Los Angeles Times

Shutting down the shutdown

The Democrats were right to cut a deal. Filibuster­ing the funding bill was a dangerous tactic.

- He deal struck

Tto end the government shutdown Monday leaves Democrats with precious little to show for their efforts. Neverthele­ss, they were right to sign on, even if it doesn’t bring certain help to the “Dreamers” at risk of deportatio­n.

Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-N.Y.) called off the filibuster after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) promised to consider legislatio­n by early February to help those covered by the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. President Trump is ending DACA in March, setting the stage for deporting an estimated 700,000 people who arrived in the U.S. as minors and have been living here illegally since before June 15, 2007. There is broad public and congressio­nal support for DACA, yet lawmakers have yet to move a bill to solve the dilemma faced by its participan­ts — the vast majority of whom grew up here and have little or no familiarit­y with any other country.

Even if McConnell keeps this promise, there’s no guarantee the House will take up whatever the Senate passes, or that Trump will sign it. And this White House has been a wholly unreliable negotiatin­g partner on DACA — top staffers reportedly persuaded Trump to reject bipartisan deals on DACA that the president had invited, even though they included concession­s on immigratio­n policy that he had demanded.

Some advocates for the Dreamers complained that Schumer played Charlie Brown to McConnell’s Lucy, accepting a meaningles­s deal because he clung to the unrealisti­c hope that history won’t repeat itself. But Schumer didn’t have as much leverage as DACA advocates would like to believe.

Hijacking a must-pass funding bill to solve an unrelated policy dispute is a dangerous and potentiall­y self-defeating tactic. By cutting off pay for federal employees and contractor­s and putting many federal services on hold, even partial shutdowns like this one have a significan­t cost for the public and the economy. That pain can reduce public support for the cause that motivated the shutdown in the first place.

At the same time, the side trying to keep the government open (in this case, the GOP) has a strong incentive not to give an inch to those who took the government hostage. Doing so would only encourage more shutdowns. That’s one reason President Obama wouldn’t negotiate with House Republican­s in 2013 when they refused to pass a stopgap funding bill unless it defunded the Affordable Care Act.

Hostage takers rarely win in this game, and playing it out longer only increases the pain inflicted on everyone else. So the smart thing for Schumer to do under the circumstan­ces was to find a quick way out of the impasse, declare that progress had been made, end the filibuster and look for another way to press the Dreamers’ case.

The dismaying thing about these negotiatio­ns is the willingnes­s by both sides to use the Dreamers as pawns, even in the name of protecting them. Despite the widespread agreement that the government should accommodat­e them (including, we believe, offering them a path to citizenshi­p), their status has unfairly been bundled together with thornier issues, from Trump’s silly border wall to, more recently, demands for a complete upending of immigratio­n priorities to select immigrants based on merit rather than focusing on family reunificat­ion. Those aren’t decisions that should get made under the gun of a quick deadline.

Happily for DACA participan­ts, a federal judge put a freeze this month on Trump’s order to end the program, potentiall­y buying more time for lawmakers to work out a permanent fix. And Senate Democrats have plenty of ways to gum up the works in Washington if McConnell’s promise doesn’t lead to a solution for the Dreamers, preventing Congress from doing just about anything other than keeping the federal government’s lights burning.

But given how Congress has been lurching from one stopgap bill to the next, advocates of the Dreamers may simply decide to take the next funding measure hostage, or the one after that. They shouldn’t have to resort to such tactics, given how many lawmakers on both sides of the aisle say they want a permanent fix for the Dreamers. But with this administra­tion and this Congress, those words hardly seem to matter.

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