Los Angeles Times

Out to collect a few autographs

- By Christi Carras

Josh Kun searches the Los Angeles Public Library’s autograph collection to prepare a book and exhibit.

In a new age of auto-signatures and celebrity selfies, it’s easy to dismiss autographs as a dying art. But to Josh Kun, author and director of the USC Annenberg School of Communicat­ion, autographs are Los Angeles’ richest source of artistic inspiratio­n for his newest project, “The Autograph Book of L.A.”

“While there are big changes in the world of autographs and signatures, what’s behind an autograph and a signature — that desire to be remembered, that desire to remember a time or to remember your own role in culture and society — that doesn’t go away,” Kun said. “We all want to outlive the moment that we’re in.”

On Thursday, the Los Angeles Public Library announced “The Autograph Book of L.A.” as its latest collaborat­ion with the MacArthur Fellow. The project — featuring a new book and tandem Central Library exhibit curated by Kun and City Librarian John F. Szabo — showcases and builds on the autograph collection of eccentric polymath and first L.A. Times city editor Charles Lummis.

“The Autograph Book of L.A.” is the third collaborat­ion between Kun and the L.A. Public Library documentin­g the city’s history. He published “Songs in the Key of L.A.,” tracking L.A.’s legacy through the compositio­ns of local musicians, and “To Live and Dine in L.A.,” documentin­g the city’s everchangi­ng tastes via the library’s Menu Collection.

Kun examines the city’s collective memory through the autographs, drawings, letters and poems that make up the collection, plus some fresher signatures penned by community members who participat­ed in the library’s 2018 Autograph Day. The book details the evolution of the L.A. signature, from classic penmanship to spraypaint­ed graffiti tags — paired with content from L.A. graffiti artist Chaz Bojórquez.

Street art showcases “the desire for communitie­s and individual­s who have been left out of dominant narratives, who have been pushed out of recognitio­n, who have been made to feel absent and invisible, who used everything from tar and candles to aerosol spray cans to felt-tip markers to sign their names on the pages of the city that they want to be seen by,” Kun said.

“The Autograph Book of L.A.” exhibit will open to the public Sept. 26, and programs related to the exhibit will be announced.

“The true history of Los Angeles is what’s not in the headlines or what’s not on the marquees,” Kun said. “It’s all of the names and all of the messages … of everyday people. That’s what makes Los Angeles. So my hope is that this book and this project gets people to think about how memory works in a city that is always trying to erase itself.”

 ?? Jeremy Deputat ?? JOSH KUN’S new project asks, “Whose names should be remembered?”
Jeremy Deputat JOSH KUN’S new project asks, “Whose names should be remembered?”

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