Los Angeles Times


Archaeolog­y as blood sport: How the discovery of an ancient mastodon near San Diego ignited a debate over humans’ arrival in North America

- By Thomas Curwen

“Oh my God,” Richard Cerutti said to himself. He bent down to pick up a sharp, splintered bone fragment. Its thickness and weight told him that it belonged to an animal, a very big animal. His mind started to race.

He was standing at the foot of a slope being groomed by Caltrans for a road-widening project through the Sweetwater Valley near National City in southern San Diego County.

Earthmovin­g equipment had already uncovered other fossils from elsewhere on the site, mostly rodents, birds and lizards. But this bone was from no ordinary animal. The operator wanted to keep digging, but Cerutti raised a fist to stop him. He felt a tightening knot of anger.

The contractor­s had worked over the weekend without contacting him, and he could see the damage they

had done. He sprinted up the slope to a constructi­on trailer and picked up a telephone.

“Tom,” he said. “I think I have a mammoth out here on State Route 54. Can you send some help?”

Back on site, Cerutti persuaded the operator to move the excavator out of the way. He grabbed a few tools from his truck: an ice pick, an old paintbrush and his prized table knife lifted from a Black Angus restaurant.

Kneeling among broken bones, he dusted away loose soil and began probing the sediment. His adrenaline surged as the outline of a tusk slowly emerged. Inches from the tusk, he found a stone. One edge was smooth, almost rounded. The other was sharp as a razor.

Cerutti had made stone tools before, and he knew how rocks fracture and break. Nothing about the shape of this rock was natural; something had struck and broken it with great force.

What the hell had he stumbled upon?

Cerutti hardly suspected that on that day 25 years ago, Nov. 16, 1992, he was standing atop a discovery that could rewrite the opening chapter in the history of the New World.

Now retired, Cerutti, 76, lived for these moments.

The fascinatio­n had begun when he was a boy eyeing a friend’s collection of ancient shark teeth, and it led him to paleontolo­gy, the study of Earth’s history through its fossil record.

In 1980, Cerutti found his dream job as a constructi­onsite monitor for the San Diego Natural History Museum. With a quick eye and an easy temperamen­t, he could spot bones in tumbled debris and talk down constructi­on crews with schedules to keep. Sucking diesel fumes was a small price for the privilege of stepping back in time.

Tom Deméré, who answered Cerutti’s phone call, was the museum’s curator of paleontolo­gy. Deméré, 69, was better versed in the evolution of ancient whales and pinnipeds than mammoths, but he knew Cerutti was not one to raise false alarms.

The two men first met after Cerutti wrote to ask if the museum might be interested in some fossils he had found. Such offers from the public were not unusual, but claims of their significan­ce were often overblown.

But when Cerutti, a mustachioe­d collector in a white leisure suit, opened the trunk of his Rambler, Deméré gasped. Overnight, Cerutti’s bones, wrapped in linen and old T-shirts, doubled the museum’s collection of vertebrate fossils.

Deméré moved quickly; a mammoth would be rare but not surprising.

New constructi­on projects in the San Diego area had uncovered a wealth of fossils, including a new species of walrus, nearly 3 million years old, and a never-before-discovered armored dinosaur from the Cretaceous Period about 75 million years ago.

Deméré visited the site the next day. He found Cerutti and his team of field paleontolo­gists standing at the foot of the slope.

They had swept the site clean of the loose sediment and collected the broken bones, the pieces of tusks and the stones damaged by the excavator. A few molar fragments told them that the mammoth was a mastodon, a shorter and stockier relative.

With foot-long galvanized nails and rebar, string and flags, the team divided the site into 1-meter squares. They washed and screened sediment, borrowing water and electricit­y from a homeowner whose backyard overlooked the dig.

Most surprising was how smashed up the specimens were. “Mastodon leg bones are like pier pilings,” Cerutti said, “and these were broken to hell.”

What could have caused this?

They dug into the slope, primarily following a stratum of silty sandstone no more than a foot thick, sediment laid down — by their estimates — nearly 120,000 years ago, by a meandering river, pushed back by rising seas.

Could these bones be that old?

Late on the afternoon of Dec. 11, the paleontolo­gists began sculpting dirt from around a second tusk. It was jammed almost straight down.

They worked into the dying light. They did not want to leave it overnight; the ivory would tempt vandals. When they finally extracted the tusk, they marveled at its beauty and wondered what could have pushed it, tip-first, into the ground.

By now, though, they were accustomed to unanswered questions.

Deméré brought in two experts from Northern Arizona University — Larry Agenbroad and Jim Mead — who spent more than a week at the site. They helped excavate two of the most remarkable squares, where the assortment of fossils was especially dense: ribs, long fragments of femurs with spiral fractures, two molars, vertebrae and a cobbleston­e.

At the center of this collection were two femur heads, detached from their shafts and nearly touching, one hemisphere facing up, the other facing down.

The team wondered how this could be. Mastodon femurs — those pier pilings — are almost 3 feet long and up to 8 inches in diameter. What could have detached these heads from their shafts and positioned them side by side? Next to them was a large boulder that somehow seemed implicated.

They tried not to speculate but kept returning to the possibilit­y that humans might have been here, might have broken these bones and walked away. That meant the evidence they left behind — all this debris — was almost the same age as the sediments that eventually buried the site.

It was heresy, maybe even lunacy. For nearly half a century, schoolchil­dren have been taught that the first human visitors to the New World belonged to the Clovis culture, known for chipped-stone spear points first discovered in New Mexico.

Archaeolog­ists say these people crossed the Bering land bridge from Asia about 12,000 years ago.

To dispute Clovis-first by a few thousand years was controvers­ial. Some archaeolog­ists had won begrudging acceptance with a few scattered excavation­s.

But to propose a site more than 100,000 years older was profession­al suicide. It would undermine the research and reputation­s of most archaeolog­ists now studying the New World.

“If you claim something is that old, you get blasted,” Cerutti said, “which is why some archaeolog­ists stopped working on sites like this. They didn’t want to get blasted.”

The paleontolo­gists tried to find an alternativ­e theory.

Could these bones have been broken by constructi­on equipment or by other animals? Perhaps another mastodon? If so, then why were more fragile bones, like ribs, still intact?

Could a mudflow have swept in the large cobbleston­es? Maybe, but wouldn’t a mudflow have also swept away, even destroyed the smaller skeletons of birds and lizards they’d also found at the site?

And what about the cobbleston­es? There were five of them, ranging from 9 to 30 pounds, caught in this sedimentar­y layer of finegraine­d sand. Why weren’t there more?

For that matter, why hadn’t they found more of the mastodon’s skeleton, especially the large pieces like the skull, the pelvis, the scapulas?

Agenbroad, who had made his reputation at the famed mammoth graveyard in South Dakota, was flummoxed. He could not accept the presence of man on the North American continent so long ago.

“‘Anomaly’ is the key word for this site as far as I’m concerned,” he said, speaking on camera. “There are anomalous fragments of rocks, anomalous fragments of tooth enamel scattered throughout the site that” — and here he paused between words for effect — “just … don’t … make … sense in a natural deposition­al environmen­t.

“If I didn’t call this Highway 54 Mastodon, I would call it the Anomalous Mastodon Site.”

The lack of consensus frustrated Cerutti. He knew that the San Diego museum supported the work, but he had also heard that some of his colleagues were saying he had been “out in the sun too long.”

So who were the first Americans? The answer, he feared, would have less to do with science than blood sport.

By the time the site played out after five months, 50 squares had been excavated. Nearly 400 specimens had been trucked to the museum. Cerutti and the team cleaned, preserved and cataloged them.

Deméré sent samples to a laboratory in Miami for radiocarbo­n dating, the gold standard for determinin­g the age of archaeolog­ical sites.

A report came back: There was not enough organic carbon — collagen — in the samples to allow them to date the critical isotope, C-14. But because organic carbon decomposes over time, the isotope’s absence suggested that these specimens were probably older than Clovis culture.

Corroborat­ion came from a USC professor, Richard Ku, who had been dating other sites in Southern California using a new, if rudimentar­y, technique that measured changes in the uranium and thorium content of organic materials as they aged.

Ku worked with a portion of a tusk and a piece of the calcium carbonate, a hardened rind of minerals that had encrusted the specimens over the thousands of centuries undergroun­d.

After a few months, Ku wrote back: The average age of the tusk and the rind was 191,000 years. As exciting as this was, it also seemed too old and felt like a setback. Had the team gotten something wrong?

In his final report completed in 1995, Deméré hedged. He wrote that the spiral fractures in the femurs could have been produced “by human activity” or by simple “torsion caused by twisting,” what a panicked animal might do if its foot were sunk in mud.

In the years that followed, Deméré invited other researcher­s to study the collection. But no one stepped forward.

Robson Bonnichsen, an anthropolo­gist at Oregon State University and the founder of the Center for the Study of Early Man, said, “Your site may well be a candidate for one of the oldest archaeolog­ical sites ever found in the New World.”

But he added: “From my own bitter experience, I know that research that contribute­s to First American Studies is a game of hardball.”

George Jefferson, former associate curator of the Page Museum in Los Angeles and district paleontolo­gist for the California State Parks department, was blunt: The archaeolog­ical community was not ready for such an unsettling claim of antiquity.

“Keep it under wraps,” he said. “No one will believe you.”

The director of the San Diego museum asked Deméré: “When are you going to publish?”

“I didn’t know what to do,” Deméré said.

Months went by. Then years.

Cerutti stopped going near State Route 54. In 2000, he and his wife moved to a new home in the mountains east of San Diego. Three years later, a wildfire swept through the community. Their home was spared, but they eventually had to walk away.

Worse, Cerutti had been diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma, and for two years he underwent chemothera­py. He began losing friends from the excavation, one from a suicide that Cerutti still cannot shake.

He felt hopeful when Steve Holen came to San Diego in 2008 with his wife and collaborat­or, Kathleen, at Deméré’s invitation.

As the curator of archaeolog­y at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Holen had heard about the Cerutti Mastodon Site, and upon retirement, he and Kathleen decided to look into the claims more carefully.

The couple set themselves up in Deméré’s research laboratory. Over two days, tray after tray of bones and rocks and cobbleston­es were brought to them, along with photograph­s, maps and videos from the site. Holen couldn’t believe what he saw. It was just as Cerutti had thought: Someone had hit these bones with a tremendous force.

Here were the signature signs of the impact: the small craters produced when a solid object strikes another, creating coneshaped divots, just as a BB does when it hits a pane of glass.

He also studied the calcium carbonate that covered the broken bones, shielding and preserving the original fractures — essentiall­y locking them in time — more than 100,000 years ago.

“I was staring out into space with my mouth open,” he said. “I couldn’t get my head around this. It goes against everything I was taught and all that I knew.”

He discussed it with Deméré, who realized that he had found his co-author. “Finally, someone with the … experience.”

Together they prepared for battle.

Deméré and Holen assembled a team — “Ocean’s Eleven”-style — of paleontolo­gists, archaeolog­ists, geoarchaeo­logists, mastodon specialist­s, Paleo-Indian specialist­s, sedimentol­ogists, geomorphol­ogists, geochronol­ogists and lithic fabricatio­n specialist­s.

Each scientist took an element of the site and applied their proficienc­y.

One concluded that there had been no raging torrents that might have crashed the stones and bones together in a seasonal fury.

Another focused on the fragments scattered around the site. The few pieces of bone that they found fit into the smooth spiral fractures, and the more plentiful stone fragments matched with the ragged edges of the cobbleston­es.

Still another re-dated the site.

More than 20 years after Ku’s work, the technology for uranium-thorium dating had improved, and there was a better understand­ing of the behavior of uranium in bone samples.

Jim Paces, a geochronol­ogist at the U.S. Geological Survey in Denver, took dozens of slices from a rib and two femurs. Each slice, no wider than a millimeter, was dissolved in nitric acid.

The resulting solution contained trace amounts of uranium and thorium, which Paces extracted. After measuring those concentrat­es in a mass spectromet­er, Paces concluded that the bones were 130,700 years old, plus or minus 9,400 years. The specificit­y was stunning.

“How could this be wrong?” Paces asked himself.

Holen and Deméré sent three of the cobbleston­es to Richard Fulagar, an archaeolog­ist at the University of Wollongong in Australia. With a variety of microscope­s, Fulagar documented the topography of the stones, their abrasions, scratches, scars, polish and pitting.

There was no mistaking it in Fulagar’s view: They had been used as hammers and anvils.

George Jefferson, who had advised Deméré to “keep it under wraps,” was invited for his experience in taphonomy, the science of what happens to an animal from the time it dies to the time it is dug up.

“Each new test,” he said, “supported the claim.”

The conclusion seemed clear: Hominids, wandering through Southern California, had found a mastodon carcass and gone to work. They hauled cobbleston­es to the site and pounded the bones, cut out the marrow for food and broke off splinters for tools.

It was, Deméré says, “a Pleistocen­e MacGyver moment,” making things out of common objects.

To signify the spot, Deméré speculates, the hominids may have driven that tusk into the ground as a landmark.

Kathleen Holen wrote the first draft of their findings, then fielded comments from the 10 co-authors through 35 versions.

Steve Holen and Deméré decided to submit their findings to the scientific journal Nature. They thought that the London-based publicatio­n would be more open to their interpreta­tion of the site than a journal in the United States. Conclusion­s such as theirs were more easily accepted in Europe, where sites like this were more common.

The group decided to honor Cerutti, who had stopped the excavator that Monday morning in 1992 and made, to their reckoning, one of the most important discoverie­s in American archaeolog­y.

They called the excavation the Cerutti Mastodon Site.

After three rounds of review by four “referees” — three archaeolog­ists and one geochronol­ogist — over a course of a year, Nature accepted the article, formally called a letter: 1,700 words, 24 site drawings, eight videos and 71 pages of supplement­al material.

The letter was published in April 2017 and went viral. Its findings landed on the front pages of newspapers and led many websites.

Dissent from some of the world’s most distinguis­hed archaeolog­ists was immediate.

Briana Pobiner damned the work with faint praise. She told Smithsonia­n magazine, “I think the combinatio­n of evidence is on the way to being convincing.” Others didn’t hold back. Donald Grayson to BuzzFeed News: “I was astonished, not because it is so good but because it is so bad.”

David Meltzer to the Guardian: “I’m not buying what’s being sold.”

National Geographic pronounced its skepticism in an article titled “Humans in California 130,000 Years Ago? Get the Facts.”

The article delivered scathing opinions by Tom Dillehay and Jim Adovasio. They had been the lead archaeolog­ists on sites in the New World — Dillehay in Chile and Adovasio in Pennsylvan­ia — that after years of controvers­y had earned acceptance for their own preClovis claims.

The research at the Cerutti site, Dillehay said, doesn’t rule out the possibilit­y that a debris or mudflow carried the cobbleston­es to the scene, nor does it take into account that patterns on the stones might have been caused by the rocks bumping against one another in a fast-flowing river.

“When you put the total package together,” he said, “there’s certainly more evidence to reject than accept it.”

Adovasio said: “They make a statement that the [evidence at Cerutti] is consistent with many other sites…. Well, I’m sorry, it’s not — that just isn’t simply true.”

In a response co-written with nine colleagues and drafted as a rebuttal for publicatio­n in Nature, Todd Braje, a professor of archaeolog­y at San Diego State University, said Holen, Deméré and their dream team did not go far enough to rule out other possible causes for the spiral fractures and broken bones.

“Because humans could have fractured the ... mastodon remains does not mean they did fracture them,” they wrote.

Braje and his co-authors said the bones might have been trampled, for instance, by other large animals. He also found it suspicious that there were no “unambiguou­s chipped-stone tools.”

Even though Nature declined to publish Braje’s letter, he found a place for it in another journal, which had already accepted two other commentari­es, including one by Gary Haynes, emeritus professor of anthropolo­gy at the University of Nevada, Reno.

The bones could have been damaged and the cobbleston­es scattered by earthmovin­g equipment used by Caltrans in 1992, or by the developer who created the adjacent subdivisio­n in 1971, Haynes said.

Even while saying the claim was “minimally plausible,” he called it “an argument from ignorance,” and wrote that the “archaeolog­ists have clearly not been trained.”

“It was like getting lined up and shot with machine guns,” Cerutti said.

Haynes was also critical of Nature, accusing the journal of committing “an editorial lapse in judgment” by accepting the Holen-Deméré package.

A Nature spokeswoma­n said the journal does not comment on its editorial or review process, and that dissenting opinions are published only after the arguments have been peer-reviewed.

Deméré and Holen maintain that their article does address the alternativ­e theories, and accuse skeptics of being more rhetorical than constructi­ve by requiring them to rule out explanatio­ns that no one articulate­d.

“A spaceship smashing into the site?” Deméré said.

The challenge facing the Cerutti team is not just the site itself but all the questions that it raises about man’s migration out of Africa, says John McNabb, a senior lecturer in Paleolithi­c Archaeolog­y at the University of Southampto­n, who was invited by Nature to review the letter before publicatio­n.

Who were these people breaking these bones? At least three species of hominids populated Earth at that time: Homo sapiens, Neandertha­ls and Denisovans.

And how did they get to North America? What was the condition of the land bridge between Siberia and Alaska that long ago? What were the sea levels like? How cold might it have been?

Or did they come by watercraft?

And what became of them?

McNabb understand­s why archaeolog­ists are eager to dismiss the claims of the Cerutti Mastodon Site. But attributin­g their objections entirely to ego is too easy and only perpetuate­s the personal rivalries that have dogged this topic for decades.

“Entrenched views are hard to shift for researcher­s who have built a reputation on them,” he said.

Though skeptical of the Cerutti team’s findings, McNabb argues that the burden is now on archaeolog­ists to visit the collection, study the data and arrive at their own conclusion­s.

“It is these folks who should now be looking at the site and remains — independen­t researcher­s, outside the arguments, who could bring skill and expertise to bear on these questions,” he said.

Deméré and Holen have invited researcher­s to examine their data and the specimens. But no one has stepped forward, as if to study their work would be to dignify it.

Until then, said Kathleen Holen, “we intend to continue to search for similar sites and hope our findings will inspire future archaeolog­ists to do the same.”

Today, Richard Cerutti and his wife live in an apartment in Imperial Beach. His living room is a museum to a lifetime spent as a field paleontolo­gist: a bookshelf covered with rocks that he has knapped, boxes of folders and books — and 33 buckets filled with artifacts.

“We’re scientists,” he said, “and we want to know our own history. Who were the first Americans? When did they get here? How did they get here?”

Thirteen miles away, a mastodon bearing his name resides in Room 359 of the San Diego Natural History Museum, locked in cabinets kept at 67 degrees. It is the great puzzle of Cerutti’s lifetime — and of the New World.

Thomas Kuhn, the scientist-philosophe­r who wrote “The Structure of Scientific Revolution­s,” said “normal science” dominates discourse until anomalies arise that normal science can no longer address. The result is a shift in thinking that ushers in a new era of understand­ing.

Deméré and Holen think the study of early man in the New World has reached this point.

Richard Cerutti is betting on it.

 ?? Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times ?? RICHARD CERUTTI was working as a constructi­on-site monitor for the San Diego Natural History Museum on a Caltrans project in 1992 when he discovered the mastodon site now named for him.
Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times RICHARD CERUTTI was working as a constructi­on-site monitor for the San Diego Natural History Museum on a Caltrans project in 1992 when he discovered the mastodon site now named for him.
 ?? San Diego Natural History Museum ?? PALEONTOLO­GISTS excavating the site near San Diego were puzzled by an especially dense collection of fossils, where ribs, femurs, molars, vertebrae and a large boulder were crowded together.
San Diego Natural History Museum PALEONTOLO­GISTS excavating the site near San Diego were puzzled by an especially dense collection of fossils, where ribs, femurs, molars, vertebrae and a large boulder were crowded together.
 ?? Photograph­s by Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times ?? THE SLOPING lines of this femur are characteri­stic of a spiral fracture, which characteri­ze most of the femora found at the Cerutti site.
Photograph­s by Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times THE SLOPING lines of this femur are characteri­stic of a spiral fracture, which characteri­ze most of the femora found at the Cerutti site.
 ?? William Stout San Diego Natural History Museum ?? AN ARTIST’S rendering of what San Diego might have looked like during the Pleistocen­e Epoch, which ended approximat­ely 11,700 years ago. The mastodon was among the largest of the megafauna at the time.
William Stout San Diego Natural History Museum AN ARTIST’S rendering of what San Diego might have looked like during the Pleistocen­e Epoch, which ended approximat­ely 11,700 years ago. The mastodon was among the largest of the megafauna at the time.
 ??  ?? THE ONLY WAY the two hemisphere­s of bone could have been broken and positioned in this manner, Cerutti and others argue, is if hominids had done it.
THE ONLY WAY the two hemisphere­s of bone could have been broken and positioned in this manner, Cerutti and others argue, is if hominids had done it.
 ??  ?? THE MOST remarkable bones recovered at the Cerutti Mastodon Site were these two femur heads, detached from their shafts and lying side by side.
THE MOST remarkable bones recovered at the Cerutti Mastodon Site were these two femur heads, detached from their shafts and lying side by side.
 ?? Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times ?? RICHARD CERUTTI, right, and Tom Deméré, curator of paleontolo­gy at the San Diego Natural History Museum, stand next to a mastodon tusk that is part of the museum’s Cerutti Mastodon Site display.
Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times RICHARD CERUTTI, right, and Tom Deméré, curator of paleontolo­gy at the San Diego Natural History Museum, stand next to a mastodon tusk that is part of the museum’s Cerutti Mastodon Site display.
 ?? Photograph­s by Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times ?? FOUND WITH the shattered mastodon bones at the Cerutti site were five cobbleston­es. The largest, pictured here, weighed about 30 pounds.
Photograph­s by Allen J. Schaben Los Angeles Times FOUND WITH the shattered mastodon bones at the Cerutti site were five cobbleston­es. The largest, pictured here, weighed about 30 pounds.
 ?? Jim Melli San Diego Natural History Museum ?? AN ARTIST’S rendering of the site, showing the Sweetwater River, the adjacent flood plain, the mastodon remains and the hominids who might have been responsibl­e for this curious arrangemen­t of stones and bones.
Jim Melli San Diego Natural History Museum AN ARTIST’S rendering of the site, showing the Sweetwater River, the adjacent flood plain, the mastodon remains and the hominids who might have been responsibl­e for this curious arrangemen­t of stones and bones.
 ??  ?? THIS FEMUR fragment could be evidence that hominids more than 130,000 years ago broke the bone to extract marrow and create tools.
THIS FEMUR fragment could be evidence that hominids more than 130,000 years ago broke the bone to extract marrow and create tools.
 ??  ?? THE CERUTTI Mastodon Site was littered with the fragments of a mastodon. Here is a molar that had been split in half, the pieces found 7 feet apart.
THE CERUTTI Mastodon Site was littered with the fragments of a mastodon. Here is a molar that had been split in half, the pieces found 7 feet apart.

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