Los Angeles Times

The articles of impeachmen­t

These damning documents show the president should be impeached and his case moved to the Senate.

- Resident Trump’s

Pmyriad abuses of power could easily provide the basis for several articles of impeachmen­t. But on Tuesday House Democrats unveiled only two, both related to Trump’s unconscion­able attempt to pressure Ukraine to announce investigat­ions that would benefit him politicall­y.

Even if you think the bill of particular­s should be longer — and this page has suggested a possible additional article of impeachmen­t based on Trump’s efforts to thwart the investigat­ion of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III — the two that the House has drafted fully justify the grave step of impeachmen­t. In this case, two is enough.

The first article alleges that Trump abused the power of his office when he “solicited the interferen­ce of a foreign power, Ukraine, in the 2020 United States presidenti­al election.” Specifical­ly, Trump attempted to have Ukraine publicly besmirch former Vice President Joe Biden, a potential rival in the 2020 presidenti­al race, and shore up a conspiracy theory that Ukraine, not Russia, hacked Democratic Party emails during the 2016 presidenti­al campaign.

Moreover, the first article persuasive­ly argues that Trump conditione­d “official United States government acts of significan­t value to Ukraine” — a White House meeting for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the release of $391 million of congressio­nally appropriat­ed security aid — on a public announceme­nt by Ukraine of the investigat­ions Trump wanted.

The second article accuses Trump of obstructin­g Congress by ordering “the unpreceden­ted, categorica­l and indiscrimi­nate defiance of subpoenas issued by the House of Representa­tives” pursuant to its power of impeachmen­t.

By emphasizin­g that the defiance by the White House was “categorica­l” and “indiscrimi­nate,” the drafters of the article have anticipate­d an argument by Trump’s defenders that he has the right to assert privilege to block the testimony of key advisors. The White House has claimed testimonia­l immunity for former deputy national security advisor Charles M. Kupperman, who asked a federal court to rule on whether he must comply with a House subpoena.

But Trump has gone far beyond asserting executive privilege in narrow cases. Rather, he has refused across the board to cooperate with an investigat­ion that his White House counsel has dismissed as a “purported ‘impeachmen­t inquiry’” and a “charade.”

It’s fortunate that several officials disregarde­d the White House’s warnings not to cooperate and testified in detail to the existence of the corrupt scheme described in the first article of impeachmen­t. But that doesn’t excuse the president’s obstructio­n.

No doubt the Democrats confined the articles of impeachmen­t to the Ukraine scandal for political reasons. They fear a Mueller-related article could complicate the reelection prospects of some Democrats in competitiv­e districts by making it easier for Trump to argue that the current impeachmen­t effort is a sequel to what he calls the “Russia hoax.” It’s also worth rememberin­g that it wasn’t until the revelation­s about Trump’s improper approach to Ukraine that some Democrats — including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) — warmed to the idea of an impeachmen­t inquiry.

Still, no one should think that these two articles exhaust the case against Trump, whose contempt for the rule of law and for the norms of governance seem to lead him regularly to the brink of what’s acceptable — and beyond.

But with their careful and damning explicatio­n of the Ukraine scandal, the articles more than suffice to justify his impeachmen­t.

 ?? Pablo Martinez Monsivais Associated Press ?? IMPEACHMEN­T: House Democrats proposed two articles of impeachmen­t.
Pablo Martinez Monsivais Associated Press IMPEACHMEN­T: House Democrats proposed two articles of impeachmen­t.

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