Los Angeles Times

No shutdown at Trump hotel site

Federal rangers report as usual at clock tower atop the D.C. building.


WASHINGTON — Smithsonia­n museums are closed. There are no federal staffers to answer tourists’ questions at the Lincoln Memorial. And across the United States, national parks are cluttered with trash. Yet despite the federal government shutdown, a historic clock tower at the Trump Internatio­nal Hotel remained open for its handful of visitors, staffed by green-clad National Park Service rangers.

“We’re open!” one National Park Service ranger declared around lunchtime, pushing an elevator button for a lone visitor entering the site through a side entrance to ride to the top of the 315foot-high, nearly 120-yearold clock tower in the nation’s capital.

The Trump administra­tion appears to have gone out of its way to keep the attraction in the federally owned building that houses the Trump hotel open and staffed with National Park Service rangers, even as other federal agencies shut all but the most essential services.

Amanda Osborn, a spokeswoma­n for the General Services Administra­tion, which owns the building and leases it to the Trump Organizati­on, said in an email that the shutdown exemption for the comparativ­ely little-known clock tower was “unrelated to the facility’s tenant” — the Trump business. The agency says the law that put it in charge of the site obligates it to keep it open, even as federal Washington closes around it.

But the scene at the modest historic site at the Trump hotel building, where rangers often outnumber visitors, marked the latest episode in which President Trump’s business interests have overlapped with the work of the federal government, creating at least the appearance of a conflict of interest.

A watchdog group, and frustrated tourists, questioned why a shutdown that had furloughed hundreds of thousands of workers and crippled many agencies was exempting a site within the Trump family’s business empire.

Citizens for Responsibi­lity and Ethics in Washington filed a request with the General Services Administra­tion seeking documents explaining why the tower was open, how it continues to be funded and any communicat­ions between the agency and the Trump Organizati­on. “At the very least, this smells funny,” said Noah Bookbinder, the group’s executive director.

 ?? Alex Brandon Associated Press ?? THE STAFFING at the Trump hotel site is “unrelated to the facility’s tenant,” a spokeswoma­n said.
Alex Brandon Associated Press THE STAFFING at the Trump hotel site is “unrelated to the facility’s tenant,” a spokeswoma­n said.

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