Los Angeles Times

Hey, bug lovers: Bon appetit!

O.C. Fair offers a ‘Cooking with Bugs’ talk; the ‘ick’ factor is the biggest taste test.

- By Julia Sclafani

The Orange County Fair shines a spotlight on edible insects.

Cricket chips? Ant caviar?

Eating insects may be the next big trend in gourmet, sustainabl­e food — but who’s going to take the first bite?

Whether drawn by curiosity or hunger or both, an audience gathered Sunday for a “Cooking with Bugs” demonstrat­ion at the Orange County Fair in Costa Mesa.

During the talk, chef Daniella Malfitano and Aly Moore — who runs the Bugible blog — shared informatio­n about the many edible bugs and their diverse uses before asking for an intrepid volunteer.

Elliott Bustarde, 11, of Mission Viejo shot his hand into the air. A minute later, he was standing onstage sampling lime-flavored crickets and barbecue-flavored Chirps Chips — corn chips made with cricket powder.

The chips, he reported after a few chews, were good and “sunflower seedy.” He kept on munching.

The eager youth wasn’t a surprising volunteer for Moore.

“Kids have no fear,” she said.

Children may just hold the key to the future of the insect-ingesting industry.

If companies can convince kids that crickets and mealworms are healthful, tasty, sustainabl­e and, to top it off, kind of cool, then they’ve locked in a demographi­c that will eventually outgrow the “ick” factor.

In the age of conscienti­ous diets and a growing desire to eat less-processed foods, bugs would seem to be a sensible if not-oftenthoug­ht-of option.

“It’s not a new health trend,” Moore said. In many parts of the world, insects are just another delicacy or familiar ingredient, particular­ly among indigenous communitie­s.

Bugs are nutritious and sustainabl­e — high in minerals and protein.

In most cases, the entire exoskeleto­n is edible, making for a highly efficient food source.

Insects also require fewer greenhouse gas emissions and less water and land to produce than other forms of protein, Moore said.

“If you choose any environmen­tal metric, bugs come out ahead of livestock,” she said.

Moore never set out to be a bug-biting pioneer, but a Thanksgivi­ng prank on her family spawned a fascinatio­n with the wild and delicious world of entomophag­y: the practice of eating insects.

She went on to create Bugible in 2012 and now runs her own firm, Eat Bugs Events, which she uses to introduce insects to the palates of chefs and the curious alike through critter-focused cooking classes and “Bug and Brews” drink-pairing sessions.

There are at least 2,000 known species of edible bugs and their qualities and flavors vary.

Crickets, for instance, can feature a nutty quality. Black ants offer a peppery, lemony flavor, while scorpions taste like “really good salmon jerky,” Moore said.

Other critters taste like oregano, ketchup, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups or even crab meat, Moore said.

Adventurou­s eaters may even be tempted to try their taste buds on more exotic offerings like giant water bugs, black soldier fly larvae or tarantulas.

But are lots of people really going to start sampling bugs just as they are?

“I think we are going to see less bags of crickets unless we do some really brilliant marketing,” Moore said.

Alternativ­e presentati­ons include powdering insects so they can be incorporat­ed into high-protein diets or baked into chips and breads.

Bugs also are being explored as potential star ingredient­s for specialty diets or to fill the nutritiona­l needs of athletes.

That’s not to say you should go out and start scooping up crickets from your garden just yet. Moore stresses that it’s important to find bugs from sources known to be safe.

Should the mood strike the next time you’re browsing for a new wine to try, though, consider a peppery syrah paired with some black ants.

That’s Moore’s current favorite duo.

If you go

What: Orange County Fair

Where: OC Fair & Event Center, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa

When: Wednesdays through Sundays through Aug. 11; noon to midnight Wednesdays through Fridays, 11 a.m. to midnight Saturdays and Sundays

Cost: General admission is $12 Wednesdays through Fridays and $14 on weekends.

Specials and discounts are available. For informatio­n, visit ocfair.com/oc-fair.

‘If you choose any environmen­tal metric, bugs come out ahead of livestock.’ — Aly Moore, who runs the Bugible blog and has her own company, Eat Bugs Events

 ?? Julia Sclafani Daily Pilot ?? A VISITOR to the Orange County Fair holds a sample cup containing corn chips made with crickets.
Julia Sclafani Daily Pilot A VISITOR to the Orange County Fair holds a sample cup containing corn chips made with crickets.

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