Los Angeles Times

Outraged over sexist list

- Send questions for Amy Dickinson to askamy@ amydickins­on.com or by mail to Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068.

Dear Amy: I am part of an internatio­nal MBA program at a well-known European university.

I just found out that the men in the program have put together a list, ranking all the women in the program by their looks. I’m furious and disappoint­ed that the men who are supposed to be my peers, business partners, coworkers and friends have subjected the women in the program to this.

I have been told who started the list, but I haven’t personally seen this list (I’m working on it). I’m not really sure what to do. I’m thinking about writing a letter to the faculty. Others have suggested asking for the expulsion of the men who have contribute­d to the list.

I feel as though this list is a slap in the face after everything that women have been going through, and I really don’t want this sort of treatment or behavior to be normalized ever again.

But I don’t know how to go about it. Disgusted

Dear Disgusted: You have every right to be angry. The MeToo movement is demonstrat­ing that normalizin­g harassment creates toxic havens for predatory behavior (which this list absolutely is). This needs to stop. Do not count on the university faculty or administra­tion to handle it to your satisfacti­on.

Think of this challenge a bit like going into battle: Arm yourself with knowledge, and begin building an army. Connect with your fellow female candidates and quickly form a coalition.

If you can obtain hard evidence that this list exists, you should publicize it, share it widely and use the list itself to expose the people behind it. When you do so, mask the identity of the women named, but display the identities of those who created and shared it.

If you aren’t able to receive hard proof of the list, make an appointmen­t with a faculty member and the dean. Insist that they investigat­e your allegation.

Most important, save (and screenshot) everything. Don’t get discourage­d: Speak up, and don’t let anyone convince you that this isn’t a big deal.

Dear Amy: I’m very indecisive about everything, especially relationsh­ips. I tend to run away when issues arise. I’m having doubts about my partner. For over two years he has had problems keeping a job, and this causes me a lot of stress about money. We can’t plan for our future.

We also rarely have sex, mainly because I just don’t feel like it. I find him attractive, but I’m not sexually attracted to him. This might be because of the job issue. He doesn’t seem motivated. I don’t know what to do? Unsure

Dear Unsure: If running from relationsh­ips is your problem, then take a stab at repairing this before you flee. Your partner sounds depressed. Your own aversions could be contributi­ng to your problems as a couple — in fact, it sounds as if you have already actually left the relationsh­ip, even if you’re physically present.

If he communicat­es well with you about his challenges, this might unite you as a couple. If not, you’ll have to do the personal algebra to decide if you should (or want to) invest part of your own future in trying to shore up this relationsh­ip. Running isn’t called for, but you might need to walk away.

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