Los Angeles Times

U.S. loses bid to detain kids indefinite­ly

L.A. judge blasts Justice Department’s attempt to modify a settlement on holding immigrant children.

- By Victoria Kim and Kristina Davis

A federal judge in Los Angeles dealt the Trump administra­tion a significan­t blow Monday by rejecting its attempt to indefinite­ly detain immigrant children caught crossing the border illegally with their parents.

U.S. District Judge Dolly Gee issued an order lambasting the Justice Department for its request to modify a 1997 legal settlement that set rules for how the government can deal with immigrant children in its custody. Calling President Trump’s executive order on immigrants “ill-considered,” the judge accused the administra­tion of attempting to shift blame to the courts for a crisis of Congress’ and the president’s making.

Gee’s order came as Justice Department attorneys told a federal judge in San Diego they would miss Tuesday’s deadline for authoritie­s to reunite parents and children younger than 5 who were forcibly separated at the border.

Just over half the 102 children identified by the government will be reunited by Tuesday’s deadline, the attorneys told U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw, who had previously ordered the reunificat­ions in response to a legal action brought by the

American Civil Liberties Union. The rest includes children whose parents were already deported, have criminal records and are unfit to care for them, Justice Department attorneys said. In the case of one 3-year-old boy, they said, authoritie­s couldn’t find any parental records.

Despite the missed deadline, Sabraw told attorneys for both sides that he was “very encouraged by the progress” and that he was “optimistic” many families would soon be reunited.

The San Diego and Los Angeles cases will dictate how quickly and under what circumstan­ces the administra­tion can reunite families.

The settlement at issue before the Los Angeles judge arises from a case brought by a Salvadoran teenager in 1985. That led to an agreement that immigrant minors detained at the border be released to relatives or other custodians “without unnecessar­y delay” or placed in licensed facilities within five days, and during a surge, up to 20 days.

The Justice Department had asked that Gee modify the so-called Flores settlement, contending the terms made it impossible for officials to carry out Trump’s June 20 executive order to detain children with parents who faced prosecutio­n for crossing the border illegally. The attorneys subsequent­ly argued that in order to comply with the San Diego judge’s order that families be reunited, the government could no longer release the minors as required under the settlement.

Gee called the government’s interpreta­tion of the settlement “tortured” and accused the administra­tion of a “cynical attempt ... to shift responsibi­lity to the judiciary for over 20 years of congressio­nal inaction and ill-considered executive action that have led to the current stalemate.”

She wrote that the administra­tion was looking to work around a long-establishe­d legal agreement when it had the ability to change the policies that resulted in the current crisis of thousands of children forcibly removed from their parents.

“Absolutely nothing prevents the [government] from reconsider­ing their current blanket policy of family detention and reinstatin­g prosecutor­ial discretion,” she wrote.

The judge said she found “dubious” and “unconvinci­ng” the government’s contention that the settlement, in allowing the release of minors while their immigratio­n cases are pending, caused a “surge” in border crossings in recent years by incentiviz­ing would-be migrants. She said “any number of other factors” could have led to the increase, including civil strife, economic conditions and physical threats in the migrants’ home countries.

The judge said of utmost importance was protecting the “blameless” children who are in government custody, whom the settlement was intended to safeguard.

“They are subject to the decisions made by adults over whom they have no control,” the judge wrote.

The Justice Department did not say if it would appeal.

“We disagree with the court’s ruling declining to amend the Flores Agreement to recognize the current crisis of families making the dangerous and unlawful journey across our southern border,” spokesman Devin O’Malley said in a statement.

Under the San Diego judge’s order, an additional 2,000 to 3,000 minors ages 5 and older are required to be reunited with their parents by July 26. The children will be brought to parents in detention facilities around the country, and the families will be released together on immigratio­n parole, said Sarah Fabian, an attorney for the U.S. Department of Justice.

 ?? Carolyn Cole Los Angeles Times ?? A FEDERAL judge in Los Angeles criticized as “tortured” the government’s interpreta­tion of a 1997 legal settlement on holding immigrant children who crossed the border illegally with their parents. Above, Ariel Schwartz and others march in New York in June.
Carolyn Cole Los Angeles Times A FEDERAL judge in Los Angeles criticized as “tortured” the government’s interpreta­tion of a 1997 legal settlement on holding immigrant children who crossed the border illegally with their parents. Above, Ariel Schwartz and others march in New York in June.

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