Los Angeles Times

Where is the deal artist?


Re “Budget impasse drags on in Senate,” Jan. 22

Though the Republican­s have control of Congress and the executive branch, they needed 60 votes to pass a continuing resolution to reopen the federal government after a shutdown started last week.

Before the shutdown the White House made a deal, which it then effectivel­y revoked. President Trump wants his border wall money (not from Mexico, but from U.S. taxpayers), and the Democrats want the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals participan­ts not to be deported. Trump fears his base will cry amnesty for illegals if he signs a DACA bill.

The Democrats have no leverage by consenting to another continuing resolution

without pressuring Trump to sign off on DACA. Trump wanted the Democrats to vote for a continuing resolution before negotiatin­g. Since promises have been broken in the past, the Democrats don’t trust Trump.

The president brags that he is a great dealmaker. The Iran nuclear deal, trade agreements, the Paris climate accord — all can be renegotiat­ed and improved. But if Trump cannot broker a deal to keep our government open, how can we trust him to negotiate anything for us? Norwood Price


I speak as only one of millions of veterans, elderly and disabled whose lives have become the playthings of politician­s who place the welfare of those who have entered the United States illegally before those law-abiding citizens who have become dependent on the government through age, disability or service.

I believe all members of Congress should permanentl­y forfeit their pay for every day they keep the nation hostage to their whims.

Congress’ primary function is to pass laws that keep the government running. If it fails, its members should not be paid. Mark Kirkmeyer

Saucier, Miss.

Democrats, please don’t give Trump his border wall. Fight for Dreamers and fight against the border wall. If you give in to Trump on his wall, what will the next concession­s be? There is no meaningful voice of opposition to Trump among the Republican­s in Congress, so this nation is counting on you, Democrats, to fight for what is right.

Trump’s border wall would be a dark stain on America’s moral character. There is a widespread perception that the Democrats lack strength in their conviction­s, a perception made more damaging by the fact that it is sometimes true. This is their moment to change that perception. Chad Hanson

Big Bear City, Calif.

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