Los Angeles Times

GOP congressma­n says whistleblo­wer shouldn’t be outed

- By Laura King

WASHINGTON — As the impeachmen­t inquiry against President Trump moves into a public phase this week, leading Democrats — joined by at least one GOP lawmaker — on Sunday rejected Republican demands for public testimony by the whistleblo­wer whose complaint set the process in motion.

Rep. Will Hurd of Texas, who has broken with the White House on other issues, said Sunday the whistleblo­wer should not have been included on a list of witnesses the Republican­s wanted to testify in open hearings set to begin Wednesday.

The person’s confidenti­al complaint, formally filed in August, voiced alarm about Trump pressuring Ukraine to dig up dirt on Democrats, including former Vice President Joe Biden, a leading 2020 Democratic presidenti­al contender, and his son Hunter. There has been no evidence of wrongdoing by the Bidens in Ukraine.

Democrats in late September convened an impeachmen­t inquiry centering on whether Trump abused his power by withholdin­g $400 million in crucial aid to Ukraine, a vulnerable ally, in order to advance his own political agenda. The president also pressed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigat­e baseless claims that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidenti­al election.

The scattered and sometimes contradict­ory White House response to the allegation­s made by a parade of impeachmen­t witnesses who have testified behind closed doors over the last several weeks were reflected in appearance­s by several senior Republican lawmakers on Sunday’s news talk shows.

They variously declared that Trump’s conduct might have been questionab­le but was not impeachabl­e, or that testimony by former and current administra­tion officials represente­d a misreading of Trump’s intent in his dealings with Ukraine’s president. Or they simply asserted that the president did nothing wrong.

In advance of the public hearings, Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-Burbank), who is spearheadi­ng the impeachmen­t inquiry, has not yet finalized the witness list.

But in a letter sent Saturday to Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Tulare), the ranking Republican on the House Intelligen­ce Committee, Schiff said there would be no facilitati­ng of efforts to “threaten, intimidate and retaliate against the whistleblo­wer who courageous­ly raised the initial alarm.”

Hurd, a former CIA officer who also sits on the Intelligen­ce Committee, defended the unidentifi­ed individual’s right to privacy, citing laws shielding those who seek to expose fraud, abuse and wrongdoing in government.

“We should be protecting the identity of the whistleblo­wer,” he told “Fox News Sunday.”

Hurd, who is not running for reelection, is unusual in risking Trump’s ire by publicly supporting protection­s for the whistleblo­wer. But the overall White House impeachmen­t defense strategy, which has included a furious personal focus by Trump on the individual behind the complaint, has prompted some unease in Republican ranks.

At campaign-style rallies, including one in Louisiana last week, Trump has again and again called for publicatio­n of the whistleblo­wer’s identity, drawing sharp objections from the individual’s legal team. Right-wing news outlets have circulated the person’s purported name, and Trump’s son Donald Jr. last week tweeted out a Breitbart article that included it.

Although Trump consistent­ly tells rally crowds that the whistleblo­wer’s account has been shown to be false, closed-door testimony by current and former administra­tion officials has in fact corroborat­ed core elements of the complaint, which centered on Trump’s efforts to pressure Zelensky to investigat­e the 2016 election as well as Biden’s son Hunter, who formerly sat on the board of directors of a Ukrainian energy company.

Democrats say the whistleblo­wer’s complaint is no longer relevant because Trump has acknowledg­ed that he made the request, even as he was withholdin­g the aid, though he has said the two things were not related. A rough White House transcript of the telephone call between the leaders described Trump as asking Zelensky for a “favor” — to open the investigat­ions.

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