Los Angeles Times



After countless promises and attempts to restrict immigratio­n, 2019 may be remembered as the year in which President Trump got closest to fulfilling his central campaign pledge.

As the numbers of migrants arriving at the U.S. southern border reached their highest levels in more than a decade, peaking this spring before dropping precipitou­sly, Trump and his officials targeted immigratio­n, aiming to block asylum seekers and refugees.

“Our country is full,” Trump said in an April visit to Calexico, Calif. “Can’t take you anymore, I’m sorry.”

Since January, under one policy alone, U.S. officials have forced more than 55,000 asylum seekers back to Mexico to await court hearings in the United States.

Officials termed the program the Migrant Protection Protocols, rejecting mounting evidence that Trump’s policy puts asylum seekers at risk of rape, kidnapping and death in Mexican border cities that rank among the most dangerous in the world, according to the U.S. State Department.

Judges, lawyers, advocates, lawmakers and current and former officials — including asylum officers and senior Homeland Security Department leadership — say that the policy appears to be violating the law.

Some asylum officers nationwide have resisted and outright refused to implement the policy. Meanwhile, the White House is pushing Border Patrol agents — who are law enforcemen­t personnel — to take over asylum interviews, believing it will lead to fewer applicants being approved.

The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has allowed the administra­tion to rapidly expand the Migrant Protection Protocols — across the entirety of the U.S.Mexico border, to virtually any nationalit­y, and including vulnerable groups like pregnant women — while it weighs a final decision on its legality.

At the same time, another roughly 20,000 migrants and asylum seekers are waiting at ports of entry across the border, delayed by U.S. officials from making their initial claim, some for six months or more, in a practice known as metering.

Tens of thousands of asylum seekers and migrants in limbo in Mexico have added to a combustibl­e political scenario for President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador. He promised to stand up for migrants but has lent unpreceden­ted security cooperatio­n to the Trump administra­tion to crack down on migration, despite Trump’s threats and record homicides in Mexico.

In fact, Mexicans are steadily supplantin­g Central Americans coming to the border to seek asylum. With the administra­tion setting a refugee cap of 18,000 in 2020, the lowest level in 50 years, Mexicans are one of the few groups left with a legal avenue — however narrow — to seek protection in the United States.

Toward the end of the year, in the face of ongoing litigation, the administra­tion began implementi­ng a new rule that effectivel­y ends asylum at the southern border for everyone except Mexicans.

Virtually any migrant who passes through another country and does not seek asylum there first before arriving at the border is ineligible for protection in the United States, whether Central American or African. Trump officials followed the rule with controvers­ial asylum agreements with El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

Trump aides acknowledg­e that the policies are designed to urge asylum seekers to give up on their claims and go home, and deter others from coming.

Several of the administra­tion’s most sweeping changes to the U.S. immigratio­n system have been partially or fully blocked by the courts: ending protection­s for unaccompan­ied minors, enabling the government to detain them indefinite­ly; expanding expedited deportatio­ns to virtually anywhere in the country, potentiall­y forcing even U.S. citizens to carry proof; and prohibitin­g green-card holders and other immigrants from accessing a range of public benefits, including for their U.S. citizen children.

But taking together the policies targeting asylum at the southern border, Trump has made good on his signature campaign slogan — to “Build a wall,” albeit a virtual one.

Despite declaring a national emergency in February to direct billions in military constructi­on money and other federal funds toward a physical border barrier, as of mid-December, the Trump administra­tion had yet to add a single new linear mile, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. The existing total of roughly 650 miles was built and funded under his predecesso­rs.

Trump also deployed thousands of active-duty U.S. military to the border to respond to what he termed a migrant “invasion.” Nearly 2,500 remain posted in the Southwest despite what is now a roughly 70% drop in the number of migrants apprehende­d at the border since a high of nearly 133,000 in May.

In August, a shooter echoed the president’s “invasion” rhetoric in a manifesto and said he was targeting Latinos when he killed 22 people in El Paso, according to law enforcemen­t.

Trump hasn’t stopped using heated rhetoric toward asylum seekers and making big claims on immigratio­n and border security. Still, threats to “dump” migrants in so-called sanctuary cities in California or designate Mexican cartels as terrorist groups have proved empty.

But with a record number of vacancies in Homeland Security Department leadership following a purge of top officials to go in a “tougher” direction, and hardliner Stephen Miller still holding the president’s ear despite emails demonstrat­ing ties to white supremecis­t ideology, Trump is likely to try and make 2020 — a presidenti­al election year — his most successful yet toward being able to say, as he put it in May: “We’re closed!”

 ?? Gary Coronado Los Angeles Times ?? President Trump said in an April visit to Calexico, Calif. “Can’t take you anymore, I’m sorry.”
Gary Coronado Los Angeles Times President Trump said in an April visit to Calexico, Calif. “Can’t take you anymore, I’m sorry.”
 ?? Carolyn Cole Los Angeles Times ?? A HAITIAN MAN with children wades across the Rio Grande in Del Rio, Texas. Migrants who pass through another country and do not seek asylum there first before arriving at the U.S. border are ineligible for asylum.
Carolyn Cole Los Angeles Times A HAITIAN MAN with children wades across the Rio Grande in Del Rio, Texas. Migrants who pass through another country and do not seek asylum there first before arriving at the U.S. border are ineligible for asylum.
 ?? Gary Coronado Los Angeles Times ?? BORDER PATROL agents detain migrants in Imperial, Calif., in January. The White House is pushing Border Patrol agents to take over asylum interviews, believing it will lead to fewer applicants being approved.
Gary Coronado Los Angeles Times BORDER PATROL agents detain migrants in Imperial, Calif., in January. The White House is pushing Border Patrol agents to take over asylum interviews, believing it will lead to fewer applicants being approved.

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