Los Angeles Times

What sex-traffickin­g defendants look like now

- Julie Dahlstrom By Julie Dahlstrom

The new faces of sex traffickin­g are increasing­ly white, affluent and wellconnec­ted. In an indictment unveiled July 8 in the Southern District of New York, Jeffrey Epstein, the wealthy hedge fund manager, was charged with sex traffickin­g for recruiting numerous minors for paid sex acts. In 2018, a federal judge ruled that Harvey Weinstein, the film producer, could be sued under the federal sextraffic­king law for allegedly coercing a woman to engage in sex in exchange for promises of job advancemen­t.

This shift is an important developmen­t, as anti-traffickin­g efforts have long been criticized for their disproport­ionate focus on communitie­s of color. Powerful men are now being brought to account in courts across the country for an increasing­ly diverse array of wrongful conduct.

This is undoubtedl­y due, in large part, to the growing strength of the #MeToo movement. But it also has much to do with the evolution of human traffickin­g law in the United States. Sex traffickin­g is a relatively new but very powerful legal concept both in the U.S. and under internatio­nal law. Over the last two decades, anti-traffickin­g law has gained momentum. It has also proven to be remarkably elastic, as it has been used against varied actors and conduct.

The basic idea of traffickin­g emerged in the early 20th century in close associatio­n with notions of “white slavery,” which was largely defined as the forced prostituti­on of white European women. In the United States, such racialized narratives remained center stage, as foreign national and African American men were often targeted for federal prosecutio­n, and the media commonly portrayed traffickin­g as a problem connected with gangs, poverty and inner-city violence.

However, in recent years, societal attitudes have shifted. Congress passed the Traffickin­g Victims Protection Act in 2000, establishi­ng federal sex-traffickin­g crimes and important

federal protection­s for victims of traffickin­g. Congress defined the federal crime of sex traffickin­g to mean using “force, threats of force, fraud or coercion” to induce another person to engage in a commercial sex act. Contrary to popular belief, transporti­ng the alleged victim is not required under this law, and a “commercial sex act” is simply performing sex in exchange for anything of value.

Since then, Congress has adjusted the federal framework to provide prosecutor­s and civil litigators with still more powerful tools. In 2003, it empowered victims of traffickin­g to file federal civil suits against perpetrato­rs. This has opened up avenues for new parties to be targeted with civil and criminal liability, and in 2015, Congress passed legislatio­n relabeling certain buyers of sex as perpetrato­rs of traffickin­g. Soon after, in 2018, the Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Traffickin­g Act was passed to extend civil and criminal liability to online platforms that facilitate sex traffickin­g.

Creative litigators increasing­ly file civil cases that seek to expose new parties, including hotels, doctors and websites like Backpage.com, to mounting civil liability. In other cases, such as Weinstein’s, plaintiffs have sought to frame sexual abuse as traffickin­g to secure damages under the federal traffickin­g law.

In addition, 50 states have now passed human traffickin­g statutes, some with surprising breadth. For example, certain states, such as Massachuse­tts and Minnesota, have statutes that eliminate the requiremen­t of force, fraud or coercion altogether. In these states, harboring, recruiting or obtaining someone for the purpose of commercial sexual activity is sufficient alone to amount to sex traffickin­g.

There is much to applaud about these developmen­ts. Epstein’s arrest, like that of Weinstein, signals a move toward justice for victims of sexual violence. But it is less clear whether traffickin­g can — or should — be the legal tool used in prosecutin­g all kinds of cases involving sexual abuse by the powerful.

We should also be wary of the collateral consequenc­es of stretching the concept of traffickin­g too far, perhaps eventually to its breaking point. The elasticity of traffickin­g has allowed it to be marshaled against a vast array of conduct. This allows the concept to be easily — perhaps in some cases too easily — deployed by politician­s and prosecutor­s who want to appear “tough on crime” or use allegation­s of traffickin­g to mobilize public condemnati­on against a wide range of conduct.

This has been all too apparent in President Trump’s crusade against “traffickin­g,” which he has used to garner support for his border wall and failed asylum policies. Federal officials have also invoked concerns about traffickin­g as one of the justificat­ions for the disastrous “zero tolerance” border policy that resulted in thousands of separated families.

As the traffickin­g concept broadens, it also risks ensnaring victims and other collateral parties, targeting them with more severe federal penalties and disproport­ionately impacting communitie­s of color. And this trend may make it more difficult to move effectivel­y against defendants like Epstein, whose alleged conduct it was clearly meant to punish.

The moral condemnati­on associated with traffickin­g can only be channeled in so many directions without becoming diffuse or sowing confusion. Tarana Burke, the founder of the #MeToo movement, perhaps put it best when commenting about the expansive use of #MeToo: “It is hurting the work we’re trying to do. Because you can’t cover so much, and so many things.”

Anti-traffickin­g law is an important part of the legal arsenal. But if traffickin­g becomes a catch-all for prosecutio­n of sexual violence, it risks losing its power.

is a clinical associate professor of law at Boston University, the director of its Immigrants’ Rights & Human Traffickin­g Program, and author of the forthcomin­g law review article “The Elasticity of Human Traffickin­g.”

 ?? Stephanie Keith Getty Images ?? PROTESTERS in New York hold signs of Jeffrey Epstein when he was charged with sex traffickin­g.
Stephanie Keith Getty Images PROTESTERS in New York hold signs of Jeffrey Epstein when he was charged with sex traffickin­g.

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