Los Angeles Times

Leave Brexit to the Brits


Re “Is it too late to undo Brexit?” editorial, Dec. 12

As a British nurse living and working in California, I’ve got one thing to say on the subject of Brexit: Keep your opinions to yourself, Los Angeles Times!

How dare your editorial board suggest that a second referendum be held? How would you like it if Republican­s decided they didn’t like that the House of Representa­tives had come under the control of Democrats and demanded a second vote? Or how about if America had to answer to, say, Mexico City, and some of your laws were made by foreign officials?

I could write reams about what the British have put up with by belonging to the European Union, but suffice to say, uncontroll­ed immigratio­n in a country approximat­ely 800 miles long by 250 miles wide was enough of a challenge that the public finally said, “Enough!”

I hope you will keep your editorial pieces balanced in the future. Rhonda Woodfine

Redondo Beach

John Maynard Keynes is believed to have said to an interlocut­or: “When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do?”

The facts on the ground have changed, and many Brits have changed their minds — in both directions. Another referendum, advisory in nature, is not a denigratio­n of the first vote, since the same people have a chance to vote again.

The British government has seriously tried to accommodat­e the desire of voters to abandon the EU. Those efforts have honored the prior vote.

Now, the brutal reality asserts itself: There is no good way out. Siegfried Othmer

Woodland Hills

As long as we allow elections to be determined by gerrymande­ring, do we really have any right to criticize the idiocy of Brexit? Bonnie Ann Baker


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