Los Angeles Times

Let the Chumash develop land

Re “A land-use battle with big implicatio­ns,” July 6


Former Gov. Pete Wilson’s op-ed article decrying the developmen­t rights of the Chumash Indians displays the same fearmonger­ing that fueled Propositio­n 187 in the 1990s.

His message is clear: Fear the other. “Your communitie­s could be next,” he writes ominously, as though white settlers are fearing an Indian raid in some bad old western movie.

Unsurprisi­ngly, he ignores the many golf courses built by white people in the Santa Ynez Valley that have caused extensive blight there.

Clearly, for Wilson, economic growth is only meant for some, and not the “others.” Craig Loftin

Long Beach

Wilson’s whining and seemingly moral indignatio­n is absolutely laughable.

He is complainin­g about the strong-arm tactics of the Chumash Indians? The same strongarm tactics that specialint­erest, money-driven, anti-John Q. Public Republican­s have refined and championed for many years?

If that is not enough, Wilson either does not know history or chooses to completely ignore it. Early citizens of the United States — also known as immigrants and their offspring — settled this country in direct opposition to the interests of the indigenous Native American peoples. In some cases, these people butchered Indians and pillaged their villages while stealing their land whenever it suited them.

Add to that the fact that the U.S. repeatedly broke treaties, and I say halfjoking­ly, “Payback’s a pain, Gov. Wilson.”

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