Los Angeles Times

Trump wants more money for border

He asks Congress for $4.5 billion in emergency funding to deal with the stream of migrants.


WASHINGTON — The White House asked Congress on Wednesday for $4.5 billion more in emergency funding to address a surge of migrants at the southern border.

In doing so, the administra­tion acknowledg­ed that President Trump’s emergency declaratio­n to divert taxpayer money for a yetto-be-built border wall cannot address the growing humanitari­an challenge on the ground, which now requires additional government funding.

The president and his aides previously insisted the February declaratio­n was necessary to address a “humanitari­an and national security crisis.” But senior administra­tion officials speaking on background told reporters Wednesday that those funds were never intended to — and could not — be used for anything other than barrier constructi­on.

“The national emergency is taking funds within the scope of Department of Defense authority and shifting them to the wall,” one senior official said. “Dealing with the raw humanitari­an needs of families and unaccompan­ied alien children is outside the scope of their authority.”

The bulk of the administra­tion’s supplement­al request seeks $3.3 billion for humanitari­an assistance, including facilities to process and temporaril­y house migrants; clothing, diapers and baby formula; and increased shelter capacity and bed space, officials said.

Of that, more than $2.8 billion would go to the Department of Health and Human Services, charged with the care of unaccompan­ied migrant children, to increase its capacity by about 23,600 beds, according to the White House request.

The Homeland Security Department would receive $273 million for processing centers at the border, growing its bed capacity by 3,500.

Another $1.1 billion would go toward border operations, including paying for personnel, operations against human smuggling and traffickin­g operations, and additional detention beds under Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t, a source of contention in the negotiatio­ns over the spending agreement Trump signed in February.

Another $178 million would be used to upgrade informatio­n technology.

The Justice Department would get $155 million to accommodat­e “significan­t increases in detained population­s,” according to a letter from the Office of Management and Budget outlining the request.

The administra­tion’s request also includes $377 million for the Defense Department for National Guard and active-duty troops to provide further logistical and intelligen­ce support at the border, including more aerial surveillan­ce.

Separately, the Defense Department recently said it would be deploying to the border an additional 320 military personnel, including cooks, drivers and lawyers, at a cost of more than $7 million.

While Pentagon policy and U.S. law prohibit military personnel from directly interactin­g with migrants or domestic law enforcemen­t, those roles will bring troops into regular, direct contact with migrants for the first time since Trump’s border deployment began in October.

None of the requested funds will go toward border barrier constructi­on.

Despite the president’s emergency declaratio­n, so far during his two years in office not a single new mile of border wall has been added to the roughly 700 miles of barrier built under his predecesso­rs.

“The wall represents a critical part of border security and migrant management solutions,” another official said on the Wednesday call. “Additional resources, however, are needed immediatel­y to address what is an emergency in its short term and until the wall has been completed.”

After a partial government shutdown over the president’s demands for billions for his long-promised border wall, Trump signed a spending bill into law on Feb. 15 that reopened crucial Homeland Security agencies — and at the same time, declared a national emergency to get around Congress’ spending limits for his oft-touted border barrier.

Lawmakers and other critics opposed the emergency declaratio­n, arguing a border wall would do little to deter primarily Central American families seeking asylum at official ports of entry or immediatel­y turning themselves in to border authoritie­s upon crossing elsewhere along the border.

Trump and his closest officials have been frustrated by the failure of the administra­tion’s policies to deter migration. In February and March, U.S. authoritie­s apprehende­d more people at the border than they have in a decade, with a majority of them asylum seekers and families from the Northern Triangle countries of El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala.

Both Democratic lawmakers and members of the president’s party also took issue with what they viewed as a dangerous incursion on Congress’ constituti­onal power of the purse, and expressed open concern with taking funds from the Department of Defense for the president’s wall.

The White House warned Wednesday that agencies overwhelme­d by the surge would soon use up their funding, estimating that Health and Human Services would run out as soon as June. In a Tuesday hearing, acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan told congressio­nal appropriat­ors that the federal government’s third-largest department — with a $50-billion budget — would tap out before September, the end of the current fiscal year.

But administra­tion officials are unlikely to find a warm reception for the supplement­al request on Capitol Hill, given the president’s end run of Congress’ spending authority.

Immediatel­y after the release of the request on Wednesday, House Appropriat­ions Committee Chairwoman Nita M. Lowey (DN.Y.) said House Democrats would “carefully review” the request, but rejected what she called “bailing out ICE” for overspendi­ng.

“Through its callous immigratio­n policies, the Trump administra­tion has contribute­d to a humanitari­an emergency on the border,” Lowey said in a statement. “However, the Trump administra­tion appears to want much of this $4.5 billion emergency supplement­al request to double down on cruel and ill-conceived policies, including bailing out ICE for overspendi­ng on detention beds and expanding family detention.”

 ?? Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times ?? IMMIGRANTS in McAllen, Texas. None of the requested money would go toward border wall constructi­on.
Genaro Molina Los Angeles Times IMMIGRANTS in McAllen, Texas. None of the requested money would go toward border wall constructi­on.

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