Los Angeles Times

Rethinking how to tax pot


It’s been three years since California­ns voted to legalize marijuana, but the state is still struggling to figure out the right levels of regulation, taxation and enforcemen­t to apply. The sweet spot remains elusive.

The black market in marijuana continues to thrive. The amount of tax revenue is a fraction of what proponents of legalizati­on predicted. And legal shops complain they’re being undercut by unlicensed competitor­s who ignore testing and safety requiremen­ts.

State lawmakers will consider slashing marijuana taxes in 2020 to help legal sellers compete with unlicensed operators. But now another option has been floated that should be seriously considered: Replacing the taxes on the sale and cultivatio­n of marijuana with one tied to the potency of the product.

Pegging the tax on a cannabis product to its level of THC — the compound in marijuana that makes users high — wouldn’t necessaril­y cut the price of legal pot. Rather, the goal of a potency tax would be to discourage the use of high-THC products, which are associated with the greatest health risks.

Propositio­n 64, which legalized marijuana, imposed state taxes on commercial cultivatio­n and sales. But the initiative also directed the state Legislativ­e Analyst’s Office to report to lawmakers by January 2020 on how the state should adjust the tax rates to address critical goals: how to undercut the illicit market, discourage underage use and raise enough revenue for enforcemen­t, research and public health programs. It is the LAO that has recommende­d a potency tax.

There is a tension among the state’s goals, however. Public health experts have long recommende­d treating marijuana like tobacco and alcohol: a legal product subject to regulation­s and high taxes that deter excessive use. But industry representa­tives and some lawmakers argue that the state’s top priority right now should be quashing the huge illicit market. After all, taxing THC to discourage harmful use is pointless if California­ns continue to buy marijuana tax-free from the black market. Illicit shops pose another risk: untested and unregulate­d products. Many vaping-related illnesses have been tracked back to illicit cannabis vape products.

The booming black market is a real concern. There are about three unlicensed pot outlets for every one licensed operator in California, according to one industry group analysis. Consumers continue to buy lots of pot from illegal businesses, and one reason is the steep state and local taxes that can add 50% to the price of the product in legal shops. The price gap between legal and illegal shops is only going to get bigger, too, because the state is raising cannabis taxes on Jan. 1.

High taxes aren’t the only reason the black market persists. Fewer than 20% of California cities allow retail shops to sell marijuana for recreation­al use. Just one-third of California­ns live in areas with at least one licensed adult-use pot shop, according to the LAO. (However, new state regulation­s that allow licensed delivery service into all cities will mean 90% of adults will have access to legal pot.) It’s also clear that state and local enforcemen­t agencies should be working harder to shut down illicit operators.

Lawmakers have a tough balancing act in 2020 as they consider cutting or restructur­ing marijuana taxes. There are good reasons to adjust the tax structure, either temporaril­y or permanentl­y. But public health and harm prevention should be front and center in any cannabis tax debate.

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