Los Angeles Times


- By Frank Stewart

This week’s deals have treated a basic skill to which some players seem averse: setting up a long suit. Cover the East-West cards. Plan the play at seven spades when West leads the jack of diamonds.

In a team match, both declarers went down. One inexplicab­ly tried for his contract by ruffing clubs in dummy. He failed when the clubs broke badly. The other declarer drew trumps and took the K-Q of hearts. When West discarded, declarer lacked the entries to set up and cash the long hearts.

South should go after the hearts but must be careful in case they break 4-1. South cashes the king of spades at Trick Two, then takes the king of hearts. He leads a trump to dummy’s ten, discards his queen of hearts on the king of diamonds and ruffs a heart with a high trump.

South can then lead a trump to the ace and ruff a heart. He takes the ace of clubs, ruffs a club in dummy and wins the last three tricks with good hearts.

Did you find the play to make the grand slam?

Question: You hold: ♠ A 1032 ♥ A87542 ♦ KQ ♣ 8. Your partner opens one diamond, you bid one heart and he raises to three hearts. What do you say?

Answer: You probably have a grand slam. A typical hand for partner such as 5 4, KJ93,AJ965,AKshould produce 13 tricks. Bid 4NT, Blackwood, planning to bid seven hearts if he has two aces. “Key Card Blackwood,” in which the king of trumps is treated as a fifth ace, might be helpful here. North dealer Both sides vulnerable

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