Los Angeles Times

‘A wicked dilemma’

With catastroph­ic fires striking more often, experts warn against rushing to rebuild in high-risk areas

- By Doug Smith

After a destructiv­e wildfire swept from Calabasas to Malibu in 1993, the head of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservanc­y stood on a mountainto­p on live TV and made a radical proposal.

He called for a “threestrik­es” rule to limit the number of times recovery funds could be spent to help rebuild a home destroyed by wildfire.

Today, Joseph T. Edmiston is still wincing from the blowback. But he hasn’t backed down. Just the opposite.

“I think two strikes is enough and they ought to be bought out,” Edmiston said, after spending three days coordinati­ng the conservanc­y’s crews on the Skirball, Rye and Creek fires.

He’s not alone. With the frequency and cost of catastroph­ic wildfires climbing in California, the idea of compensati­ng property owners to not rebuild — or using economic pressure to discourage them from building in the first place — is gaining supporters among those searching for ways to cut wildfire losses.

The state has seen its most destructiv­e wildfire year in its history, with more than 15,000 structures damaged or destroyed and more than 45 people killed. Researcher­s warn that 2017 is a sign of what’s to come as the effects of a warming climate and unchecked wildlands developmen­t converge.

“I think what’s next is that every mayor, every town council and city planning board has to take this really seriously,” said Char Miller, professor of environmen­tal analysis at Pomona College.

“I would tell a zoning commission in Claremont or wherever, ‘Buy up the land before it gets built. And if a fire comes through, buy up the land so it won’t burn again.’ ”

The question of rebuilding is emotionall­y and politicall­y fraught. Proximity to nature, beautiful views and remoteness draw people to the wildlands where builders have obtained permits to place houses in areas with high susceptibi­lity to fire. Some of the neighborho­ods that burned this year had experience­d fire before when there was less developmen­t. Houses rebuilt there will soon be at risk again from a fire cycle that experts say is shortening from decades to only years.

But as thousands of property owners deal with the loss of homes and possession­s, their ordeal also highlights the moral impediment to asking them to surrender their land.

“I think that is an incredibly insensitiv­e and impractica­l suggestion,” said Tennis Wick, director of the Permit and Resource Management Department in Sonoma County, where the Tubbs fire this fall took thousands of homes. “We are respecting people’s property rights, and we will be doing everything possible to help people get back into their properties as soon as possible.”

The department has set up special permitting counters to expedite rebuilding.

“Earthquake, fire, flood and landslide — that’s the reality of developmen­t in California,” Wick said. “We have to measure risk and mitigate it as best we can.” New homes will be far more resistant to fire than the ones they’ll replace, many dating to the postwar building boom, he said.

“It’s a wicked dilemma, for sure,” said Donald Falk, fire specialist with the University of Arizona’s School of Natural Resources and the Environmen­t. “We at least like to think that we take care of people who have been exposed to disaster. Does that compassion lead us to simply do the same dance over and over again?”

Underlying the dilemma is the difficulty of predicting the likelihood that any particular property will be struck more than once by fire. Across Southern California, wide areas where developmen­t meets the mountains are potentiall­y in the path of fire.

“In determinin­g how or why or when homes should be rebuilt after a fire, it helps to have science on where homes should or shouldn’t be placed,” said Alexandra Syphard, senior research scientist at the nonprofit Conservati­on Biology Institute. “The science isn’t fully there yet.”

The current standard for fire prediction is embodied in maps produced during the 2000s by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

Largely based on vegetation and topography, the maps cover broad swaths of the state with gradations from moderate to very high fire hazard. In light of experience showing that windblown embers can carry fire into suburban areas, Cal Fire plans to revise the maps next year and will probably include even more neighborho­ods.

New homes and those being remodeled in very high fire zones must incorporat­e fire-resistant constructi­on practices such as ember-repelling attic vents and enclosed eaves.

But the areas designated as very high hazard are so extensive — encompassi­ng half a million households in Southern California alone — that they have little value for zoning decisions or pinpointin­g particular houses or neighborho­ods for more aggressive prevention, such as mandatory retrofits.

Syphard and other researcher­s tackled that problem with a statistica­l model published by the journal PLOS One in 2012.

Evaluating risk

Using variables such as the configurat­ion of housing clusters and the number of past fires, the researcher­s were able to map small fireprone areas with more accuracy than the state’s fuelbased model.

That promises the potential to support better landuse decisions.

The study concluded that property loss was most likely in neighborho­ods with low to intermedia­te densities and in areas with a history of frequent fire.

But widening the analysis to the whole state remains a challenge, Syphard said, partly because the variables won’t necessaril­y work the same everywhere. One — the distance from the coast — had the opposite effect in the two areas studied, the Santa Monica Mountains and San Diego County.

But the science is getting better, she said.

“To those naysayers who say, ‘Land-use reform is impossible, just fireproof your home,’ I don’t think it is impossible,” Syphard said. “It’s a question of where to place the incentive. How do you do it fairly? How do you include the science?”

Syphard is now co-leading a two-year project sponsored by the National Science Foundation to examine how fire recovery can be used to increase resiliency in fire-prone areas.

Among the goals, she said, is to construct a nationwide database of post-fire rebuilding: “Are homes rebuilt? What proportion are? Are they sold to new owners, rebuilt by same owners?”

Preemptive purchase of land or developmen­t rights in fire-prone areas, whether before or after a fire, is one recommenda­tion of a 2014 white paper published by Headwaters Economics, a Montana nonprofit research group that focuses on land management. Funds could come from the federal Land and Water Conservati­on Fund or local bond elections, it said.

The key is weighing the cost of protecting homes against the value of the property. Northern California’s Sierra foothills showed promise, Headwaters executive director Ray Rasker said.

“We looked at some fires that cost $700,000 per home,” Rasker said. “Pretty soon you look at the situation where it would have been cheaper to just buy the open space.”

Like most critics of current practices, though, Rasker sees land buyouts as only secondary to a more urgent effort to discourage new developmen­t in fireprone areas.

The Headwaters report found that only about 16% of what is called the wildlandur­ban interface has been developed in the West, leaving room for huge increases in fire vulnerabil­ity if local planning boards continue to approve developmen­ts there.

“They’re the ones who decide where the houses are going to go,” Rasker said. “When things go wrong, there is somebody else who has to pay for it, state agencies, federal agencies and the firefighte­rs who put their lives on the line.”

Rasker proposes that federal and state agencies push more of the cost for fire suppressio­n and recovery to local agencies.

“When there is a significan­t financial consequenc­e to permitting homes in dangerous places, that’s the day we’ll see much better landuse planning,” Rasker said.

Local responsibi­lity

Richard Halsey, director of the California Chaparral Institute, advocates holding local agencies financiall­y responsibl­e for fire losses of developmen­ts they approved. They should pay for all costs not covered by insurance and, if the owner rebuilds, all fire safety features, including exterior sprinkler systems.

“This also includes the price of the property at fair market value if the owner wants to leave,” Halsey said.

The nexus between fire hazard and economic pressures has been framed as a socioecono­mic principle by Gregory L. Simon, professor in the University of Colorado at Denver’s department of geography and environmen­tal sciences.

“We take profit from the landscape, big constructi­on contracts, cities generating massive amounts of tax revenue,” Simon said. “Simultaneo­usly to generating profits, we’re generating risk and vulnerabil­ity.”

He favors methods to reverse the economic pressure, “everything from taking tracts of land at the urban periphery out of developmen­t, conservati­on easements. It might mean promoting higher insurance rates for homes built in highrisk areas such that the demand would go down.”

Mandatory homeowner fire protection fees, such as those instituted in Oakland after the 1991 Tunnel fire, are also helpful, Simon said.

‘Is that fair?’

Any policies to increase the cost of living in fireprone areas would, of course, have side effects, heightenin­g the moral dilemma, Falk, the University of Arizona fire specialist, said.

“Let’s realize what that means: People who are more affluent will still build their house where they want to. Middle-class people will be priced out of that market. We have to say, ‘Is that fair?’ ”

From what he sees in the Santa Monica Mountains, conservanc­y head Edmiston says that’s already happened.

Edmiston said he has tallied 531 proposed new housing units being considered by the cities of Los Angeles and Calabasas in very high fire hazard zones in the Santa Monica Mountains.

“We’re not talking about low income,” Edmiston said. “We’re talking about $1.5-million-plus homes.”

He proposes a linkage between the right to build and the inevitable cost of firefighti­ng and recovery.

As a condition of approval, he said, the developer should establish a mechanism to require purchasers to pay for any increased fire protection that the property will require.

“We’re talking about the climate change paradigm of the Santa Monica Mountains,” Edmiston said. “We’ve got to protect ourselves so that the rest of the city and the rest of the county don’t have to pay for putting these multimilli­ondollar houses right next to the risk.”

 ?? Marcus Yam Los Angeles Times ?? A HOME in the hills of Montecito, Calif., is left gutted by the Thomas fire Sunday as the blaze threatened coastal communitie­s near Santa Barbara. The state has seen its most destructiv­e wildfire year in its history.
Marcus Yam Los Angeles Times A HOME in the hills of Montecito, Calif., is left gutted by the Thomas fire Sunday as the blaze threatened coastal communitie­s near Santa Barbara. The state has seen its most destructiv­e wildfire year in its history.
 ?? Christina House Los Angeles Times ?? BURBANK firefighte­rs salute the funeral procession for Cal Fire engineer Cory Iverson on Sunday, three days after he was killed fighting the Thomas fire.
Christina House Los Angeles Times BURBANK firefighte­rs salute the funeral procession for Cal Fire engineer Cory Iverson on Sunday, three days after he was killed fighting the Thomas fire.
 ?? Photograph­s by Marcus Yam Los Angeles Times ?? EXPERTS say the fire cycle is shortening from decades to years in areas susceptibl­e to blazes. Above, a home burns Dec. 5 in Ventura.
Photograph­s by Marcus Yam Los Angeles Times EXPERTS say the fire cycle is shortening from decades to years in areas susceptibl­e to blazes. Above, a home burns Dec. 5 in Ventura.
 ??  ?? SOME experts advocate financial consequenc­es for local planning agencies that permit homes in high-risk fire zones. In Santa Rosa’s Coffey Park housing subdivisio­n, above, entire blocks burned to the ground in October.
SOME experts advocate financial consequenc­es for local planning agencies that permit homes in high-risk fire zones. In Santa Rosa’s Coffey Park housing subdivisio­n, above, entire blocks burned to the ground in October.
 ??  ?? FIREFIGHTE­RS douse a smoldering home Sunday in Montecito. Researcher­s are examining how to better evaluate the fire risk of certain areas and use those findings to influence land-use reform in fire-prone zones.
FIREFIGHTE­RS douse a smoldering home Sunday in Montecito. Researcher­s are examining how to better evaluate the fire risk of certain areas and use those findings to influence land-use reform in fire-prone zones.

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