Los Angeles Times

Florida governor signs gun limits

Legislatio­n raises the minimum age to purchase a firearm to 21 and bans the sale of ‘bump stocks.’

- By Jenny Jarvie Jarvie is a special correspond­ent

Florida Gov. Rick Scott signed a sweeping $400-million school safety bill on Friday, enacting significan­t gun control measures in the state for the first time since the GOP took control of the Legislatur­e more than two decades ago.

But the staunch Republican and longtime National Rifle Assn. member did not use his line-item veto authority to remove funding for what many consider the most contentiou­s part of the legislatio­n — a program that allows school employees to bring firearms on campus.

Though Scott has repeatedly opposed the idea of arming teachers since 17 students and instructor­s were killed last month in a shooting at a high school in Parkland, he announced Friday after meeting with the victims’ families that he would approve the bill in its entirety. Standing in front of griev ing families who had traveled to Tallahasse­e from Parkland, Scott thanked two of the parents, Ryan Petty and Andrew Pollack, for walking the Capitol halls and “fighting to get this bill across the finish line.”

Scott, who is considerin­g a bid for U.S. Senate, commended Florida legislator­s for rushing the bill to his desk three weeks after the Feb. 14 shooting.

“I want to point out that this is a far different way of operating from the typical inefficien­cy we see from the federal government in Washington,” he said. “Today should serve as an example to the entire country that government can and must move fast.”

He also acknowledg­ed Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students.

“You made your voices heard,” he said. “You didn’t let up and you fought until there was change. You helped change our state. You made a difference. You should be proud.”

The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act raises the minimum age to purchase a firearm from 18 to 21, imposes a three-day waiting period for most gun purchases and bans the sale or possession of “bump stocks,” which allow semiautoma­tic rifles to mimic machine guns.

The NRA almost immediatel­y filed a federal lawsuit challengin­g the constituti­onality of banning people under the age of 21 from buying firearms.

Under Florida law, Scott could have used his line-item veto authority to reject the funding for a $67 million “guardian” program that would allow some teachers to volunteer to carry guns after undergoing 132 hours of firearms and 12 hours of diversity training.

Earlier this week, Florida senators tweaked the bill in an attempt to make it more appealing to Scott, altering the guardian program to exclude those who “exclusivel­y perform classroom duties as classroom teachers.”

The limitation does not apply to those who teach JROTC, current service members, or current or former law enforcemen­t officers. Librarians, janitors and cafeteria workers would be eligible to carry guns, along with teachers who perform extracurri­cular roles, like coaching football or supervisin­g the chess club.

Scott admitted that he still opposed the guardian provision.

“I still think law enforcemen­t officers should be the ones who protect our schools,” he said before signing the bill. “I am glad, however, that the plan in this bill is not mandatory .... If counties do not want to do this, they simply can say no.”

Scott added that he had talked to legislator­s about re-diverting funds that were not used for the guardian program to employ more law enforcemen­t officers. If he vetoed the program’s funding, he said, that would not be possible.

Though the bill faced stiff opposition from the NRA, it also fell short of the gun control measures many students, parents and teachers had advocated.

On Wednesday, a majority of House Democrats voted against the GOP-sponsored bill on the basis that it would allow some teachers and staffers to carry guns on campus and did not go far enough in restrictin­g access to assault rifles and high-capacity ammunition magazines.

The Florida Education Assn. urged Scott on Thursday to jettison funding for arming teachers.

In a letter to Scott, the teachers union president said that the guardian program would enable more than 200,000 school employees to carry firearms on campus.

“We urge you to honor your instincts and act to keep additional firearms from our schools unless they are in the hands of trained law enforcemen­t personnel,” Joanne McCall, president of the teachers union, wrote to the governor.

“Our teachers and other school employees are ready to fiercely defend our students but none of them should ever have to choose between shepherdin­g students to safety or confrontin­g an armed assailant where they are sure to draw fire towards the very students they are trying to protect,” she added.

As the bill moved through the Legislatur­e, the NRA, which opposes raising age limits to buy weapons and imposing new waiting periods for gun sales, sent out a flurry of “emergency alerts” to its supporters.

Accusing Republican leaders who supported the bill of “bullying and coercion,” it urged supporters to call elected officials to demand they block the legislatio­n.

“You and every other lawabiding gun owner is being blamed for an atrocious act of premeditat­ed murder,” Marion Hammer, an NRA and Unified Sportsmen of Florida lobbyist, wrote in an alert Tuesday. “Neither the 3-day waiting period on all rifles and shotguns, raising the age from 18 to 21 to buy any firearm, or the bump stock ban will have any effect on crime. Despite that fact, Senate leaders rammed through gun control as part of the bill.”

For all the disagreeme­nt, some portions of the bill were uncontrove­rsial.

Legislator­s on both sides of the aisle seemed in broad agreement on additional funding for mental health services, giving law enforcemen­t officials more power to temporaril­y seize weapons and ammunition from people with mental health issues, and allocating $25 million to destroy and rebuild Marjory Stoneman Douglas’ three-story freshman building.

“The bottom line is Floridians were not going to take no action at all,” said Susan MacManus, professor of political science at the University of South Florida. “Something had to be done .... Everywhere, people just said, ‘They better do something or I’m not going to vote Republican.’”

With narrow votes in the last two presidenti­al and gubernator­ial elections, MacManus said Republican­s felt they needed to bow to public opinion on gun control.

Last week, a Quinnipiac University poll showed that 62% of Florida voters supported a nationwide ban on assault weapons and highcapaci­ty magazines that fire more than 10 rounds.

About 56% oppose allowing teachers and school officials to carry guns on school grounds.

 ?? Mark Wallheiser Associated Press ?? FLORIDA GOV. RICK SCOTT, right, with parents of students killed in the Parkland, Fla., shooting. From left, Tony Montalto and wife Jennifer, parents of victim Gina Montalto, 14; and Ryan Petty, father of victim Alaina Petty, 14.
Mark Wallheiser Associated Press FLORIDA GOV. RICK SCOTT, right, with parents of students killed in the Parkland, Fla., shooting. From left, Tony Montalto and wife Jennifer, parents of victim Gina Montalto, 14; and Ryan Petty, father of victim Alaina Petty, 14.

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