Los Angeles Times

House votes down an attempt to start impeaching Trump

The confrontat­ion comes shortly before Democrats agree to hold Barr and Ross in contempt over census.

- By Caroline S. Engelmayer and Chris Megerian

WASHINGTON — House Democrats rejected an attempt Wednesday to force a vote on impeaching President Trump, showing that anger and frustratio­n over the president’s racist tweets and other actions have not yet persuaded a majority to push for his removal.

The clash over impeachmen­t came shortly before Democrats voted to hold in contempt Atty. Gen. William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross for refusing to comply with congressio­nal subpoenas seeking informatio­n about why the Trump administra­tion wanted to add a citizenshi­p question to the 2020 census.

It marked the first time the full House voted on holding members of Trump’s Cabinet in contempt since Democrats took over the chamber in January, and it came days after Trump announced he would give up his battle to use the census for what critics said was an effort to cut federal support for immigrant-heavy, largely Democratic districts.

The conflictin­g votes Wednesday thus reflected how far Democrats are willing to go — at least for now — as they confront Trump over an array of legal and political disputes, from getting access to his tax returns to oversight of security clearances at the White House.

They’ve struggled to pry documents and witnesses out of the Trump administra­tion for congressio­nal investigat­ions, issuing subpoenas and going to court. But they’ve shied away from seeking impeachmen­t, even while harshly denouncing the president.

On Tuesday the House passed a resolution, largely on party grounds, that “strongly condemned” Trump for telling four liberal

members of Congress, all women of color and all U.S. citizens, to leave the country.

Although Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Fransisco) strongly backed that resolution, she has pushed back against efforts to start impeachmen­t proceeding­s against the president, in part because of concerns it would backfire against Democrats in the 2020 election.

Rep. Al Green (D-Texas) tried to force a vote on impeaching Trump anyway on Wednesday, introducin­g a resolution that called him “unfit to be president” and calling for his removal. For procedural reasons, the House was forced to consider — or derail — the resolution within two days.

Trump has “brought the high office of the president of the United States in contempt” and “sown seeds of discord among the people of the United States,” Green wrote.

He cited Trump’s racist tweets telling the four lawmakers to “go back” to the countries “from which they came.”

The House could have voted to proceed with the measure, formally opening a debate on the floor over whether the president should be impeached, but Pelosi and other Democrats helped block the effort. The measure was tabled by a bipartisan vote of 332 to 95, in effect killing it.

Green said he considered his effort worthwhile because 95 Democrats voted against sidelining his resolution, an increase over the two times he has previously tried to force a vote on impeachmen­t.

“Whether we got 95 or 5, the point is we have to make a statement to the American people that there are some among us who believe that this president is unfit and should be impeached,” he said after the vote.

Trump hailed the vote as “overwhelmi­ng.”

“That’s the end of it,” he told reporters after landing in Greenville, N.C., for a political rally.

Despite the vote, impeachmen­t is gaining traction among some Democrats and emerging as a divisive issue in the party. Several Democrats running for president, including Sens. Kamala Harris of California and Elizabeth Warren of Massachuse­tts, have urged Congress to start impeachmen­t proceeding­s.

Pelosi has warned that an impeachmen­t inquiry could draw attention away from Democrats’ policy goals, energize Trump’s supporters and ultimately be thwarted by the Republican-controlled Senate, which almost certainly would not vote to convict the president.

Green’s resolution did not address the investigat­ion led by former special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, who uncovered multiple episodes where Trump tried to limit or block the investigat­ion into whether Trump or his aides assisted Russian interferen­ce in the 2016 election. Some 34 people ultimately were charged or indicted, but no Americans were accused of conspiring with the Russians.

Mueller is scheduled to appear on Capitol Hill on July 24 and his testimony — his first since the redacted version of his report was released in mid-April — could spur other Democrats to call for impeachmen­t.

Green’s resolution cited the House vote to censure Trump for his racist tweets about four freshmen lawmakers: Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Ayanna Pressley (D-Mass.), Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.).

Ocasio-Cortez was among those who voted for Green’s resolution, and she described Trump’s presidency as an emergency that needs to be addressed by removing him from office.

“I think that each day that passes our democracy, our institutio­ns, are imperiled,” she said.

The House later voted 230 to 198 to hold Barr and Ross in contempt for refusing to comply with subpoenas regarding next year’s census.

In June, the Supreme Court ruled 5 to 4 that the reason Ross had provided for adding the citizenshi­p question — to help enforce the Voting Rights Act — was “contrived.” The justices blocked the Commerce Department from adding the question unless administra­tion officials could provide a more compelling rationale.

Critics say the administra­tion sought to suppress census turnout in Democratic-majority states such as California, where large immigrant population­s would be afraid to respond. That would lead to a drop in congressio­nal seats and federal funds for those states.

The House Reform and Oversight Committee voted last month to advance the contempt resolution to the full House after Barr and Ross declined to share documents detailing the rationale for the citizenshi­p question. The contempt citation will be automatica­lly referred to the U.S. attorney’s office in Washington for prosecutio­n, but Barr oversees that office so it is unlikely to proceed.

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham blasted the vote. “House Democrats know they have no legal right to these documents, but their shameful and cynical politics know no bounds,” she said.

It’s more likely that Democrats intended the contempt vote as a symbolic gesture meant to show their disapprova­l. They could also turn to the courts for help in enforcing their subpoenas.

Lawmakers voted in June to authorize legal action to make Barr and former White House Counsel Don McGahn testify after they refused House Judiciary Committee subpoenas related to the Russia investigat­ion.

Democrats stopped short of holding them in contempt, however. Trump claimed that executive privilege prevented the witnesses from complying with subpoenas in both cases.

 ?? Erik S. Lesser EPA/Shuttersto­ck ?? REP. AL GREEN (D-Texas) tried to force a vote on impeaching President Trump, introducin­g a resolution that called him “unfit to be president.”
Erik S. Lesser EPA/Shuttersto­ck REP. AL GREEN (D-Texas) tried to force a vote on impeaching President Trump, introducin­g a resolution that called him “unfit to be president.”

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