Los Angeles Times

Taking credit for a nudge to Kim

While skeptical about North Korean leader’s promises, aides insist the U. S. president’s diplomacy is working.

- By Matt Stiles and Laura King

SEOUL — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un promised at a meeting with his South Korean counterpar­t last week to give up his nuclear arms in exchange for a U. S. pledge to not attack his country, a spokesman for the South Korean president said Sunday.

Top aides to President Trump signaled skepticism, but insisted that the president’s unconventi­onal diplomacy had already yielded greater achievemen­ts than his predecesso­rs could claim in reining in the North’s rogue nuclear and ballistics program.

Kim also offered to allow in experts and journalist­s from the United States and South Korea to witness the shutdown next month of the North’s only known nuclear testing site, according to Yoon Young- chan, a South Korean presidenti­al spokesman.

In his talks with Moon, Kim also sought to dispel the notion that the promise to shut down the nuclear testing site under Mt. Mantap was an empty gesture because it had become too unstable to use anyway after the North’s sixth and most powerful nuclear test to date, in September.

“Some say that we are terminatin­g facilities that are not functionin­g, but you will see that we have two more tunnels that are bigger than the existing ones, and that they are in good condition,” Yoon quoted Kim as saying.

This month, North Korea said it had suspended its nuclear tests, along with ballistic missile tests, and announced plans to shut down the test site.

In the meeting with Moon, Kim insisted he did not want to threaten the United States or anyone else, according to the South Korean presidenti­al spokesman. Although the two leaders talked of working toward “complete denucleari­zation” of the Korean peninsula, their meeting yielded no agreements on verificati­on, or set any timetable for steps toward that end.

“Once we start talking, the United States will know that I am not a person to launch nuclear weapons at South Korea, the Pacific or the United States,” Kim said, according to Yoon.

South Korea’s presi-

dential palace said Kim wants a U. S. commitment to bringing a formal end to the Korean War. The 1950- 53 conflict ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty, so the two sides technicall­y remain in a state of war.

“If we maintain frequent meetings and build trust with the United States and receive promises for an end to the war and a nonaggress­ion treaty, then why would we need to live in difficulty by keeping our nuclear weapons and suffer?” the North Korean leader asked, according to the South Korean account. “We will not repeat the painful history of the Korean War.”

Trump’s national security advisor, John Bolton, said Kim’s seemingly conciliato­ry rhetoric was not being accepted at face value, and indicated that no easing of sanctions against North Korea would take place until there was a commitment to full denucleari­zation.

Crediting American pressure with nudging North Korea along, Bolton said the Trump administra­tion would demand evidence that Kim’s pledges were “real and not just rhetoric.”

“We’ve heard this before,” he said on CBS’ “Face the Nation,” adding that “the North Korean propaganda playbook is an infinitely rich resource.” Interviewe­d separately on “Fox News Sunday,” Bolton said “nobody is starry- eyed” about the North following through on promises.

In a symbolic yet practical gesture of cooperatio­n, Kim also told Moon that North Korea would set its clocks to match South Korean time, Yoon said. Since 2015, the North had declared itself a separate time zone, half an hour behind that observed in Seoul and Tokyo.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who was still the CIA director when he met with Kim over Easter weekend, played down concerns that Trump’s meeting with Kim, planned to take place in May or June, could be knocked off track if the president follows through on threats to withdraw the U. S. from the landmark nuclear accord with Iran.

“I don’t think Kim Jong Un is staring at the Iran deal and saying, ‘ Oh goodness, if they get out of that deal, I won’t talk to the Americans anymore,’ ” Pompeo told reporters traveling with him Sunday on a f light from Saudi Arabia’s capital, Riyadh, to Israel.

Pompeo said Kim had “higher priorities, things that he is more concerned about” than whether the Trump administra­tion would refuse by a May 12 deadline to waive sanctions against Tehran. European allies who are party to the world powers’ accord with Iran have urged the U. S. administra­tion to adhere to its internatio­nal commitment­s or risk being seen as an untrustwor­thy partner.

French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel both came to Washington last week to personally lobby Trump to not undermine the nuclear accord, which was a signature achievemen­t of his predecesso­r, President Obama.

In an interview taped earlier in Riyadh and aired Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Pompeo sought to dispel the idea that Trump was naive in his approach to North Korea, which has a history of making promises to scale back its nuclear ambitions, and then reneging.

“This administra­tion has its eyes wide open,” Pompeo said. “We know the history. We know the risks. We’re going to be very different — we’re going to negotiate in a different way than has been done before.”

Trump has dismissed critics’ concerns that in agreeing to the sit- down meeting with Kim without preconditi­ons, he was offering a murderousl­y dictatoria­l regime an enormous boost in prestige.

“Things are going very well, time and location of meeting with North Korea is being set,” the president wrote Saturday on Twitter.

There is concern that North Korea has no intention of carrying through on promises of denucleari­zation — at least not without linking that to demands that the United States would probably find unacceptab­le.

North Korea has long sought the removal of nearly 30,000 U. S. troops from South Korea, and has railed against the existence of an American nuclear umbrella for Washington’s allies Japan and South Korea.

Trump has blown hot and cold on Kim, directing both harsh insults and lavish compliment­s at the young North Korean leader. Last year, the U. S. president derided Kim as “Little Rocket Man,” but last week, he praised him as “open” and “honorable.”

Even some longtime critics of Trump acknowledg­ed that his zigging and zagging might have led Kim to seek negotiatio­ns.

“I think it’s more than fair to say that the combinatio­n of the president’s unpredicta­bility and bellicosit­y had something to do with the North Koreans deciding to come to the table,” Rep. Adam B. Schiff ( D- Burbank) said on ABC’s “This Week.”

But Schiff also suggested it was dangerous to prematurel­y claim a breakthrou­gh in dealing with the mercurial North Korean leader.

“Before the president takes too much credit, or hangs out the ‘ Mission Accomplish­ed’ banner, he needs to realize we may go into a confrontat­ional phase,” Schiff said. “And he may not want the full blame if things go south.”

 ?? Pool Photo ?? NORTH KOREA’S Kim Jong Un, left, and South Korean President Moon Jae- in chat last week in Panmunjom in the demilitari­zed zone.
Pool Photo NORTH KOREA’S Kim Jong Un, left, and South Korean President Moon Jae- in chat last week in Panmunjom in the demilitari­zed zone.

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