Los Angeles Times

Kids held at the border belong in school

- By Lauren Markham and Thi Bui

The Trump administra­tion’s campaign of terror against immigrants and asylum seekers worsens by the day. Parents and children continue to be forcibly separated, children sleep in cages and in freezing rooms, some are so traumatize­d they no longer speak. Late last month, an administra­tion lawyer argued that maintainin­g “safe and sanitary conditions” for the 13,000 migrant children in U.S. government custody doesn’t necessaril­y require providing them with soap and a toothbrush.

As educators, we know that forcibly displaced children, even in the best of circumstan­ces, will carry challenges with them for life. Languishin­g in makeshift camps in Mexico or surviving nearly a month of detention in Border Patrol cages, and sometimes for many more months in federal shelters, only compounds the trauma that displaced these kids in the first place.

We also know that schooling can cultivate resilience and is crucial for the future prospects of migrant and refugee children. But there is little sign that children’s futures matter at all on our southern border.

Under U.S. law — in particular the Flores settlement, a court

agreement that dates to the Clinton administra­tion — children can’t be held by Customs and Border Protection for long periods. They must be remanded to the Department of Health and Human Services and released to a family sponsor, licensed foster care or placed in adequate shelters, though, as in the border detention centers, there have been widespread allegation­s of abuse and mistreatme­nt in HHS facilities.

The law also requires that detained children be individual­ly assessed and assigned an education plan. The Trump administra­tion has made it clear that it has little respect for that provision. In early June, Health and Human Services notified its border shelters that it would no longer reimburse them for teachers’ pay, costs for legal services or recreation­al equipment. There is no guarantee that additional “crisis” funding provided by Congress will change its priorities.

In 2007, we helped open Oakland Internatio­nal High School, designed for newly arrived immigrant youth in California. Of the 400 students who are currently enrolled, more than 130 have been in detention at the hands of the government’s immigratio­n apparatus, some for several months, some after being separated from their parents. All of our students have significan­t obstacles to overcome as they transition to new lives and homes in the U.S., but we’ve seen in particular the toll that prolonged and inhumane detention takes on their ability to build trust, to make healthy decisions and to forge positive relationsh­ips.

A 2018 meta study, conducted by British researcher­s, shows the impact of detention on children: 65% to 100% of children surveyed had some level of chronic sleep issues, more than 87% had a major depressive disorder, and more than 50% confided suicidal ideation. Although formerly detained children make up a third of the current student body at Oakland Internatio­nal, they make up more than 60% of the school’s urgent mental health referrals.

Each day a child spends in border detention or in shelters — especially in facilities that lack educationa­l opportunit­ies, not to mention basic care— is a criminal waste for society as well as the children. Students who fall behind due to interrupte­d education and trauma are more likely to drop out altogether, to develop chronic health conditions and even to end up in prison. And the deeper the trauma and educationa­l gaps the more resource-intensive a child’s schooling — in terms of teacher time, curriculum and general expenditur­es. At Oakland Internatio­nal, we dedicate almost as much money a year to mental health services as we pay a starting teacher.

In the U.S., we must keep our attention focused on what is happening at the border, to pressure Congress and the White House to remedy what is an administra­tion-created human rights crisis. But our border catastroph­e has echoes around the globe, with record numbers of displaced men, women and children the world over. The United Nations estimates that nearly 31 million children are forcibly displaced, which amounts to a worldwide generation at risk of severely curtailed opportunit­ies and truncated futures. Yet not all nations treat asylum seekers like criminals, seemingly the default position of the Trump administra­tion.

We recently observed conditions on the Greek island of Lesvos, where hundreds of thousands of refugees, immigrants and asylum seekers have arrived since 2015. The Greek central and municipal government­s, with the help of schools, nonprofits and internatio­nal groups, have largely respected internatio­nal law and prioritize­d asylum seekers’ protection in ways that go beyond meeting their basic needs.

Chloe Haralambou­s works at the Mosaik Community Center on Lesvos, which runs daily classes in English, computer skills and the arts. Education, she says, has proved to be one of the interventi­ons “that not only keeps people alive, but that allows them to be human. You can meet needs around hunger, thirst, shelter, but what about the notion of boredom as something that is psychologi­cally corrosive?”

Given the brutal conditions documented in U.S. detention centers, focusing on schooling for children may seem beside the point. But education is a form of dignity. When schools do their job, they rebuild displaced children’s sense of community. In school, we learn how to cooperate, how to be responsibl­e for ourselves and others. Education is also, according to the U.N.’s 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child, a basic human right.

The thousands of displaced children in U.S. custody need to be let out of their cages (it feels absurd to have to write such a sentence). We have the means to welcome them into stable living situations, as our own rules demand, and into quality schools. Along the border with Mexico, and in refugee camps around the world, children need and deserve an education. All of us will be better off if we make sure they get it.

Lauren Markham is the author of “The Far Away Brothers: Two Young Migrants and the Making of an American Life.” Thi Bui is the author of the illustrate­d memoir “The Best We Could Do,” about her family’s experience as refugees from Vietnam.

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