Los Angeles Times

Election could alter Canadian landscape

Talk of a minority government grows as Trudeau faces his greatest political test.

- By David Shribman Shribman is a special correspond­ent.

SAINT-SAUVEURDES-MONTS, Canada — Early balloting was underway, and one by one the shopkeeper­s, bakers and tourism workers of this hillside village wandered into the ski lodge to vote. Out the back windows, the radiant colors of a Quebec autumn lighted up the Laurentian Mountains.

The rest of Canada goes to the polls Monday. But although the 4.7 million ballots already cast — about a fifth of the expected turnout — haven’t yet been counted, there are signs that the change of season may also bring a dramatic change in the coloration of the political environmen­t of the country.

The term “minority government” is on the lips of political profession­als and commentato­rs from the far reaches of Newfoundla­nd and Labrador to the coast of British Columbia — and in the Toronto suburbs, which have emerged as a vital finalweeke­nd battlegrou­nd. Across the six time zones of Canada, preliminar­y calculatio­ns are being made of how Prime Minister Justin Trudeau might survive his greatest political test by adding support from one of the minor political parties conducting spirited campaigns across the country.

Minority government­s have a substantia­lly different role and profile in Canada than in the United States.

Presidents without a popular-vote majority — these include Abraham Lincoln (1860) and Donald Trump (2016) — can still assemble an electoral college majority and govern with the same powers, and the same four-year longevity, as presidents such as Franklin D. Roosevelt (1936) and Ronald Reagan (1984), who won landslide majorities. By contrast, in a parliament­ary system such as Canada’s, minority government­s are dependent upon the continued support of the smaller party and their longevity is not assured.

“That means that on each issue the prime minister must consult with his coalition partners,” said Geoff Norquay, a senior advisor to former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney and director of communicat­ions for Stephen Harper when he was the leader of the opposition before becoming prime minister in 2006. “The opposition party that is propping up the government thus has enormous power, both to amend policies or to end the government.”

Canada has had six minority government­s in the last seven decades, involving such towering figures as Prime Ministers Lester B. Pearson (twice, ranging from 1963 to 1968) and Trudeau’s father, Pierre Elliott Trudeau (1972-74). In both those cases, the junior partner — the party that provided sufficient parliament­ary representa­tion to push the government past the 50% barrier — was the New Democratic Party.

This time, the New Democrats, who are to the left of Trudeau’s Liberals, also are considered the most logical partner to provide a parliament­ary majority, presumably for Trudeau. Party leader Jagmeet Singh already has made it clear he would not participat­e in a government with Andrew Scheer, who leads the Conservati­ves, customaril­y regarded as the major-party bookend to the Liberals.

In the campaign’s last hours, Scheer is arguing that the party that wins the most seats — not the party that holds the prime minister’s office — should get the first shot to create a governing coalition. Yet while polls show the race a dead heat, Trudeau still could win a parliament­ary majority on his own.

The talk of minority government grows out of weaknesses of the prime minister that came into sharper relief in his reelection campaign than in the four years he occupied Rideau Cottage, his official residence. In particular, he faced a firestorm over images of him in blackface and brownface, which prompted a national debate about whether that constitute­d deep-seated intoleranc­e or merely youthful insensitiv­ity.

All this came amid fresh questions about whether Trudeau was, as Herbert Hoover once described FDR, a chameleon upon plaid.

And by embracing a profile that emphasized LGBTQ rights, climate change and justice for Canada’s indigenous people, Trudeau placed himself inside a political pincer of his own constructi­on. Rural Canadians were skeptical that he chose to displace standard Liberal priorities such as healthcare, jobs and the economy as part of his new progressiv­e agenda even as those on the left didn’t think he had done enough on the issues that appeal to more progressiv­e voters.

In many ways, the endorsemen­t of Trudeau by Barack Obama on Thursday underlined the prime minister’s challenges, for no earlier prime minister thought he needed, or wanted, the public approbatio­n of a U.S. leader. John F. Kennedy, who openly disdained Conservati­ve Prime Minister John Diefenbake­r, provided covert assistance to his Liberal rival Pearson in 1963 but stopped short of issuing an endorsemen­t. Theodore Roosevelt and Bill Clinton expressed strong views on issues in Canadian elections, but did not intervene on behalf of leadership candidates.

But because Obama is so popular among Canadians — 81% of the public here approved of his presidency, according to an Ipsos poll conducted at the end of his administra­tion — the endorsemen­t may redound to Trudeau’s advantage rather than emerge as a toxic example of American interferen­ce in Canadian affairs.

Similarly, Trudeau’s posture as an irritant to Trump may also work to the prime minister’s advantage, much as Richard Nixon’s antagonism to Trudeau’s father worked to his advantage. After the 2017 G-7 summit in the Charlevoix region of Quebec, Trump dismissed his Canadian host as “meek and mild” and “dishonest and weak.”

Another measure of Trudeau’s vulnerabil­ity is the sudden emphasis on Quebec, which has provided Canada with eight prime ministers (five, including both Trudeaus, since the middle of the 20th century) and where more than half the province’s members of the House are Liberals.

Both Trudeau and Scheer are calling for Quebeckers to reject the Bloc Quebecois, self-proclaimed guardians of French language and culture. The Bloc now holds only 10 seats in Ottawa but in recent weeks has emerged as a formidable force in Canada’s secondlarg­est province. This worries Trudeau because he needs Quebec seats to cobble together an electoral majority and troubles Scheer because he fears the Bloc could help propel Trudeau into a second term.

The Conservati­ves remain a distant third in Quebec, according to a Forum Research poll that showed the Liberals and Bloc essentiall­y tied in the province. And the potential role of the New Democratic Party — which is surging, particular­ly in British Columbia, where the party holds about a third of the seats in the House — plus the growing regard for its leader, Singh, have transforme­d the party into a strong force.

“I want to say this directly to Canadians: You do not have to choose between Mr. Delay and Mr. Deny,” Singh said, in a mocking reference to the two party leaders’ views on climate change, during the final candidate debate. “There is another option.”

As Canadians prepare to go to the polls after a compressed 41-day campaign, many options are open — and much may still be unresolved on Day 42.

 ?? Valerie Blum EPA/Shuttersto­ck ?? CANADIAN Prime Minister Justin Trudeau could survive his reelection battle by adding support from the New Democrats, who are to the left of his Liberal Party.
Valerie Blum EPA/Shuttersto­ck CANADIAN Prime Minister Justin Trudeau could survive his reelection battle by adding support from the New Democrats, who are to the left of his Liberal Party.

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