Los Angeles Times

Is Uber rider drunk?

Ride-hailing firm seeks patent on tech that can help signal if the person requesting a car is inebriated.

- By Rachel Siegel

Ever struggled to hold a phone steady while ordering an Uber?

What about plugging typos into a pickup or drop-off address?

Those are some of the flags Uber could one day use to predict whether its riders have had too much to drink.

Uber has a pending applicatio­n with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for the technology that would help the ride-hailing giant tell drunk riders from sober ones. The idea is still in its early stages, and the company has no immediate plans to start using the technology as described in the applicatio­n.

But as with other uses of artificial intelligen­ce, the technology also raises questions of how it would actually work, and how Uber could use and store data on the health and lifestyle choices of its users.

Some privacy experts caution against how the technology could misfire and discrimina­te against certain passengers, including those with physical disabiliti­es. And they worry that the technology could deter riders who are actually drunk from using the service — and lead them to risk getting behind the wheel.

“We are always exploring ways that our technology can help improve the Uber experience for riders and drivers,” said Jodi Page, an Uber spokespers­on. “We file patent applicatio­ns on many ideas, but not all of them actually become products or features.”

Uber’s patent applicatio­n, which was initially filed in December 2016, says that when riders request a car, the system collects informatio­n about the rider’s activity and includes the data in the ride request. To predict a rider’s state, the system compares data from that ride request to past ones. Past trip informatio­n may be used to “identify how the user activity of the current trip request deviates from previous (or ‘normal’) behavior for that user,” the applicatio­n says.

For example, the system may track how many typos appear in a new ride request, or the angle at which the rider holds a phone when hailing an Uber.

Based on how the system interprets that behavior, it may adjust how it arranges a match with a driver, the applicatio­n said.

“Some examples of trip variations include matching the user with only certain [drivers], alerting a [driver] about the user’s possible unusual state, and modifying pickup or drop-off locations to areas that are well lit and easy to access,” the applicatio­n said.

The applicatio­n also notes that “when the likelihood is comparativ­ely very high” that a rider is acting out of the ordinary, that rider may not be matched with any driver, or may only be matched with drivers “with experience or training with users having an unusual state.” And when the likelihood is comparativ­ely low, the system may match riders “normally.”

It’s still unclear how the patent, if approved, would be applied, and whether Uber would make use of it at all. But the patent applicatio­n alone raised questions of its potential shortcomin­gs and dangers.

John Simpson, director of the Privacy Project at the nonprofit Consumer Watchdog, said use of the technology could damage Uber’s business model given that many riders rely on the service after drinking and when they know it would be unsafe for them to drive.

Simpson said he worried that the technology wouldn’t be able to differenti­ate drunkennes­s from other reasons a rider could have an unsteady hand. For example, a rider who has Parkinson’s disease or a hand tremor might be recognized by the app as being drunk.

“My big, serious concern is it seems ... there are a whole host of other conditions that might come across as if a person were intoxicate­d when they weren’t at all, and might need an Uber because they’re physically handicappe­d,” Simpson said.

Jeff Chester, executive director of the nonprofit Center for Digital Democracy, said he worried that riders who depend on the service for their transporta­tion needs could shy away from it, knowing that their drinking habits and health data were being collected.

And he worried how the system could discrimina­te against people based on their age or race, as well as how frequently they request rides from certain locations and at what time of the day or night.

The technology would be unique in identifyin­g drunkennes­s in passengers as opposed to drivers, noted J.T. Griffin, chief government affairs officer of Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Griffin said that one of the best measures against drunk driving is expanding the options for how to get people home safely.

But as for whether riders who have been drinking might be less inclined to use the service as a result, “that is something that the public will have to decide,” Griffin said. “And Uber will have to be very careful in how they collect and what they plan on doing with that data.”

Siegel writes for the Washington Post.

 ?? David Butow For The Times ?? TO GUESS a rider’s state, the technology compares factors such as the number of typos in a new ride request versus in previous requests. Above, an Uber car.
David Butow For The Times TO GUESS a rider’s state, the technology compares factors such as the number of typos in a new ride request versus in previous requests. Above, an Uber car.

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