Los Angeles Times

Biden’s appeal: He can win


Re “Anita Hill hearing clouds Biden’s hopes,” April 18

By what criteria did the Los Angeles Times decide that former Vice President Joe Biden’s hopes for 2020 are seriously diminished?

Though he is still undeclared, in all but a small handful of polls published thus far, Biden leads other Democrats for his party’s nomination for president. Of even greater significan­ce is that Biden is more likely to defeat President Trump than any of his

Democratic rivals.

Yes, the former vice president was sorely mistaken for not vigorously defending Anita Hill or by later failing to apologize to Hill for his role in helping to elevate Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court.

However, let’s not ignore the seminal role Biden played in passage of the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 and his support of same-sex marriage even before President Obama climbed on board.

Democrats need a winner like Biden in 2020, lest they nominate an uncompromi­sing ideologue and cede the election to Trump and the Supreme Court to philosophi­cal clones of Justice Thomas for the foreseeabl­e future.

Harold N. Bass

Porter Ranch

Seeing an article about Biden’s treatment of Hill in 1991 on the front page of the L.A. Times gave me hope.

It isn’t because I want to see Biden driven out of the race for president, but rather because I feared his fate would be decided solely based on stories of him touching women.

Biden’s behavior, while it may have been less than appropriat­e, was also far less than predatory. The constant drumbeat about it had the effect of obscuring Biden’s senatorial achievemen­ts, or lack thereof.

Please let us have more articles about all of the candidates that focus on issues rather than gossip.

Joan Walston Santa Monica

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