Los Angeles Times

Gruesome chills in the backwoods

- — Noel Murray

Ignore the nondescrip­t title; writer-director Jeff Houkal’s backwoods horror film “Edge of Isolation” has personalit­y and just enough splatter to satisfy gorehounds. The plot’s a rehash of ’70s/’80s drive-in classics like “The Hills Have Eyes,” but this movie has its own odd energy and is effectivel­y icky.

Michael Marcel and Marem Hassler costar as Lance and Kendra, spouses who have a car accident in the country and end up recuperati­ng with the Polifers: Ivan (Monte Markham) and Mary (Judi Barton), eccentric oldsters who lead a makeshift family of isolationi­st weirdos.

Lance and Kendra can tell something is off with the Polifers — like the way they won’t answer questions about how they survive or talk much about the folks living in nearby camps. The visitors try to make the best of things until they start realizing they’re not so much guests as prisoners.

Houkal plays some with the racial and class tensions underlying the relationsh­ip between the city slickers and their rural hosts, though “Edge” isn’t really a political film. It’s more about how these cultured heroes go from being mildly weirded out to openly disgusted by the Polifers’ ways.

The story takes some turns that’ll be predictabl­e to anyone who’s seen other films in this “strangers in a strange land” horror subgenre. But a creeping gruesomene­ss compensate­s for the lack of originalit­y. Spines will tingle. Stomachs will churn. “Edge of Isolation.” Not rated. Running time: 1 hour, 30 minutes. Playing: Arena Cinelounge Sunset, Hollywood.

 ?? Indie Rights ?? MAREM HASSLER and Michael Marcel are cityslicke­r spouses who meet a family of isolationi­sts.
Indie Rights MAREM HASSLER and Michael Marcel are cityslicke­r spouses who meet a family of isolationi­sts.

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