Los Angeles Times

‘She’s not one thing’

- By Meredith Blake

NEW YORK — In “Barry,” Sarah Goldberg plays Sally Reed, an aspiring actress who practicall­y vibrates with neediness. Simultaneo­usly well-meaning and monstrousl­y self-absorbed, she’s too blinded by her desire for adulation to realize her boyfriend, Barry (Bill Hader), is a hit man.

Yet she’s also heartbreak­ingly sympatheti­c: This season has delved into Sally’s backstory, revealing that she fled an abusive relationsh­ip to pursue her dreams of Hollywood stardom. “She is someone who’s experience­d major trauma and has no language to deal with it,” says Goldberg.

The actress, who now calls Brooklyn home, grew up outside Vancouver — “we had fences to keep the bears away” — before moving to London at age 19 to study at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art.

Until “Barry” debuted last year, she was mostly known for her work on the stage in London and New York, including an Olivier Awardnomin­ated performanc­e in “Clybourne Park” and a turn on Broadway in a revival of “Look Back in Anger.”

The Emmy-nominated HBO series, created by Hader and Alec Berg, has opened up other opportunit­ies for Goldberg, including a role in “The Report,” the highly anticipate­d CIA thriller coming this fall from Amazon with Adam Driver and Annette Bening, and the recent Wall Street drama “The Hummingbir­d Project.” She talked with The Times about her blissful stint as a theater student and her love for Phoebe Waller-Bridge. How did you decide that acting was what you wanted to do?

I am one of those annoying clichés. I just always wanted to act. Then in school, I had this amazing teacher, Michael Weiner, who came when I was in grade 8, and he was this passionate, fiery man with a big mop of hair. We would rehearse from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. every night. We just lived in that theater when I wasn’t in classes. And even when I was in class, I was daydreamin­g and reading my script in my desk. In my last show, I got to play Sally Bowles in “Cabaret.” It was all I ever wanted to do. I wish, in a way, I’d been open to other things as a teen. I feel my curiosity in other things is peaking now in my 30s where I’m like, “Can I go back to college now?” I just started reading “Middlemarc­h.” Even so, going to drama school in London must have been a leap.

Theater school was wonderful, but really it was being there, I think, that was the education. It was going to shows three times a week and being so immersed in it. You got to make a fool of yourself for three years and do all kinds of crazy things that you would probably never get to do profession­ally. I’m really grateful that I had that sort of path and I didn’t move to L.A. at 19.

A week before graduating, I got an audition for “A Member of the Wedding,” the Carson McCullers play. So when I left school, I had this utopian exit. It was like I went to this beautiful theater on the South Bank. I had the code to the dressing rooms at the Young Vic. I had these beautiful costumes, and I’m getting paid 350 pounds a week! Then that job ended, and there was nothing to back it up. It sounds like you got into acting for the right reasons. Your character, Sally, not so much.

I really care about Sally. I just think she developed the wrong set of survival skills out of necessity, and I think she had this calling to go to Los Angeles. It’s just a dangerous town for lost souls, and she’s one of the ones who got swept up. I always said to Bill and Alec, I really don’t care if you like her, you just have to know her, and I feel like I know her. I feel like I’ve met her in so many bars in Los Angeles. Often with antihero shows, there’s this strange hostility directed at the female lead, like Carmela Soprano or Skyler White. Have you experience­d this with “Barry”?

Definitely, but I was sort of anticipati­ng it a little bit and wanted to flip all that on its head. When we were getting notes on her, there was feedback that she was too dislikable. I was like, “Please don’t dilute her.” If they’d written the typical rom-com, romantic lead, I wouldn’t have wanted the part. In that pilot, she’s just this perfect combinatio­n of horrific narcissism, but then this smalltown girl-next-door, wanting to help. She’s a messy character, and she’s not one thing.

There’s a lot of pressure being one of the only female main characters on the show where we do have conversati­ons constantly where we say, “What are we saying about women here?” Did you ever have any encounters, in L.A. or elsewhere, that informed Sally?

I’ve met a lot of people who use their acting class as a form of therapy. Either they don’t have health care — another reason to move home to Canada — or there’s this idea that it’s a safe space for that kind of conversati­on. There is competitiv­e grief in acting classes, where the bigger the trauma you’ve had makes you the best in the class. I’ve met a lot of L.A. actors where I’m like, the class you’re describing is a therapy session with an unlicensed therapist.

I am grateful I went the British route, the Laurence Olivier School of “try acting.” I think there have to be safe boundaries. The joy of what I do is imaginatio­n and putting yourself in someone else’s shoes, more than tapping into childhood pain. Empathy is your asset. How does that work in action?

I did “Look Back in Anger” years ago, and I had to do this heavy scene at the end where the character has had a miscarriag­e. I needed something to make me cry onstage eight times a week. And so I thought of a simple story every night, where this woman gets on a train and she’s just had this miscarriag­e, and there’s a woman who’s trying to get her bag up, and she’s got a baby, and she just says, “Here, can you hold my baby?” And hands her the baby. I would visualize it every night, like a film, before I had to go on for that scene, and by the end, it felt personal because I was invested in that story. But it wasn’t personal to me. Sally does not have those boundaries at all. What’s it like to collaborat­e with Bill Hader, who has such a different profession­al background?

He’s made me a lot freer as an actor because in theater, you’re so used to having to build something that you can repeat and repeat and repeat, whereas he comes from improv. I make him learn his lines and he makes me relax.

I remember when I had my first round of auditions, they called me in and said, “Bill Hader wants to meet you. How do you feel about coming in and improvisin­g tomorrow?” I was like, “Not good!” I don’t come from that world, and he’s the prince of comedy in this country. But I went in and we improvised for an hour as my callback. From the very beginning, there was a tone of, “Let’s figure this out together.” It was certainly the most fun I’ve ever had in an audition. When Sally is dropped by her agent for not sleeping with him, it’s devastatin­g. You filmed it before #MeToo really took off.

[When Hader and Berg] originally wrote that scene, she got defensive and stood up for herself and stormed out. They asked the female writers, “Does this read true?” And they went, “No, she would apologize.” I feel like I’ve been in that situation where there’s passive-aggressive sexual harassment and you’re so stunned by it in the moment, your brain doesn’t have time to catch up. I thought it was really smart writing.

I’m fascinated by the backlash [to #MeToo] because I think people are really impatient. I think it’s a movement; it takes time. We’re not done with it and we’re not finished, and I feel as though we’re not going to really understand what’s changed for a good few years. I feel like it’s a long overdue conversati­on that needed to come out on this kind of massive scale.

I’m 33; I was born in 1985 in Canada. That’s winning the lottery right there as a woman. I feel like I was sold a bit of a lie. All the girls in my class had the best grades. All the girls in my class had their hands up first, and we were sold this idea of equality. It never occurred to me that we were unequal until I got into the workforce. The harsh reality kind of came down harder because I was really naive. Any plans to return to the stage?

I feel like my body needs it. I need the routine of the eight-show week: Sleep-in in the morning, get to work at 5, and then you do your warm up and go to the pub after.

 ?? Michael Nagle For The Times ?? “I DON’T care if you like her,” says Sarah Goldberg of “Barry’s” Sally Reed, who is dating a hit man.
Michael Nagle For The Times “I DON’T care if you like her,” says Sarah Goldberg of “Barry’s” Sally Reed, who is dating a hit man.

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