Los Angeles Times

A list of cars not to buy


Re “Chaos over car pollution revs up,” column, Oct. 30

Thanks to Michael Hiltzik for explaining the attack by the president and several auto manufactur­ers on California’s gas mileage and emission standards.

My family has three Toyotas in our driveway and is looking to replace the oldest one. We will not be visiting a Toyota, GM, Subaru, Chrysler or other dealership associated with one of the companies working with the Trump administra­tion to worsen California’s famously poor air quality. We will be checking out Honda, Ford and the others that have agreed to comply with our standards.

Hopefully everyone who is concerned about air quality and climate changes will do the same. Let’s support businesses that demonstrat­e they care about more than just the bottom line. E.J. Remson


Since I breathe the air in California, I feel I have a stake in this federal assault on our state.

I own two vehicles made by Hyundai, one of the automakers that is a part of the coalition that filed a brief in defense of the federal government’s attempt to strip California of enacting its own auto emission and mileage standards.

I contacted Hyundai customer service and told them I would never buy another Hyundai unless the company stopped supporting the federal government’s case. Instead, I am happy to buy Ford, Honda, BMW or Volkswagen.

I urge California car owners concerned about the air they breathe to likewise contact the makers of their cars with a similar pledge. Gail Anderson


Please extend my thanks to the coalition of anti-California, pro-pollution automakers.

They just made my weekend car shopping so much easier. I will no longer consider GM, Fiat Chrysler, Toyota, Subaru, Hyundai, Kia, Mazda and Nissan. I currently own a Nissan (which needs replacing soon) and a Kia.

Jon Merritt

Los Angeles

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