Los Angeles Times



Self-approval first

C oasting through each day with no motivation, excitement, or incentive to work any harder? Get out! Find a job where you are engaged, or stressed, or challenged — anything but zoned out. If you need motivation, try to imagine the resume blurb for your current underwhelm­ing job. “Sat at desk and tried not to nod off in front of boss. Filed company paperwork. Thought fondly of death.” Yeah, it’s time to move on.

Not learning?

Y our mind — and your career — thrive when you are constantly encounteri­ng new informatio­n, developing new skills, or following your natural curiosity into continuous learning. If your job offers you no pathway to move forward and continue growing, why are you there? The invigorati­ng stress of a job search might even spill over into your current job — try it and see.

Network is your best friend

Y our profession­al network doesn’t have to be this scary thing that’s all work all the time. You can make it a truly social thing, you can even make friends. Build a group of like-minded contacts whose interests match yours and whose intellectu­al pursuits and career moves inspire you constantly to do and be better. Keep in touch with them. Do them favors and then ask for a few for yourself. Congratula­te old office mates on new jobs. In short — be a good friend to your network contacts and soon they will start to feel like actual friends.

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