Los Angeles Times

The Supreme Court’s 2020 dilemma

- Erwin Chemerinsk­y is dean of the UC Berkeley School of Law and a contributi­ng writer to Opinion. By Erwin Chemerinsk­y

Will the Supreme Court stand up to the Trump administra­tion in 2020? This question is enormously important, affecting the lives of many, as well as the future of constituti­onal democracy in the United States.

President Trump has taken legal positions unlike those of any other president, treading into dangerous territory far beyond what the Constituti­on allows. But will any of the five conservati­ve justices on the court be willing to join with the four liberal justices and say he has gone too far?

Take his cancellati­on of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program, an action that puts more than 700,000 so-called Dreamers at risk of deportatio­n. President Obama created DACA to allow immigrants brought to the United States as children to continue to live and work here as long as they meet certain criteria, such as completing school or serving in the military and staying out of serious trouble with the law.

This should be an easy case for the court. An administra­tive action — in this case, canceling a program that covers hundreds of thousands of U.S. residents — requires an articulate­d, legitimate reason. Every lower court to consider President Trump’s action, regardless of whether the judge was appointed by a Democrat or a Republican, has held that there was no basis for rescinding DACA. But the oral arguments before the Supreme Court on Nov. 12 provided little ground for optimism that one of the conservati­ve justices will join the liberals in ruling against Trump.

Another cause for concern is three looming cases, to be argued in March, in which Trump is claiming unpreceden­ted immunity from subpoenas.

The issue in one of them, Trump vs. Vance, is a state court grand jury subpoena for eight years of Trump’s business and personal records in connection with an investigat­ion of money paid during the 2016 campaign to Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal. Trump sued in federal court to keep his accounting firm, Mazars USA, from turning over his financial records.

The federal district court ruled against him and the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed that decision.

A second case, Trump vs. Mazars USA, involves a subpoena by the House Oversight and Reform Committee, which is investigat­ing the same payments, as well as Trump’s financial involvemen­t with Russian companies and the accuracy of financial statements he made to obtain loans and reduce taxes. The district court ruled against Trump and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia affirmed the ruling.

The final case, Trump vs. Deutsche Bank AG, involves subpoenas from the House Financial Services and Intelligen­ce committees directed at two financial institutio­ns that did business with Trump, Deutsche Bank and Capital One. Once more Trump went to court to block the subpoenas, but lost in both the district court and the 2nd Circuit.

These, too, should be easy cases. Trump is claiming that he and those with whom he does business are all immune from subpoenas. The Supreme Court unanimousl­y rejected that propositio­n in United States vs. Nixon in 1974. The Watergate special prosecutor subpoenaed tapes of White House conversati­ons to use in the prosecutio­n of those who had been involved in the Watergate cover-up. President Nixon claimed that executive privilege protected the tapes from disclosure and that the courts could not enforce a subpoena against the president.

The court, in an opinion by Nixon appointee Chief Justice Warren E. Burger, explicitly rejected these arguments and held that the president had to comply with the subpoenas. Nixon then produced the tapes, which showed he had engaged in obstructio­n of justice. Just days after the release of the tapes, Nixon resigned.

If the court rules in favor of Trump in the current cases, it would be effectivel­y saying that the president is above the law, even for actions that occurred prior to taking office. Such a ruling would irreparabl­y damage the checks and balances integral to separation of powers under the Constituti­on.

So far, the Supreme Court has a mixed record on standing up to the Trump administra­tion. In Trump vs. Hawaii in 2018, the court upheld

Trump’s travel ban in a 5-4 vote, despite overwhelmi­ng evidence that the order was motivated by a desire to ban Muslims from the country. But in Department of Commerce vs. New York, the justices voted 5 to 4 to keep the Trump administra­tion from adding a question about citizenshi­p to the 2020 census forms. In both cases, Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. was seen as the swing vote.

Roberts is likely to be key in the 2020 cases involving Trump as well. Many have said that he cares greatly about the court’s credibilit­y. The hope is that he will realize that ruling in favor of the Trump administra­tion in these cases would not only fly in the face of establishe­d precedent; it would also make the court seem highly partisan and strike a serious blow to its institutio­nal legitimacy. But Roberts is deeply conservati­ve, and the critical question for 2020 will be whether he — or any of the conservati­ve justices — can put partisansh­ip aside and say no to Trump.

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