Los Angeles Times

Cut inmate firefighte­rs a break


As California continues to burn, the state’s firefighte­rs have spent day after day in the searing heat and ferocious wind, doing grueling, heroic work that saves lives and prevents more devastatio­n. And sometimes, it’s done by prison inmates.

Along with thousands of federal, state and local firefighte­rs on the fire lines, there are more than 2,500 prisoners who volunteer and train to serve on fire crews. But while these men and women may work alongside profession­al firefighte­rs now, once they get out of prison, their criminal record will make it virtually impossible for them to get hired as city or county firefighte­rs.

The insurmount­able hurdle is the restrictio­ns the state places on the emergency medical technician license needed to become a city or county firefighte­r. As a result, all that training and expertise the inmates gain while incarcerat­ed can’t help them land a job in their hometown fire department.

That is absurd. California’s prison system doesn’t have an abundance of successful reentry programs for inmates. The prisoner fire crews are a rare exception. The state spends heavily to train and supervise inmates who work in life-and-death situations. It’s foolish to allow blanket restrictio­ns on licensing to prevent them using those skills after they are released.

California has about 2,600 inmates qualified to fight on the fire lines, according to the California Department of Correction­s and Rehabilita­tion. The inmate crews receive the same training as the state’s seasonal firefighte­rs and do much of the same work, though their pay — $2 to $5 a day, plus $1 per hour fighting fires — is considerab­ly less.

Still, there are tangible benefits for the inmates. The jobs are only open to prisoners whose good behavior qualifies them for the least restrictiv­e incarcerat­ion. The work gets them out from behind the prison walls. They earn some money, feel a sense of purpose and can get time off their sentences.

They also learn skills and gain experience for an occupation — if they can find a job as a firefighte­r.

Once released from prison, the men and women can apply for entry-level jobs with the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection. Those tend to be temporary seasonal positions in rural areas, often far from their families and the support necessary for successful reentry. Those types of jobs don’t typically require an EMT certificat­ion, which is necessary to be hired by most municipal fire department­s.

State law directs local emergency services agencies to deny EMT certificat­ion to any applicant who has been convicted of two or more felonies, is on parole or probation, or has committed a felony in the past decade. So the conviction that got someone into prison and onto a inmate fire crew becomes the disqualifi­cation from getting a full-time job fighting fires outside of prison.

We already know that a criminal record makes it harder for ex-offenders to rent an apartment, get a job, earn a profession­al license, enter a university or even participat­e in their children’s school activities. That marginaliz­ation is a serious impediment to felons reintegrat­ing into and becoming productive members of the community.

For several years, state lawmakers have considered various bills to change the law so that inmate firefighte­rs aren’t disqualifi­ed by their criminal records. The most recent version, AB 1211 by Assemblywo­man Eloise Reyes (D-San Bernardino), was shelved after pushback from firefighte­rs associatio­ns. The bill will be taken up again next year.

Opponents argue that firefighte­rs enter homes and deal with California­ns at their most vulnerable moments, so it’s too risky to hire anyone with a criminal record. The blanket ban on EMT certificat­ions assumes that no felon can be rehabilita­ted, which is just not true. But AB 1211 wouldn’t bar agencies from considerin­g an applicant’s criminal record. It would end the practice that prevents many former inmate firefighte­rs from even getting a chance to show that they are trustworth­y.

After all, inmate firefighte­rs have demonstrat­ed that they can fight wildfires. They should get a shot to prove that they can continue to serve California­ns.

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