Los Angeles Times

From ‘Lyin’ Ted’ to a ‘good friend’

Trump campaigns in Texas for the embattled senator, once his bitter rival.

- By Molly Hennessy-Fiske molly.hennessy-fiske @latimes.com

HOUSTON — President Trump took the stage in Houston on Monday night to deliver a message unthinkabl­e two years ago to many of his most ardent fans: Vote for Ted Cruz.

“You know, we had our difficulti­es,” Trump said soon after taking the podium. He went on to say that Cruz had “become a really good friend.”

That’s the same Texas senator Trump once dismissed as “Lyin’ Ted,” whose father Trump suggested played a role in the assassinat­ion of President Kennedy, and whose wife he mocked, prompting Cruz to call him a “sniveling coward.”

The same Cruz who called Trump a “pathologic­al liar” and an “amoral bully” on the campaign trail and, after losing the primary, refused to endorse Trump at the Republican National Convention, urging Republican­s to “vote your conscience.”

But now they are united in the common cause of the midterm election, and all the bad blood seems to be forgotten.

Cruz, who appeared as Trump’s warm-up, described the president as “bold and courageous.”

“I’m proud to have worked hand in hand with President Trump,” he said, drawing the biggest applause when he predicted that “in 2020, Donald Trump will be overwhelmi­ngly reelected.”

Cruz’s race is among the most closely watched Senate contests. As early voting started Monday, it appeared that the new relationsh­ip between Cruz and Trump extended to their supporters.

“There’s a reunificat­ion going on,” said Eric Smith, a Cruz backer who became a Trump fan during the last two years and lined up early for Monday’s rally. “It’s like when your favorite band breaks up and the two main guys don’t get along .... I think there’s a future.”

Rhonda Bland, 50, a retired librarian from Houston who voted for Trump two years ago in the Republican presidenti­al primary and was now backing Cruz, said she thought the rally would drive turnout among Trump’s base — for Cruz.

“We know what’s at stake,” she said.

Trump made the same pitch to his supporters that he’s made at rallies across the country for other congressio­nal candidates: “A vote for a Democrat is a vote to surrender Congress.”

He also gave it a Texas twist: “In this election you can send a message to the radical Democrats: Don’t mess with Texas.”

The visit to Houston was designed to counter a surge in support and donations for Cruz’s opponent, Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke, who also held get-out-thevote rallies Monday in and around Houston.

Trump has called O’Rourke a “flake” and a “total lightweigh­t” compared with Cruz, even as O’Rourke raised more money and the race tightened enough to give him a chance.

On Monday, the president dismissed O’Rourke as “a stone-cold phony” and a pro-immigrant lawmaker in favor of higher taxes and open borders.

“The Democrats would rather destroy American values than protect America’s borders. Vote for Ted Cruz,” Trump said, reminding the crowd that a caravan of thousands of Central American immigrants is wending its way north through Mexico.

“Nobody has helped me more,” Trump said of Cruz. “We are defending that border.”

Cruz pointed out that he had the endorsemen­t of the Border Patrol union, which led to chants of support for Trump’s signature promise: “Build the wall!”

“There is no race in the country with a starker divide on immigratio­n,” Cruz said. “We need to build the wall.”

Britney Husfeld was persuaded. The 34-year-old voted for Trump over Cruz in the 2016 Texas Republican primary. She said the crowd at Monday’s rally sent an important message: “There are people who support Trump and Cruz.”

Recent polls show Cruz is ahead in the Senate race, and supporters hoped the Trump rally would boost Republican turnout.

“Trump is going to swing people,” said Joe Hunter, 60, a chemist from nearby Friendswoo­d, where yards have sprouted a mix of Cruz and O’Rourke campaign signs. He’s got a Cruz one.

But Husfeld, a real estate agent from rural, conservati­ve Navasota, where she’s also spotted O’Rourke campaign signs, said she was worried that hard-core Trump supporters wouldn’t be motivated to vote for Cruz.

“I don’t know that people can be swayed,” she said.

Cruz has said he talked to Trump about visiting Texas, but it was Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, a Tea Party stalwart and Trump’s 2016 Texas campaign chairman, who traveled to Washington to seal the deal. Patrick and Texas Gov. Greg Abbott both spoke at the Houston rally, along with Texas Sen. John Cornyn and Trump’s son and daughter-in-law Eric and Laura Trump.

In recent weeks, Vice President Mike Pence, Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump have traveled to Texas for events with Cruz.

Trump’s speech at the nearly packed 18,000-seat Toyota Center began at 6:30 p.m., but hundreds of fans lined up overnight, having traveled from across Texas and surroundin­g states.

Patricia Brady said she drove her 14-year-old son several hours from their home in Corpus Christi, Texas, to the Trump rally, their first. She was inspired after watching the confirmati­on hearings for Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh, which she called “outrageous.”

Brady said she agreed with Sen. Susan Collins (RMaine) that Kavanaugh was unfairly pilloried, and said the hearings would probably motivate conservati­ves to turn out in the midterm election.

“There was a fire that got ignited” by the hearings, said Brady, 47, a respirator­y therapist. “The way the Democrats have been acting upset a lot of people.”

 ?? Evan Vucci Associated Press ?? SEN. TED CRUZ of Texas greets President Trump at a Houston campaign rally. Cruz is in a tough reelection fight with Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke. Polls show Cruz leading the race, but O’Rourke has raised more campaign money than Cruz, worrying Republican­s.
Evan Vucci Associated Press SEN. TED CRUZ of Texas greets President Trump at a Houston campaign rally. Cruz is in a tough reelection fight with Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke. Polls show Cruz leading the race, but O’Rourke has raised more campaign money than Cruz, worrying Republican­s.
 ?? Larry W. Smith EPA/Shuttersto­ck ?? TWO YEARS AGO, Ted Cruz called Donald Trump a “sniveling coward.” On Monday night, he described the president as “bold and courageous.”
Larry W. Smith EPA/Shuttersto­ck TWO YEARS AGO, Ted Cruz called Donald Trump a “sniveling coward.” On Monday night, he described the president as “bold and courageous.”

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