Los Angeles Times

Don’t always remember what you’re supposed to say in an interview?

- — Marco Buscaglia, Careers

Most people have certain phrases burned into their brains. Thanks to piano lessons, many of us remember Every Good Boy Does Fine for E,G,B,D and F, the notes on the lines on the treble clef, and Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally, which stood for Parenthese­s, Exponents, Multiply, Divide, Add and Subtract, the order of math operations.

Since those mnemonic devices came in handy when we were younger, it’s still a good idea to use them in adulthood, especially if your brain is still wired that way. If you’re heading into a job interview, you know there are certain topics to discuss, questions to ask and points to make. But you don’t always remember what you’re supposed to say. How about coming up with a mnemonic device to help trigger your memory?

While we advocate that you come up with your own phrase or word to trigger certain actions, we thought we’d give you an example of how it might work. We offer a mnemonic device to keep in mind when interviewi­ng for a job: Can you please get more blueberrie­s? They’re quite delicious.

Can - C - Calm: Take a deep breath and relax. Find a strategy to remain calm throughout the interview, preferably one that doesn’t involve a couple of shots of whiskey ahead of time. It’s easy to get excited when interviewi­ng for a job — sweaty hands, accelerate­d speaking, fidgety manners — but it’s important to keep your anxious reactions in check. You’re there to project confidence, not fear. Your interviewe­r should be able to engage in an informativ­e conversati­on with someone who speaks clearly and remains calm. When you find yourself getting nervous, have a go-to mantra or thought that will help get you back on course.

You - Y - Yes: We’re not suggesting that you become an all-agreeing yes-man during a job interview, but if you want the job, you’ll have to sell your interviewe­r on your willingnes­s to say yes to various forms of work. A good rule to follow: When a question begins with a statement like “we might have some projects that require some travel, maybe even on weekends,” your interviewe­r is looking for a quick and confident agreement from you, not a weak “I’d have to think about that.” You’re not there to redefine their job descriptio­n — there will be plenty of time for that after you’re hired. We’re not saying you should deliberate­ly mislead your potential boss, but if you want the job, make sure they know that you’re willing and able ... especially willing.

Please - P - Polite: All the forms of etiquette you scoff at during your day-to-day life? It’s time to follow them. Introduce yourself to others, shake hands with authority, say “please” and “thank you,” and listen. No, really listen. Don’t interrupt other speakers, and let them ask questions before jumping in with a response. You can’t imagine how a well-timed act of courtesy can score points, especially after your interviewe­r will now be looking for others to act in a similar manner.

Get - G - Group: Since so much of today’s work is segmented into teams, you’ll need to convince your future manager that you thrive when working with others, especially in committees and groups. By providing examples of previous projects, you’ll help convince your potential employer that you have what it takes not only to participat­e in the company’s group efforts, but to lead them as well.

More - M - Me: Be careful about asking questions about your personal situation with the company. Interviewe­es who ask about sick days, profit sharing and other eventual perks and policies can come across as flippant and presumptuo­us. Pitch yourself for the job. You should have a good idea of what the company’s compensati­on package and policies are before the interview begins, thanks to numerous online resources, so focus on what you can bring to the company, not necessaril­y what the company can bring to you.

Blueberrie­s - B - Body language: Stop fidgeting. Look people in the eye. Don’t look at your watch, and don’t ever, ever reach for — or even glance at — your phone. What you do with your eyes, arms, hands, neck and head will say as much about you as 100 sentences. If you come across as nervous or anxious, you’ll be less likely to be considered for a position. If you come across as disinteres­ted, you won’t even make it past the first 15 minutes.

They’re - T - Tell: Focus on real-life anecdotes and experience­s, told in a simple and effective manner. Remember to use tangible examples and drop in some imagery when talking. If you’re talking about your first job, describe the desk you sat at in the corner of the warehouse. If you’re touting the million-dollar sale you closed with Company XYZ, talk about the day you presented your boss with the final paperwork. The best storytelle­rs show more than they tell, so don’t be afraid to throw in a few concrete images that will help bring your accomplish­ments to life.

Quite - Q - Quantity: When you discuss previous and current achievemen­ts at work, it’s important to stress not only the quality of the work you’ve done but also the quantity in regards to the company’s bottom line. Use actual numbers or percentage­s when possible. Remember, it’s not just about the good work that you do, it’s about how that good work helps companies make money. Delicious - D - Details: Anyone can study up on the basics, but you’ll win over your interviewe­rs by talking about potential markets, possible projects, the company’s role in market trends and its role in its industry’s future. Sounds like heady stuff, but it’s possible to learn more than the headlines with a little research and some first-hand Q&As.

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