Los Angeles Times

A reality check for Bloomberg

If California­ns know the new candidate at all, it’s for his bank account

- By Mark Z. Barabak and Melissa Gomez

The presidenti­al candidate is pinning his hopes on California. So far, he’s getting a shrug.

SAN FRANCISCO — Richard Springwate­r was out grocery shopping this week when he paused near the city’s waterfront to consider Michael R. Bloomberg and his moneygushi­ng run for the White House.

He understand­s why the former New York mayor elbowed his way into the crowded Democratic race: doubts that any of the 17 other candidates are capable of beating President Trump.

But Springwate­r fears that Bloomberg may unsettle the race, handing the nomination to the more left-leaning Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren, thus costing Democrats the White House.

“I’m a little concerned,” said Springwate­r, 68, a retired real estate developer who is deciding between South Bend, Ind., Mayor Pete Buttigieg and New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker.

With his sudden and splashy entry into the race, Bloomberg is pursuing a strategy others have tried and failed at. He’s skipping the mob scene surroundin­g the early contests and putting his effort toward winning victories starting in early March, on so-called Super Tuesday, when more than a dozen states will vote in a coast-to-coast electoral extravagan­za.

None loom as large as California.

The state, which offers the most delegates, is bigger than many countries, with a huge electorate and citizenry not particular­ly attuned to politics. The best way to get known is through television advertisin­g — a lot of it — though the cost is through the roof. That makes it prohibitiv­e for most candidates but not Bloomberg, whose estimated net worth exceeds $54 billion.

Already he has dashed off checks for nearly $40 million in TV spots, about $4 million of it in California, where he has been ubiquitous on the airwaves in recent days.

Still, for all the advertisin­g and hype surroundin­g his candidacy, especially back East, Bloomberg’s announceme­nt barely registered on the state’s political Richter scale.

“I just know he’s a finance guy from New York,” said Michael Paleno, 56, a real estate appraiser from West Los Angeles.

“Never heard of him,” said college student Daniel Pearce, 20, as he hung out at a mall in Riverside.

“Who?” asked Nelby Bustamante, 49, as she sat on a park bench in San Francisco between job interviews.

Vast wealth is what makes the 77-year-old Bloomberg a viable, if longshot, candidate.

It was also the single attribute repeatedly cited in dozens of voter interviews across the state, for reasons good and bad.

Zane Lowry, 27, is leaning toward Massachuse­tts Sen. Warren and Vermont Sen. Sanders in California’s March 3 primary. But he appreciate­s the fact Bloomberg has promised to pay for his campaign with his own money and accept no donations.

“It’s nice to know he’s not necessaril­y beholden to special interests,” Lowry said over morning coffee in Culver City, a sentiment echoed by others.

Ben Garcia sees no problem with Bloomberg running and sinking a fortune into the race; that, he said, is competitio­n.

“The naysayers are claiming he shouldn’t be able to buy the presidency. Says who?” demanded Garcia, 53, an L.A County sheriff ’s administra­tor. “The guy who’s already in the race trying to win the presidency?” An independen­t, Garcia has yet to choose a 2020 candidate.

Others, though, said they detected more than a whiff of arrogance.

California, after all, has a decades-long history of spurning the well-to-do, among them the free-spending gubernator­ial hopefuls Al Checchi and Meg Whitman.

The mere mention of Bloomberg made Inglewood’s Morgan McGlothan put her head in her hands.

“Who cares?” said the 23-year-old barista and self-described progressiv­e. “I’m not even interested in what he has to say. We’re already so far into the race. Get over yourself.”

Jay Brown wasn’t as quick to dismiss Bloomberg, though the billionair­e businessma­n has something to prove before the 72-year-old Democrat would consider voting for him.

“I don’t know anything about him. I just know he’s filthy rich,” said the owner of King of Curls, a black hair and apparel boutique in Sacramento.

Brown continued as portraits of Muhammad Ali, Bob Marley and Malcolm X looked on. “He’s like the super-rich that was here at the beginning of this country,” Brown said, “and he’s still from that line of thinking. So he would have to do something to show that he’s for the people.”

A handful of people cited aspects of Bloomberg’s record as mayor, in particular concerns over the stopand-frisk anti-crime policy that heavily targeted blackand brown-skinned New Yorkers. (He recently apologized.)

“It didn’t really affect the crime rate,” said Rey Camoras, 52, a San Diego software developer, who was visiting downtown Los Angeles while his wife had a medical appointmen­t. “All it did was make the lives of people of color more difficult in the city.” The political independen­t is deciding between Warren and Buttigieg.

A few commended Bloomberg for the many millions of dollars he spent promoting liberal causes, such as gun control and addressing climate change.

Rick Spickelmie­r would like to see him continue those efforts and use his TV ads to weaken the president and help some other Democrat running against him next November.

“My hope is they tend to be more anti-Trump than pro-Bloomberg,” said Spickelmie­r about such ads. The 60-year-old independen­t and self-described middleof-the-roader leans toward former Vice President Joe Biden.

There was plenty more unsolicite­d advice on how Bloomberg could better spend his fortune.

Give, say, a million dollars to some blue-collar worker and he would transform that person’s life completely, said Joel Perales, 34, an independen­t from East Los Angeles who was installing a new fan hood at the Eggslut food stand in Los Angeles’ Grand Central Market. He ruled out Bloomberg in the Democratic primary and is looking instead at Hawaii’s Rep. Tulsi Gabbard.

Up the coast in Ventura, Esther Brombart offered her 2 cents.

The 70-year-old retired preschool teacher, who was visiting from San Diego, dismissed Bloomberg and his extravagan­t candidacy out of hand.

“I just wish his money would go to help the poor, the homeless, the hungry,” she said.

Brombart is sticking with Warren.

Barabak reported from San Francisco and Gomez from Los Angeles and Ventura. Times staff writers Tyrone Beason, Jeff Bercovici, Anita Chabria, Michael Finnegan, Melanie Mason, Seema Mehta and Matt Pearce contribute­d to this report along with Hafsa Fathima and Celina Tebor of the San Diego Union-Tribune.

 ?? Drew Angerer Getty Images ?? MICHAEL BLOOMBERG meets with Virginia House Delegate-elect Nancy Guy on Monday in Norfolk, Va.
Drew Angerer Getty Images MICHAEL BLOOMBERG meets with Virginia House Delegate-elect Nancy Guy on Monday in Norfolk, Va.
 ?? Melanie Mason Los Angeles Times ?? ZANE LOWRY of Culver City likes that Bloomberg’s wealth means he isn’t beholden to special interests.
Melanie Mason Los Angeles Times ZANE LOWRY of Culver City likes that Bloomberg’s wealth means he isn’t beholden to special interests.
 ?? Mark Z. Barabak Los Angeles Times ?? RICHARD SPRINGWATE­R of San Francisco fears Bloomberg may cost Democrats the White House.
Mark Z. Barabak Los Angeles Times RICHARD SPRINGWATE­R of San Francisco fears Bloomberg may cost Democrats the White House.

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