Los Angeles Times


Leaders will meet again next month despite few changes to North Korea’s nuclear arsenal since last year.

- By Tracy Wilkinson

WASHINGTON — President Trump agreed to a second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in late February, despite the lack of significan­t progress so far toward the elusive goal of dismantlin­g Pyongyang’s nuclear arsenal.

Trump accepted the date Friday afternoon after meeting Kim’s right-hand man and top spy chief, Kim Yong Chol, in the Oval Office for an hour and a half. As he did last year to arrange the first summit, the official traveled to Washington, hand-carrying a letter from his boss, to set the details personally with Trump.

“The president looks forward to meeting with Chairman Kim at a place to be announced at a later date,” White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said. She confirmed the meeting would take place late next month.

Among possible venues is Vietnam, according to people familiar with preparatio­ns.

Trump had his first, historic meeting with Kim in June in Singapore, a meeting that yielded a vague denucleari­zation agreement but no concrete plans for dismantlin­g North Korea’s arsenal. No additional outline of how talks would proceed was provided Friday.

Seven months after the first summit, the two sides still have not agreed on basics, such as the definition of denucleari­zation.

North Korea has refused to supply an inventory of its nuclear and missile arsenal, a step considered essential to any disarmamen­t plan. Only a few meaningful talks have taken place between aides at the working level from the two sides.

Friday’s decision to go straight to a second summit, rather than complete any medium-range goals or preparatio­n work, reflected what many outside analysts have seen as the flawed nature of Trump’s approach to talks, which focuses on highprofil­e show over the nonglamoro­us work of hashing out substantiv­e details and agreements.

Current and former diplomats worry that in a second meeting with Kim, Trump again will put a priority on optics and not make progress on mundane but crucial steps involving inspection­s, monitoring, equipment storage and the like.

Trump has exchanged what he has called love letters with Kim and has repeatedly made exaggerate­d claims of progress.

The North Koreans, in turn, have not conducted any new nuclear tests since talks began, but have continued to produce missiles and improve their technology.

Kim has at times snubbed U.S. envoys, including Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo, evidently preferring to deal directly with Trump. A planned meeting between Pompeo and Kim Yong Chol in New York last November was called off abruptly. U.S. officials said at the time that North Korea had canceled the session.

After their Singapore meeting, Trump stunned allies and his own advisors by announcing an end to joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises — a goal long sought by the North. He described the exercises as “war games,” using Pyongyang’s parlance.

One of Kim Jong Un’s goals is to obtain a formal end of the Korean War, which would in theory make a U.S. military presence on the peninsula obsolete — to the dismay of Seoul, Japan and other allies.

The North Koreans “believe they can outsmart him,” said Andrei Lankov, a professor at Seoul-based Kookmin University who has also lived and worked in North Korea. “They can shower him with flattery and manipulate him into giving concession­s that they would never get from any other American president.”

Since Trump’s first exchange with Kim, several analysts have published reports detailing North Korea’s continued developmen­t of nuclear and missile technology. Pyongyang has demanded that the U.S. end its economic sanctions and guarantee the security of North Korea’s regime before it takes any steps beyond suspending nuclear and missile tests.

Vice President Mike Pence said Wednesday that the talks with North Korea were “promising,” but that the U.S. was still awaiting “concrete steps” by North Korea to “dismantle the nuclear weapons that threaten our people and our allies in the region.”

Trump has praised Pyongyang’s willingnes­s to turn over remains of American service members who died in the Korean War and the release of three U.S. citizens who were detained in North Korean prisons.

He has studiously avoided criticizin­g Kim’s human rights record, considered among the worst in the world. Trump has also quietly turned a blind eye to China’s decision to break U.S. sanctions by allowing rice and fuel into North Korea.

Kim expressed frustratio­n in an annual New Year’s address over the lack of progress in negotiatio­ns. But on a visit to Beijing last week, he said North Korea would pursue a second summit “to achieve results that will be welcomed by the internatio­nal community,” according to China’s official New China News Agency.

Before Friday’s meeting in the Oval Office, Kim Yong Chol met with Pompeo at a Washington hotel. They and their delegation­s also shared lunch, the U.S. State Department said.

Separately, North Korean Deputy Foreign Minister Choe Son Hui attended talks in Stockholm, according to Swedish Foreign Ministry spokeswoma­n Diana Kudhaib, who declined to give further details.

Sweden’s TT News Agency said the talks included U.S. special envoy for North Korea Stephen Biegun and Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstroem. Wallstroem was influentia­l in securing the first Trump-Kim summit.

Sweden has had diplomatic relations with Pyongyang since 1973 and is one of a few Western countries with an embassy there. It provides consular services for the United States.

Last March, Wallstroem held talks with her North Korean counterpar­t, Ri Yong Ho, in Stockholm, leading to the Singapore meeting between Trump and Kim.

‘They can shower him with flattery and manipulate him into giving concession­s that they would never get from any other American president.’ —Andrei Lankov, Kookmin University

 ?? Evan Vucci Associated Press ?? PRESIDENT TRUMP and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met in June in Singapore. The two sides still haven’t agreed on a definition of “denucleari­zation.”
Evan Vucci Associated Press PRESIDENT TRUMP and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met in June in Singapore. The two sides still haven’t agreed on a definition of “denucleari­zation.”

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