Los Angeles Times

Don’t ignore that red flag


Dear Amy: I casually dated two men at the same time: One man is my age (early 50s), and another man is 20 years older.

When my mom got sick and my workload increased, I told each man that I needed to focus on other things and asked for space.

The younger man respected my request and for the last several months has sent me an occasional text or phone call to say hello, which is fine with me.

The other man was texting me every day.

I found it annoying and rarely responded. Eventually I wrote him a letter making it clear that I do not want a romantic relationsh­ip and would like to be friends, but that can only happen if he backs off. He continues to send me at least one text every day, which goes unanswered.

My mother is now stable, and I am ready to start dating again.

The guy who texts every day tells me he loves me and that he just wants me in his life. He’s not a terrible guy; he’s generally kind and makes a good living.

Is it possible that he is being chivalrous and this is his way of fighting for me?

Or is this a red f lag hitting me in the face?

Dear Dater: If you have to ask if something is a red flag, then it IS a red flag.

Stalkers, boundarycr­ossers, or obsessed lovelorn or love-struck people often believe they are being chivalrous. But there is nothing chivalrous about disrespect­ing someone’s stated wishes. True chivalry involves being willing to sacrifice your own wishes and desires for someone else’s sake.

This man is of an older generation, and he may not fully understand how annoying it can be to receive unwanted texts, but telling a woman that you love her after she has asked you to back off is not a Hallmark movie; it’s a Lifetime movie.

Meanwhile, there’s a perfectly nice guy close to your age who is respecting your wishes. Hmmm. It’s your call.

Dear Amy: I am a 66-yearold man — recently remarried.

My wife has three grown daughters, ages 33, 31, and 29 (none are married).

She has a codependen­t relationsh­ip with all three daughters.

They know how to manipulate her, and she seems to need to allow it. This has put a tremendous strain on our marriage.

Less than a year into our marriage, we separated and are close to divorcing.

Neither of us seems to want to divorce, but unless things change it seems inevitable.

We have sought counseling, where she admits this and vows to change but never follows through.

Your advice? Married but Soon Single

Dear Soon Single: Grownups need to be allowed to grow up. And your wife’s over-involvemen­t is likely impeding her daughters’ growth and independen­ce, which might be her actual (but unspoken) goal.

If she wanted to be in a robust and healthy marriage with you, your wife would put the marriage at the center and engage with her daughters lovingly but not exclusivel­y while they orbit.

That having been said, if she can’t or won’t adjust her behavior, you will either have to accept being a satellite in this family system or exit it altogether.

Send questions to Amy Dickinson by email to ask amy@amydickins­on.com.

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