Los Angeles Times

Policy still burdens patients


In the last few years, Anthem Blue Cross has made a strong bid for the award for the most heartless and senseless coverage policy in the health insurance business.

Its competitio­n entry is a policy that penalizes patients for seeking “unnecessar­y” treatment at an emergency room. If Anthem concludes that the reason for the visit wasn’t an emergency after all, it can deny the claim — saddling members with bills that could exceed $10,000.

Anthem’s rationale is that the ER is the costliest venue for medical treatment; therefore, weeding out patients whose medical complaints could more appropriat­ely be managed through a doctor’s appointmen­t or a visit to an urgentcare clinic will save money for Anthem and for its customers base. Anthem launched this program in Kentucky in 2015 and expanded it in 2017 and this year to Indiana, Georgia, Missouri and Ohio. (The company dropped plans to expand it this year into New Hampshire.)

Now, after several years’ experience in some of those states, a few conclusion­s can be drawn about it. First, the program as a whole appears to be a bust. According to statistics the company provided to Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), the vast majority of claims denials under the program have been reversed on appeal. The number of initial denials has fallen this year too after Anthem changed the rules to broaden the exemptions — that is, cases in which the ER claim would always be approved, no questions asked.

Perhaps most important, expecting consumers to diagnose their conditions as emergent or non-emergent before going to the ER is stupid and possibly illegal, insofar as it requires them to make judgments that ER doctors often can’t make without a profession­al examinatio­n. Using the ultimate diagnosis as a proxy for the urgency of the original visit to the ER is an imperfect standard to the

point of being nonsensica­l, in medical terms.

“I’m a board-certified trained doctor of emergency medicine,” Jonathan Heidt, president of the Missouri chapter of the American College of Emergency Physicians, told me in January, “and I have trouble looking at the ER note and knowing what the patient was thinking at 3 o’clock in the morning.”

But the likelihood is that Anthem doesn’t actually want to deny members’ ER claims; what it really wants is for them not to go to the ER at all. Anthem’s policy is really just another hoop for consumers to jump through, which always translates into less usage. The drawback is that these obstacles result in less unnecessar­y medical care, but less necessary care too. More on that in a bit.

The statistics on claims denials and reversals come from a report McCaskill issued this summer, using Anthem data (even though the company stiff-armed her on some of her data requests). The conclusion­s about the wisdom of the policy come from an analysis by researcher­s at Yale and Harvard medical schools recently published by the Journal of the American Medical Assn. The researcher­s concluded that anthem’s system is so flawed it “could place many patients who reasonably seek ED [emergency department] care at risk of coverage denial.”

Anthem, the nation’s second-largest health insurer, says it’s standing by its policy, though it has no current plans to expand it to more states. The company told me by email that its “Emergency Department Review” was designed to “reduce the trend in recent years of inappropri­ate use of EDs for non-emergencie­s.” It said it found that about 5% of all claims it received for ER care were for nonemergen­cies, “which is in line with findings from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”

The important questions, however, are what counts as a “non-emergency,” who makes the call, and when?

Anthem’s system is based on the diagnostic codes submitted by the ER with its claim — in other words, what the ER doctors ultimately judged the patient’s problem to be. In Indiana, Anthem used a roster of 120 codes ranging from “abrasion” to “viral wart” and including various contusions and pain complaints; in Missouri, according to ER doctors, the list ran to more than 1,900 conditions. If the conditions appeared on the ER claim, Anthem would subject the claim to further review, with an eye to rejecting it.

Under Anthem’s original rules, the denial policy wouldn’t apply when the patient is 14 or younger, an urgent-care clinic isn’t located within 15 miles, or the visit occurs on a Sunday or holiday. This year the company added several exclusions. Claims will always be paid if the patient was directed to visit the ER by a doctor; is traveling out of state; or received any surgery, IV medication­s, an MRI or a CT scan at the ER.

The basic problem remains, however: A final diagnosis by an ER doctor isn’t very useful in judging what motivated a patient to report to the ER in the first place. That’s what the Harvard/Yale study found.

Patients aren’t diagnostic­ians. They make decisions on whether to go to the ER based not on a diagnosis, but on their symptoms. And 90% of the symptoms that typically send a patient to the ER are common to both non-emergency conditions and potentiall­y life-threatenin­g emergencie­s.

Back or abdominal pain could be a muscle spasm — or herald a kidney stone or appendicit­is; the researcher­s found that in their study sample of emergency cases from 2011 to 2015, abdominal pain resulted in hospital admission 16% of the time — but could result in Anthem denials in 4.3% of cases. Chest pain could be indigestio­n or a heart attack. Headache, vomiting, dizziness, cough and shortness of breath also could go either way.

In Anthem’s system, the researcher­s warned, “patients with acute illnesses are put in a difficult position of weighing the risk of delayed treatment for severe disease vs. an uncovered medical bill.”

Anthem told me that “if a consumer reasonably believes that he or she is experienci­ng an emergency medical condition, then they should always call 911 or go to the ED.” But that’s just empty persiflage, if the consequenc­e of guessing wrong is a bill for several thousand bucks.

The stakes are considerab­le. The Harvard/Yale study calculated that if Anthem’s policy were widely copied, nearly 1 in 6 ER visits by insured adults would result in a non-emergency diagnosis and be subject to denial.

McCaskill’s report traced the life cycle of Anthem ER claims denials and appeals in Kentucky, Georgia and her home state of Missouri. Her findings are eye-opening.

In July through December of last year, 5% of ER claims — 3,700 — were denied in Missouri, 4% (5,000) in Kentucky and 7% (3,500) in Georgia. Five percent were initially denied but paid after appeals in Missouri, 7% in Kentucky and 13% in Georgia.

In fact, most denials were eventually overturned — and the rate of reversals rose almost every month into this year. In Missouri, the rate of reversals increased from 58% in July 2017 to 73% in November, a trend largely matched in the other two states.

Since January, when Anthem changed its standards, ER denials have plummeted — to zero in all three states by March 2018, McCaskill reports.

That points to the question of why Anthem’s program still exists at all. To begin with, it may well violate federal law, which requires insurers to cover ER services if a patient arrives with symptoms that a “prudent layperson” — one with an average knowledge of health and medicine — could reasonably expect to result in “serious impairment to his or her health.” Anthem says its physician reviews are aimed at matching ER diagnoses with the prudent layperson standard, which may explain why denials have plunged.

Perhaps it’s a bit unfair to criticize Anthem for trying to shift the costs of ER coverage to patients. After all, trying to avoid paying out on claims is what comes naturally to insurance companies. That’s what allowed Anthem to record a profit of $3.8 billion last year on revenue of $90 billion, and to pay its recently retired chairman and chief executive, Joe Swedish, nearly $50 million in 2015-2017.

Indulgent state regulators in five states have allowed Anthem to get away with this flagrantly anticonsum­er practice. The blame belongs to them.

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 ?? Aaron P. Bernstein Getty Images ?? ANTHEM’S headquarte­rs in Indianapol­is. It’s the nation’s second-largest health insurer.
Aaron P. Bernstein Getty Images ANTHEM’S headquarte­rs in Indianapol­is. It’s the nation’s second-largest health insurer.

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