Los Angeles Times

Building big near transit stops

- Alifornia has the sixth-largest

Ceconomy in the world, but the state still has the nation’s highest poverty rate. Why? Because of the staggering cost of housing. When housing expenses are tallied with incomes, U.S. Census officials estimate that one in five California­ns live in poverty.

For the last year, California lawmakers have rightly made solving the housing crisis a top priority. They passed several bills during the last legislativ­e session to streamline developmen­t permits for builders in order to ease the shortage of available residentia­l units, and to fund low-income housing developmen­ts. They are also putting a $4-billion affordable housing bond on the November ballot.

Now Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) has proposed perhaps the most significan­t bill of them all — SB 827 — empowering the state to override local zoning laws to let developers build taller and more densely around rail stations and bus lines (if they offer frequent service during rush hours). The bill would let developers put up buildings between four and eight stories tall, even if local zoning codes don’t allow it. (The greater height would be allowed to projects closer to transit lines and on major streets.) The bill would apply not only in commercial areas but also in single-family zones, which have often been exempted from similar “upzoning” proposals in the past.

Wiener argues that left to their own devices, cities will continue to develop in an unsustaina­ble fashion, allowing mostly lowslung apartments and single-family houses. That will exacerbate the state’s housing shortage — an estimated 3.5 million more homes are needed by 2020 to meet population and market demands. And it will continue a pattern of sprawl that encourages people to rely on polluting vehicles, increasing greenhouse gas emissions.

Wiener is right. Traditiona­lly, cities and counties make land-use decisions. In theory, that local control allows cities to meet their housing obligation­s in a way that gives neighborho­ods a voice in the process and an opportunit­y to shape developmen­t. In practice, however, local control too often means “no” to new developmen­t. Most cities in California have failed to permit enough housing and have shied away from denser, compact developmen­t that would be more walkable, bikeable and transit-friendly.

So, yes, the state needs to play a larger role in pushing local government­s to approve more housing near metro stops. But what is the appropriat­e role for state lawmakers and how much local control should they take away?

The bill would have a major impact on Los Angeles, where huge swaths of the city are close to transit stops. L.A. has recently embarked on an ambitious effort to update the city’s 35 community plans and to rezone land around transit stations — much of which could be rendered moot by SB 827.

To be sure, Los Angeles could use a nudge on the issue of building near transit. The Expo Line Transit Neighborho­od Plan is the city’s first effort to encourage more homes, shops and jobs along a transit line — but it exempts nearly 90% of the land around the Westside stations, including many single-family neighborho­ods. That’s a missed opportunit­y.

But here’s a potential problem with the bill: By setting blanket height and density increases statewide, the bill, as currently written, could eliminate key affordable housing incentives and protection­s designed to reduce displaceme­nt in gentrifyin­g neighborho­ods.

After voters passed Measure JJJ in November 2016, the city enacted a Transit Oriented Communitie­s incentive program that encourages developers to build taller, denser projects (and with less parking) near transit stops — if the developer includes affordable housing.

That program would be undermined by SB 827, which would upzone land around transit stops for any residentia­l developmen­t, even if it does not include affordable housing. That’s a concern because the developmen­t of rail lines and the opening of new stations can often spur gentrifica­tion and displaceme­nt. Yet low-income workers are three times more likely to ride transit than wealthier workers, who are more likely to own cars and drive.

California clearly needs to make it easier to build housing. And it makes sense to concentrat­e new housing near mass transit to encourage people to get around without cars. Surely lawmakers can come up with legislatio­n to push cities to approve taller, more dense housing near transit without completely overriding local control or underminin­g existing efforts to incentiviz­e the building of affordable housing.

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