Los Angeles Times

‘Grandma’ upset by claim

- Send questions for Amy Dickinson to askamy@ amydickins­on.com.

Dear Amy: I have had a woman in my life who has been like a mother to me since childhood. When I had each of my three children, she came out to help me. She has been like a grandmothe­r to my kids for their entire lives. She is lovely, and we all adore her.

This past summer I visited her with two of my children. She had two second cousins visiting, also. I thought the visit went well. She was very kind and gracious while we were there.

However, a week or so after we returned home, she wouldn’t respond to any calls or texts. The only time she did respond was to ask me if I was going to see a therapist.

I was super confused but found out later, via an email that had passed around to various members of her family, that her family had accused me of coming on to the two male cousins while I was there.

In the email, she stated that although she never witnessed this, she was hurt that I would do this to her family.

Amy, I have no interest in other men besides my husband, and certainly would never behave in this way. These men are also younger than I. I am no cougar.

I think her family members were jealous of our close bond, and this was their motivation. She has not only cut off all communicat­ion with me, but she won’t talk to my children. They don’t get why their “grandma” is ignoring them. What do I tell them? How do we move forward? Wondering

Dear Wondering: You should tell your children, “Grandma seems to be struggling with something; it has nothing at all to do with you, and I’m hoping to clear things up with her, but I think it’s going to take some time.”

Write to her. Deny all accusation­s. Do not accuse her family members of jealousy — you don’t want to back her into a corner. Affirm your affection and warm feelings. Remind her of your long and loving history. Tell her that the kids love and miss her, and tell her that you hope she will see it in her heart to stay in all of your lives.

The rest is up to her. There is not much else you can do, other than be patient and hope that she comes around.

Periodic newsy and neutral emails/letters catching her up on your lives (and asking about hers) might help her to move forward.

She may want to let this matter pass without discussing it, and if this is the case, I think you should let her. Let your relationsh­ip normalize again, and table a more serious discussion until you’re both on firmer footing.

Dear Amy: I still have feelings for my old college crush. She laughed at my jokes, talked to me every day and was really important to me.

We haven’t talked in two years, and I want to reach out to her. Would that be weird? Worried Grad

Dear Worried: No, it would not be weird to reach out to a college friend. Rather, it would only be weird if you made it so.

You should contact her through social media or email. Keep your communicat­ion very simple: “Hi, ‘Tiff.’ I was thinking about you today and wonder how you’re doing.” Tell her what you’re doing with your time, say something funny and close with, Get in touch when you have a chance. I’d love to catch up.”

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