Los Angeles Times

Online videos drawing more kids

Time youths spend viewing the clips has doubled since 2015, a survey finds.


The number of young Americans watching online videos every day has more than doubled in the last four years, according to survey findings released Tuesday. They’re glued to the videos nearly an hour a day, twice as long as they were in 2015.

And often, the survey found, they’re seeing the videos on services such as YouTube that are supposedly off-limits to children younger than 13.

“It really is the air they breathe,” said Michael Robb, senior director of research for Common Sense Media, the nonprofit organizati­on that issued the report. The group tracks young people’s tech habits and offers guidance for parents.

The survey included the responses of 1,677 people ages 8 to 18. Among other things, it found that 56% of 8to 12-year-olds and 69% of 13to 18-year-olds watch online videos every day. In 2015, the last time the survey was conducted, those figures were 24% and 34%, respective­ly. The margin of error was plus or minus 2.8 percentage points.

Overall screen time hasn’t changed much in those four years, the survey found. The average tween, ages 8 to 12 for the purposes of this survey, spent 4 hours and 44 minutes with entertainm­ent media on digital devices each day. For teens, it was 7 hours and 22 minutes. That did not include the time using devices for homework, reading books or listening to music.

But the findings on video watching indicate just how quickly this generation is shifting from traditiona­l television to streaming services, often viewed on smartphone­s, tablets and laptops. Among the teens surveyed, only one-third said they enjoyed watching traditiona­l television programmin­g “a lot,” down from 45% four years ago. Half of tweens said the same, down from 61% in the 2015 survey.

YouTube was their overwhelmi­ng first choice for online videos, even among the tweens; three-quarters of whom said they use the site despite age restrictio­ns. Only 23% in that age group said they watch YouTube Kids, a separate service aimed at children younger than 13. And of those, most still said they preferred regular YouTube.

“It puts a lot of pressure on a parent to figure out what they can reasonably filter,” Robb said.

When presented with the findings, YouTube — a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc.owned Google — said that in the coming months, it will share details on ways it is rethinking its approach to kids and families.

For now, YouTube spokespers­on Farshad Shadloo reiterated the company’s terms of use on age: “YouTube is not a site for people under 13.” Among other things, the company also cited its restrictio­n filters and YouTube Kids.

Even so, many children with online access are adept at getting access to regular YouTube or other streaming content — partly because their parents are overwhelme­d, said Sarah Domoff, an assistant professor of clinical psychology at Central Michigan University who studies tech’s effects on families and young people.

Those parents could certainly be doing more to track screen time, she said. But, as she sees it, filters on services such as YouTube also aren’t adequate.

“It’s really hard to block out certain things unless you’re really standing over your child,” Domoff said. That’s especially hard to do when devices are portable.

Some are skeptical about how much YouTube will change a service that easily leads its users, young and old alike, down a “rabbit hole” of video content.

“If your model is built on maintainin­g attention, it’s really hard to do something,” said Robb of Common Sense Media.

His advice to families: “Protect homework time, family time, dinnertime and bed time. Have device-free times or zones.”

Domoff added, “There needs to be a game plan.”

 ?? Alain Jocard AFP/Getty Images ?? A GIRL watches a video on YouTube on a computer in 2013 in France. A survey found that 69% of 13- to 18-year-olds in the U.S. watch videos online every day.
Alain Jocard AFP/Getty Images A GIRL watches a video on YouTube on a computer in 2013 in France. A survey found that 69% of 13- to 18-year-olds in the U.S. watch videos online every day.

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