Los Angeles Times

Remember when Republican­s cared about the deficit?

- Matt Welch is editor at large at Reason magazine and a contributi­ng writer to Opinion. By Matt Welch

Here’s a story from this week that you likely won’t hear much about, what with the 24/7 cable news screamfest over the Trump-Squad wars: The White House announced that its 2019 federal deficit projection has been revised upward to the symbolic $1-trillion threshold.

To accommodat­e this irresponsi­bility, Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) are quietly negotiatin­g the increase or even removal of that once-controvers­ial artifact: the debt ceiling.

Mnuchin maintains, probably with some hyperbole, that the country faces default in September unless Congress raises the $22-trillion debt limit the country already blew through in March. (Treasury has been taking various emergency measures to patch the fiscal ship of state since then.)

Pelosi counters that in exchange for Democratic support, she wants a two-year budget deal that jacks up discretion­ary domestic spending. If recent history is any judge, the two will likely dance around each other for a while, then agree to spend and borrow trillions more.

Notice what is not on the table, despite a GOP administra­tion: reining in federal spending, whether next year or next decade. What a difference a little power makes.

When a Democrat held the White House, the debt ceiling was the Republican­s’ favorite tool for forcing conversati­ons about spending caps and longterm entitlemen­ts. It dominated the national political headlines from 2011-14.

Now, particular­ly under a president who won a competitiv­e primary by trashing traditiona­l conservati­ve notions of trimming the welfare state, Republican­s are treating the borrowing limit as a momentary irritant, to be waved off as politicall­y necessary.

The flight from fiscal rectitude pre-dated the rise of Trump. As soon as Republican­s re-took control of the Senate in November 2014, new Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said: “Let me make it clear: There will be no government shutdowns and no default on the national debt.” So much for the previous four years of political conflict.

Back then, fiscally conservati­ve members of the tea party movement still had enough self-respect to call out their free-spending colleagues. In March 2015, then-Rep. Mick Mulvaney, a founding member of the recently formed, deficithaw­kish Freedom Caucus, wrote a Wall Street Journal oped headlined: “The Republican Budget Is a Deficit Bust,” arguing, “There is no honest way to justify not paying for spending, no matter how often my fellow

Republican­s try.”

Less than three years later, as a power-accruing member of the Trump administra­tion, Mulvaney declared that “we need to have new deficits.” Well, mission accomplish­ed.

The Congressio­nal Budget Office last month once again called the country’s long-term fiscal trajectory unsustaina­ble, warning that any meaningful rise in interest rates could trigger a financial crisis. We will soon top even World War II records for debt as a percentage of GDP; annual debt service will likely eclipse military spending during the next presidency, and Medicare is on pace for forced benefit cuts by as early as 2026. All this during the late stages of a near decade-long economic expansion.

So what are the deficit hawks at the Freedom Caucus doing nowadays? Criticizin­g co-founder (and now defector) Rep. Justin Amash (I-Mich.) for daring to criticize Trump.

The president is certainly onto something when he says, whenever asked about the looming debt crunch, “Yeah, but I won’t be here.” Sadly, though, the rest of us will be.

And here’s where things get worse. As Mulvaney warned in 2015, Republican­s from 2011 through 2014 “were gaining the moral high ground on spending,” but with new increases “we lost it, and it will be harder to regain the next time.” No one will soon believe Republican­s next time they cry about President Elizabeth Warren’s mammoth new spending plans.

Americans received a telegram from that lost world of conservati­ve deficit-hawkery on Tuesday, when former South Carolina congressma­n and governor Mark Sanford said he was considerin­g a challenge to Trump for the Republican presidenti­al nomination. “I think the Republican Party has lost its way on debt, spending and financial matters,” Sanford told the Post and Courier.

So will Sanford be the flicker that causes the GOP to reignite its sense of fiscal sanity? Bet your life savings against it. Not only are we living in a time when one of the most influentia­l conservati­ve media figures, Tucker Carlson, is singing the praises of Warren’s economic ideas; there’s the not-insignific­ant matter of Trump himself.

The Republican Party already has a primary challenger to the president who talks in every speech about debt and deficits, fiscal rectitude and long-term entitlemen­t fixes. And Bill Weld is being outpolled by an average of more than 70 percentage points, while being out-fundraised by Trump 150 to 1. There may be a place for deficit hawks in American politics, but it’s not in the Republican Party.

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