Los Angeles Times

A loophole for dirty trucks

Trump’s EPA is relying on a highly questionab­le study to let rebuilt rigs spew huge amounts of soot.

- T’s bad

Ienough that Environmen­tal Protection Agency Administra­tor Scott Pruitt wants to reopen a loophole that allows truckers to drive rebuilt rigs with dirty diesel engines that spew as much as 450 times more soot than new models. But now it turns out that Pruitt justified his plan with a questionab­le, company-funded study that is under investigat­ion for “research misconduct.”

Pruitt has spent the last year attacking the EPA’s mission and underminin­g its integrity. He’s bucked his own scientists’ research in moving to weaken environmen­tal rules. He’s sought to stack EPA advisory boards with industry representa­tives.

Yet this dirty truck loophole is a particular­ly egregious example of how Pruitt is willing to ignore legitimate research — and overwhelmi­ng industry opinion — in favor of dubious analysis that supports his desire to benefit well-connected special interests.

At issue are so-called glider kits, which have typically been used to give new life to engines and other components salvaged from collision-damaged trucks. During the Obama administra­tion, the EPA sought to phase out these trucks after discoverin­g that some companies were circumvent­ing truck emissions standards by putting older, dirtier engines inside new truck shells. Last year, however, Pruitt proposed to exempt gliders from contempora­ry emission limits.

The vehicles look brand-new but cost 25% less without the pollution controls required on newer trucks. EPA researcher­s found that gliders can emit up to 450 times more diesel soot and 40 times more smogformin­g emissions than new trucks on the market. Agency staff also estimated the glider trucks produce enough soot each year to cause up to 1,600 premature deaths.

Yet Pruitt has justified the rollback in part by citing a study from Tennessee Tech University that declared glider trucks to be no more harmful to air quality than trucks with new engines. Turns out the study was funded by Fitzgerald Glider Kits, which happens to be one of the primary manufactur­ers of glider trucks.

According to The Times’ Evan Halper, the study was run by a Tennessee Tech vice president with no graduate-level engineerin­g training, and the research was conducted at a Fitzgerald-owned facility. The owner of the company, Tommy Fitzgerald, raised money for Donald Trump’s campaign, and he has met privately with Pruitt.

After faculty raised concern about the legitimacy of the study, Tennessee Tech opened an investigat­ion, telling Halper, “The university takes the allegation­s of research misconduct seriously.” The university has asked the EPA to stop using or referring to the study pending the completion of the investigat­ion.

There’s an extra special contradict­ion to Pruitt’s embrace of the Tennessee Tech study. In the name of “transparen­cy,” Pruitt has proposed a rule requiring the EPA to consider only studies for which the underlying data are made public. The rule, which has been pushed by industry groups for years, would block the EPA from considerin­g studies about the health impacts of pollutants that are based on the private medical records of individual­s. But it could also apply to the questionab­le glider truck study because Fitzgerald’s company is refusing to publicly release the full study, which it owns under its arrangemen­t with the university.

In the meantime, two former EPA chiefs from Republican and Democratic administra­tions sent a letter to Pruitt expressing concern that the agency had “failed to rely on the best scientific analysis” in the proposed glider truck exemption. And members of Congress from both parties have complained to the EPA that the rollback for glider trucks was a bad idea. The broader trucking industry has opposed the loophole too, arguing that it hurts truckers and truck manufactur­ers that have played by the rules and invested in more expensive pollution control equipment.

Indeed, the California Trucking Assn. is so concerned about an unlevel playing field that it sponsored legislatio­n calling for a $25,000 fine for truckers who drive a glider truck that violates California’s strict air pollution controls. AB 2564 sailed through the Assembly with near unanimous support from Republican­s and Democrats. State officials estimate that if just 7% of trucks on California roads are soot-belching gliders, it would entirely offset the clean-air benefits of the state’s diesel regulation­s.

It’s a rare day in American politics when there is such broad bipartisan support for a pollution control measure. Science, reason and consensus are all on the side of closing the dirty truck loophole once and for all. And then there’s Pruitt on the other side.

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