Los Angeles Times

Military aid to Lebanon still in limbo

U.S. holdup continues even as protests and a financial crisis roil the Mideast nation.

- By Nabih Bulos and Tracy Wilkinson

BEIRUT — As Lebanon convulses under an unpreceden­ted wave of anti-government protests, U.S. security assistance to the country’s army — viewed as a guarantor of stability — remains suspended by the Trump administra­tion with little explanatio­n, even as Lebanon teeters toward a financial and security meltdown.

The military assistance, worth $105 million in materiel and ammunition for the Lebanese armed forces, has been in limbo for months pending approval from the Office of Management and Budget. But it has taken on renewed significan­ce for U.S. lawmakers amid an impeachmen­t inquiry into whether President Trump held up $391 million of military aid while pressing Ukraine for political favors.

“This is very disturbing but eerily familiar,” said Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) in a phone interview Wednesday. “There’s a hole in the funding with no reason given by the administra­tion ... and no accountabi­lity so we can find the person holding it.”

Murphy traveled to Lebanon this week and met with its military officials.

The halt, he said, appeared to be the the work of “one or two people” at the National Security Council.

“The White House is illegally holding back the aid; it doesn’t have the authorizat­ion to stop aid that has been authorized by Congress,” Murphy said. “I’ve yet to find anyone who supports withholdin­g the funding from the Lebanese armed forces, so somebody has to solve the mystery.”

Administra­tion officials say the aid is being held as part of a broader review of foreign assistance. But several key allies of President Trump have campaigned to stop the money.

Since the summer, Israel has lobbied for the aid to be suspended, Israeli media reported, until the Lebanese army extricates itself from Hezbollah, the Iranianbac­ked Shiite Muslim militant group that has military and political wings.

The group, which Washington designates as a terrorist organizati­on, is viewed by many pro-Israel U.S. lawmakers as the de facto power in Lebanon and has infiltrate­d state institutio­ns.

In 2006, Hezbollah and Israel fought a monthlong battle in southern Lebanon. At least 1,200 Lebanese were killed, most of them civilians, as well as 160 Israelis, mostly soldiers.

Several of Trump’s other allies, whose support he needs in his reelection bid, have lobbied for the aid to be held up, against the wishes of the State Department and Pentagon. These include U.S. Christian evangelica­l groups, who profess affinity with right-wing Christian factions in Lebanon, and conservati­ve Republican­s such as Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. All see

Hezbollah as a growing threat that ultimately benefits from the aid.

Cruz, in a bill he introduced in the Senate over the summer, demanded that the Lebanese army be required to disarm and reduce the influence of Hezbollah before aid is released. But that is not a consensus view among U.S. lawmakers.

“Of course we have a concern for Hezbollah’s position inside the Lebanese government, but the counterwei­ght to Hezbollah is the Lebanese armed forces,” said Murphy. “I don’t know why the administra­tion that claims to care about confrontin­g Hezbollah would refuse to fund the one institutio­n in Lebanon that is actively providing that counterwei­ght.”

Administra­tion officials, meanwhile, insist the assistance would be forthcomin­g and was unaffected by Israel’s demands.

In Nov. 6 testimony before a U.S. congressio­nal panel investigat­ing whether to impeach Trump, David Hale, the No. 3 official in the State Department, said he learned in late June that the aid to Lebanon had been frozen by the White House, but was never given a reason.

He said he thought it was part of a broader, general review of foreign aid that the Trump administra­tion has ordered to determine the “efficacy” of U.S. assistance.

Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs David Schenker also said this month that the United States “has a lot of confidence in the Lebanese armed forces .... We think that it’s a valuable bilateral security arrangemen­t and we plan on continuing it.”

“This not on hold, per se,” he said in a briefing with reporters in Israel. “This is part of the process. No money has been delayed in providing to the [Lebanese armed forces]. They did not miss getting any equipment.”

The suspension would be problemati­c even in normal times for Lebanon, a tiny Mediterran­ean country that emerged from a 15-year civil war in 1990 and has since become a proxy battlegrou­nd in the shadowboxi­ng between the U.S. and Iran.

Yet these are not normal times. Since Oct. 17, more than a quarter of the country has taken to the streets to protest decades of colossal mismanagem­ent and corruption by Lebanese leaders.

Though the protests have been largely peaceful, the army has neverthele­ss been called in to quell sporadic bouts of violence between anti-government protesters and counter-demonstrat­ors said to be affiliated with Hezbollah and its allies in the Lebanese government.

The army may soon have to deal with a larger shock wave, as the Lebanese currency continues to slip and the country’s political class refuses to form a government in line with protesters’ demands.

Bulos reported from Beirut and Wilkinson from Washington. Special correspond­ent Noga Tarnopolsk­y in Jerusalem contribute­d to this report.

 ?? Nabil Mounzer EPA/Shuttersto­ck ?? ALTHOUGH protests in Lebanon have been largely peaceful, the army has had to quell sporadic violence.
Nabil Mounzer EPA/Shuttersto­ck ALTHOUGH protests in Lebanon have been largely peaceful, the army has had to quell sporadic violence.

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