Los Angeles Times

LAX-adjacent tent housing


Re “A plan to rapidly house L.A.’s homeless,” Opinion, Nov. 10

I read with great interest Rob Eshman’s op-ed article suggesting installing temporary tent housing for homeless people on the empty land surroundin­g Los Angeles Internatio­nal Airport, particular­ly to the north.

My family lives half a mile to the north of LAX and I can tell you why that land is empty, why the homes that once stood there are gone, and why putting tent housing there is a really bad idea. The airport noise and exhaust are horrific, and nobody could endure it.

Thanks to the city agency in charge of LAX, my house is soundproof­ed with quadruple-pane windows, solid-core doors, and insulation above the ceilings and below the floors. Yet we still hear the airplanes all day and night, and anyone who walks or bikes on the surroundin­g roads can smell the planes’ exhaust.

Inhabitant­s of any temporary housing would be continuous­ly subjected to the din and stench, and with only a tent to protect them. I wouldn’t wish this torture on my worst enemy.

Margaret Parkhurst

Los Angeles

Thank you, Rob Eshman.

His suggestion of meeting the urgency of local homelessne­ss with reinforced tent structures has been advocated for a

long time, but our politician­s are obsessed with long-range constructi­on projects that cost half a million dollars per unit.

I hope everyone sends copies of this article to their elected representa­tives.

Harmon Sieff


Why isn’t building something like an Olympic village for people currently “tenting” on the street a win-win?

The parks and streets would be returned to everyone, and dignity and respect restored to those struggling for survival with this thoughtful, environmen­tally sensitive solution that delivers needed services.

Jacqueline Knowles


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