Los Angeles Times

O’Rourke lashes out at Trump

The El Paso native and other Democrats assail lax gun laws and Trump’s rhetoric.

- By Michael Finnegan and David Montero Finnegan reported from Los Angeles and Montero from Las Vegas.

“He is a racist,” the 2020 Democratic hopeful says in El Paso, linking the president’s inf luence to the shooting.

LAS VEGAS — A visibly shaken Beto O’Rourke condemned the availabili­ty of weapons of war after 20 people were shot to death Saturday by a gunman in his hometown of El Paso.

“Keep that shit on the battlefiel­d,” the Democratic presidenti­al hopeful said at a candidates forum in Las Vegas, his voice deepening. “Do not bring it into our communitie­s.”

The massacre at a large shopping center in the Texas border city drew fresh calls from the Democratic candidates for new gun laws. Authoritie­s say an assault-style weapon was used.

Officials said they are investigat­ing whether the suspect, whom they said was a 21-year-old white man from Allen, Texas, was the author of a hate-filled, anti-immigrant manifesto posted before the attack. Gov. Greg Abbott said the suspect, identified in media reports as Patrick Crusius, would be charged with a hate crime.

The U.S. is “under attack from homegrown white nationalis­t terrorists,” said Democratic candidate Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, Ind.

“White nationalis­m is evil, and it is inspiring people to commit murder, and it is being condoned at the highest levels of the American government, and that has to end,” he told the audience at the Las Vegas forum.

Buttigieg later said he was referring to President Trump. “The president of the United States is condoning white nationalis­m,” he said, adding that all leaders have “a responsibi­lity to nip that in the bud.”

Late in the day, O’Rourke, who had rushed home to El Paso, had his own harsh words for Trump.

“He is a racist, and he stokes racism in this country,” O’Rourke said after speaking to some of the wounded. “And it does not just offend our sensibilit­ies; it fundamenta­lly changes the character of this country, and it leads to violence.”

Democrats have denounced Trump in recent weeks for his aggressive tactics against migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border and his racist remarks about people of color in Congress. Asked in July whether he was concerned that white nationalis­ts found common cause with him over his verbal attacks on four Democratic congresswo­men, he responded: “It doesn’t concern me because many people agree with me.”

Trump had no immediate comment Saturday on the shooter’s possible motives or the Democrats’ criticism. On Twitter, he called the massacre “an act of cowardice” and pledged federal support to state leaders.

Trump has opposed Democratic proposals to ban assault weapons and impose universal background checks on gun buyers. But after a gunman’s 2017 massacre of 58 people at an outdoor concert in Las Vegas, his administra­tion banned the sale of “bump stock” accessorie­s that increase the firing power of semiautoma­tic rifles.

On Saturday, he tweeted: “Melania and I send our heartfelt thoughts and prayers to the great people of Texas.”

Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, another Democrat running for president, told reporters at the Las Vegas event that Trump “fuels a lot of hate in this country,” but she stopped short of holding him responsibl­e for mass shootings. “The individual­s who do the shootings are responsibl­e, but what I do think is that his rhetoric has fueled more hate,” she said.

Other Democrats vying for the party nomination to challenge Trump did not comment on the shooter’s motive, but renewed calls for a ban on assault-style weapons and other steps to address mass shootings.

Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont said Americans, including gun owners, were united in supporting the passage of “common-sense gun safety legislatio­n.”

“All over the world, people are looking at the United States and wondering what is going on. What is the mental health situation in America where time after time after time, we’re seeing indescriba­ble horrors?” he said.

O’Rourke’s fellow Texan in the Democratic race, former San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro, lamented his home state’s “lax gun laws.”

“The answer is to make sure those guns never get in the hands of people like that in the first place,” Castro said on CNN.

Sen. Kamala Harris of California told the union crowd at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, “We have to agree we can’t tolerate this kind of gun violence anymore.” She emphasized that she would take executive action to block the import of assault weapons and restrict other firearm sales if Congress fails to take action on gun control in her first 100 days as president.

It was O’Rourke who broke the news of the attack to the audience of about 400 — members of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.

The former congressma­n and El Paso mayor pro tem scratched his afternoon events in the Reno area and called off a California campaign swing to go home.

“I’m incredibly sad and it’s very hard to think about this,” he told reporters. “But I’ll tell you, El Paso is the strongest place in the world. This community is going to come together.”

 ?? Ethan Miller Getty Images ?? D E M O C R AT Beto O’Rourke said the president “stokes racism,” which “changes the character of this country, and it leads to violence.”
Ethan Miller Getty Images D E M O C R AT Beto O’Rourke said the president “stokes racism,” which “changes the character of this country, and it leads to violence.”

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