Los Angeles Times

Asylum rules that work for us


Re “Putting the ‘illegal’ back in immigratio­n,” Opinion, July 17

David Bier states that immigrants who cross the border and are apprehende­d by U.S. agents have a “rational expectatio­n” of receiving asylum after a long, drawn out court process. This is because about 1 in 5 asylum seekers are in fact granted protection.

Really? On what planet is a 1 chance in 5 considered to a good bet?

The fact is that the vast majority who do not receive asylum have no plans to return home. It’s just the latest iteration of the old “heads I win, tails I win” scam.

President Trump’s “remain in Mexico” policy for people awaiting hearings in the U.S. is the best option for those who truly deserve asylum.

Randle C. Sink

Huntington Beach

Re “Trump diverting Central America aid,” July 17

Why pay salaries of opposition soldiers in Venezuela by shifting humanitari­an aid from Guatemala and Honduras?

Migrants are fleeing Central America in order to seek safe haven in the U.S. Clearly, measures to stem the flow have not resulted in deterring desperate migrants from making the dangerous journey north. And requiring that they apply for and receive asylum in other countries before applying for asylum in the U.S. ignores the right of refugees recognized by internatio­nal law to seek refuge in the U.S.

Is there no one in this administra­tion capable of helping Trump understand that increasing humanitari­an aid to Central American nations would be a more effective way to dissuade migrants from leaving their homelands? To continue to construct barriers to new arrivals from Central America is a betrayal of a time-honored American value: to welcome the stranger.

Lenore Navarro Dowling

Los Angeles

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