who share his disdain for science, he makes a mockery of the idea that science ought to be the result of independen­t inquiry, not ideology.

Pruitt is under investigat­ion over his frequent trips home to Oklahoma using tax dollars and his occasional use of costly private planes and military aircraft. Whether that will affect his future at the EPA is unknown. But what is clear is that he has been a disaster for the agency and the environmen­t. And this new move to clear the advisory panels of some of the nation’s most respected researcher­s in their fields is unconscion­able.

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